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object:3.09 - Of Silence and Secrecy
author class:Aleister Crowley
subject class:Occultism
book class:Liber ABA



Of Silence and Secrecy:
and of the Barbarous Names of Evocation
It is found by experience (confirming the statement of Zoroaster)1
that the most potent conjurations are those in an ancient and
perhaps forgotten language, or even those couched in a corrupt and
possibly always meaningless jargon. Of these there are several
main types. The preliminary invocation in the Gotia consists
principally of corruptions of Greek and Egyptian names.2 For
example, we find Osorronophris for Asar Un-Nefer.3 The conjurations given by Dr. Dee (vide Equinox I (8)) are in a language called
Angelic, or Enochian. Its source has hitherto baffled research, but it
is a language and not a jargon, for it possesses a structure of its own,
and there are traces of grammar and syntax.
However this may be, it works. Even the beginner finds that
things happen when he uses it: and this is an advantageor
disadvantage!shared by no other type of language. The rest need
skill. This needs Prudence!
The Egyptian Invocations are much purer, but their meaning has
not been sufficiently studied by persons magically competent. We
posses a number of Invocations in Greek of every degree of
excellence; in Latin but few, and those of inferior quality. It will be
[69] noted that in every case the conjurations are very sonorous, and
there is a certain magical voice in which they should be recited.
This special voice was a natural gift of the Master Therion; but it can
be taughtto the right people.4

1. [Chaldan Oracles, fragment 155 in Westcott and Cory. Westcott gives: Change
not the barbarous Names of Evocation for there are sacred Names in every
language which are given by God, having in the Sacred Rites a Power Ineffable.]
2. [See for example H.D. Betz (ed.), The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation.]
3. See Appendix IV, Liber Samekh; this is an edition of this Invocation, with an
elaborate Rubric, translation, scholia, and instruction.
4. [A recording of Crowley reciting the first two Enochian Keys and their English
translations is extant, and has been released on a CD titled The Great Beast Speaks.]



Various considerations impelled Him to attempt conjurations in
the English language. There already existed on example, the charm
of the witches in Macbeth; although this was perhaps not meant
seriously, its effect is indubitable.1
He has found iambic tetrameters enriched with many rimes both
internal and external very useful. The Wizard Way (Equinox I (1))
gives a good idea of the sort of thing. So does the Evocation of
Bartzabel in Equinox I (9). There are many extant invocations
throughout his works, in many kinds of metre, of many kinds of
being, and for many kinds of purpose. (See Appendix I).
Other methods of incantation are on record as efficacious. For
instance Frater I.A.,2 when a child, was told that he could invoke the
devil by repeating the Lords Prayer backwards. He went into the
garden and did so. The Devil appeared, and almost scared him out
of his life.
It is therefore no quite certain in what the efficacy of conjurations
really lies. The peculiar mental excitement required may even be
aroused by the perception of the absurdity of the process, and the
persistence in it, as when once FRATER PERDURABO (at the end of
His magical resources) recited From Greenlands Icy Mountains,
and obtained His result.3
It may be conceded in any cases that the long strings of formidable words which roar and moan through so many conjurations
have a real effect in exalting the consciousness of the Magician to
the proper pitch that they should do so is no more extraordinary
than that music of any kind should do so.
Magicians have not confined themselves to the use of the human
voice. The Pan-pipe with its seven stops, corresponding to the
seven planets, the bull-roarer, the tom-tom, and even the violin,
have all been used, as well as many others, of which the most [70]
important is the bell,4 though this is used not so much for actual
conjuration as to mark stages in the ceremony. Of all these the tomtom will be found to be the most generally useful.

1. A true poet cannot help revealing himsef and the truth of things in his art,
whether he be aware of what he is writing, or no.
2. [Iehi Aur (Heb., let there be light); Allan Bennett, a G.D. adept who became a
Buddhist monk.]
3. See Eleusis, A. Crowley, Collected Works, Vol. III Epilogue.
4. See Part II. It should be said that in experience no bell save His own Tibetan
bell of Electrum Magicum has ever sounded satisfactory to the Master Therion.
Most bells jar and repel.



While on the subject of barbarous names of evocation we should
not omit the utterance of certain supreme words which enshrine ()
the complete formula of the God invoked, or () the whole ceremony.
Examples of the former kind are Tetragrammaton, I.A.O., and
An example of the latter kind is the great word StiBeTTChePhMeFShiSS, which is a line drawn on the Tree of Life (Coptic
attri butions) in a certain manner.1
With all such words it is of the utmost importance that they
should never be spoken until the supreme moment and even then
they should burst from the Magician almost despite himselfso
great should be his reluctance2 to utter them. In fact, they should
be the utterance of the God in him at the first onset of the divine
possession. So uttered, they cannot fail of effect, for they have
become the effect.
Every wise magician will have constructed (according to the
principles of the Holy Qabalah) many such words, and he should
have quintessentialised them all in one Word, which last Word,
once he has formed it, he should never utter consciously even in
thought, until perhaps with it he gives up the ghost. Such a Word
should in fact be so potent that man cannot hear it and live.
Such a word was indeed the lost Tetragrammaton.3 It is said that
at the utterance of this name the Universe crashes into dissolution.
Let the Magician earnestly seek this Lost Word, for its pronunciation is synonymous with the accomplishment of the Great Work.
In this matter of the efficacy of words there are again two
formul exactly opposite in nature. A word may become potent
and terrible by virtue of constant repetition. At first the statement
So and so is God excites no interest. Continue, and you meet
scorn and scepticism: possibly persecution. Continue, and the
controversy has so far died out that no one troubles to contradict
your assertion.
No superstition is so dangerous and so lively as an exploded

1. It represents the descent of a certain Influence. See the Evocation of
Taphthartharath, Equinox I (3). The attri butions are given in 777 [Col. LI]. This
Word expresses the current Kether [#] Beth [b] Binah []] Cheth [q]
Geburah [v] Mem [m] Hod [f] Shin [s] Malkuth [c], the descent from 1 to 10
via the Pillar of Severity.
2. This reluctance is Freudian,due to the power of these words to awaken the
suppressed subconscious libido.
3. The Master Therion has received this Word; it is communicated by Him to the
proper postulants, and the proper time and place, in the proper circumstances.



superstition. The newspapers of to-day (written and edited almost
exclusively by men without a spark of religion or morality) dare not
hint that any one disbelieves in the ostensibly prevailing cult; they
deplore Atheismall but universal in practice and implicit in the
theory of practically all intelligent peopleas if it were the eccentricity of a few negligible or objectionable persons. This is the ordinary story of advertisement; the sham has exactly the same chance as
the real. Persistence is the only quality required for success.
The opposite formula is that of secrecy. An idea is perpetuated
because it must never be mentioned. A Freemason never forgets the
secret words entrusted to him, though these words mean absolutely
nothing to him, in the vast majority of cases; the only reason for this
is that he has been forbidden to mention them, although they have
been published again and again, and as are accessible to the profane
at to the initiate.
In such a work of practical Magick as the preaching of a new
Law, these methods may be advantageously combined; on the one [72]
hand infinite frankness and readiness to communicate all secrets; on
the other the sublime and terrible knowledge that all real secrets are
It is, according to tradition, a certain advantage in conjurations to
employ more than one language. In all probability the reason of
this is that any change spurs the flagging attention. A man engages
in intense mental labour will frequently stop andwalk up and down
the roomone may suppose for this cause but it is a sign of
weakness that this should be necessary. For the beginner in Magick,
however, it is permissible2 to employ any device to secure the result.
Conjurations should be recited, not read;3 and the entire ceremony
should be so perfectly performed that one is hardly conscious of any
effort of memory. The ceremony should be constructed with such

1. If this were not the case, individuality would not be inviolable. No man can
communicate even the simplest thought to any other man in any full and accurate
sense. For that thought is sown in a different soil, and cannot produce an identical
effect. I cannot put a spot of red upon two pictures without altering each in diverse
ways. It might have little effect on a sunset by Turner, but much on a nocturne by
Whistler. The identity of the two spots as spots would thus be fallacious.
2. This is not to say that it is advisible. O how shameful is human weakness! But
it does encourage oneit is useless to deny itto be knocked down by a Demon of
whose existence one was not really quite sure.
3. Even this is for the weaker brethren. The really great Magus speaks and acts
improntu and extempore.



logical fatality that a mistake is impossible.1 The conscious ego of
the Magician is to be destroyed to be absorbed in that of the God
whom he invokes, and the process should not interfere with the
automaton who is performing the ceremony.
But this ego of which it is here spoken is the true ultimate ego.
The automaton should posses will, energy, intelligence, reason and
[73] resource. This automaton should be the perfect man far more than
any other man can be. It is only the divine self within the man, a self
as far above the possession of will or any other qualities whatsoever
as the heavens are high above the earth, that should reabsorb itself
into that illimitable radiance of which it is a spark.2
The great difficulty for the single Magician is so to perfect himself
that these three multifarious duties of the Ritual are adequately
performed. At first he will find that the exaltation destroys memory
and paralyses muscle. This is an essential difficulty of the magical
process, and can ony be overcome by practice and experience.3
In order to aid concentration, and to increase the supply of
Energy, it has been customary for the Magician to employ assistants
or colleages. It is doubtful whether the obvious advantages of this
plan compensate the difficulty of procuring suitable persons,4 and
the chance of a conflict of will or a misunderstanding in the circle
itself. On one occasion FRATER PERDURABO was disobeyed by an
assistant; and had it not been for His promptitude in using the
physical compulsion of the sword, it is probable that the circle would
have been broken. As it was, the affair fortunately terminated in
nothing more serious than the destruction of the culprit.
However, than is no doubt that an assemblage of persons who
really are in harmony can much more easily produce an effect than a
magician working by himself. The psychology of Revival meetings

1. First-rate poetry is easily memorized because the ideas and the musical values
correspond to mans mental and sensory structure.
2. This is said of the partial or lesser Works of Magick. This is an elementary
treatise; one cannot discuss higher Works as for example those of The Hermit of
sopus Island. [A working in 1918 in which Crowley recovered memories of
previous incarnations. Only parts of the record are known to survive.]
3. See The Book of Lies; there are several chapters on this subject. But Right
Exaltation should produce spontaneously the proper mental and physical
reactions. As soon as the development is secured, there will be automatic reflex
justesse, exactly as in normal affairs mind and body respond with free
unconscious rightness to the Will.
4. The organic development of Magick in the world due to the creative Will of
the Master Therion makes it with every year that passes easier to find scientifically
trained co-workers.



will be familiar to almost every one, and though such meetings1 are [74]
the foulest and most degraded rituals of black magic, the laws of
Magick are not thereby suspended. The laws of Magick are the
laws of Nature.
A singular and world-famous example of this is of sufficiently
recent date to be fresh in the memory of many people now living.
At a nigger camp meeting in United States of America, these
pseudo-human brutesmany of them scarcely superior to their
white neighbourswere worked up2 to such a pitch of excitement
that the whole assembly developed a furious form of hysteria. The
comparatively intelligible cries of Glory and Hallelujah no
longer expressed the situation. Somebody screamed out Ta-ra-rabomm-de-ay!, and this was taken up by the whole meeting and
yelled continuously, until reaction set in. The whole affair got into
the papers, and some particularly bright disciple of John Stuart Mill,
logician and economist, thought that these words, having set one set
of fools crazy, might do the same to all the other fools in the world.
He accordingly wrote a song, and produced the desired result. This
is the most notorious example in recent times of the power exerted
by a barbarous name of evocation.
A few words may be useful to reconcile the general notion of
Causality with that of Magick. How can we be sure that a person
waving a stick and howling thereby produces thunderstorms? In
no other way than that familiar to Science; we not that whenever we
put a lighted match to dry gunpowder, an unintelligibly arbitrary
phenomenon, that of sound, is observed; and so forth.
We need not dwell upon this point; but it seems worth while to
answer one of the objections to the possibility of Magick, chosing
one which is at first sight of an obviously fatal character. It is
convenient to quote verbatim from the Diary3 of a very
distinguished Magician and philosopher.4

1. See, for an account of properly-conducted congregational ceremonial, Equinox
I (9), Energized Enthusiasm [Liber 811], and Equinox III (1), Liber XV, Ecclesi
Gnostic Catholic Canon Miss [also Appendix VI, p. 317 of this book]. The
Revival meetings here in question were deliberate exploitations of religious
hysteria by knavish or fanatical adherent of the Slave-Gods, who flourished in the
days when this Book was written.
2. [The first print edition has of America, devotees were worked up]
3. In a later entry we read that the diarist has found a similar train of argument
in Space, Time and Gravitation, page 51. He was much encouraged by the
confirmation of his thesis in so independent a system of thought.
4. [Need it be said that Crowley means himself?]



I have noticed that the effect of a Magical Work has followed
it so closely that it must have been started before the time of
the Word. E.g. I work tonight to make X in Paris write to
me. I get the letter the next morning, so it must have been
written before the Work. Does this deny that the Work
caused the effect?
If I strike a billiard-ball, and it moves, both my will and
its motion are due to causes long antecedent to the act. I
may consider both my Work and its reaction as twin effects
of the eternal Universe. The moved arm and ball are parts of
a state of the Cosmos which resulted necessarily from its
momentarily previous state, and so, back for ever.
Thus, my Magical Work is only one of the cause-effects
necessarily concomitant with the cause-effects which set the
ball in motion. I may therefore regard the act of striking as a
cause-effect of my original Will to move the ball, though
necessarily previous to its motion. But the case of magical
Work is not quite analogous. For my nature is such that I
am compelled to perform Magick in order to make my will
to prevail; so that the cause of my doing the Work is also the
cause of the balls motion, and there is no reason why one
should precede the other. (Cf. Lewis Carroll, where the Red
Queen screams before she pricks her finger).1
Let me illustrate the theory by an actual example.
I write from Italy to a man in France and another in
Australia on the same day, telling them to join me. Both
arrive ten days later; the first in answer to my letter, which
he received, the second on his own initiative, as it would
seem. But I summoned him because I wanted him; and I
wanted him because he was my representative; and his
intelligence made him resolve to join me because it judged
rightly that the situation (so far as he knew it) was such as to
make me desire his presence.
The same cause, therefore, which made me write to him
mde him come to me; and though it would be improper to
say that the writing of the letter was the direct cause of his
arrival, it is evident that if I had not written I should have
been different from what I actually am, and therefore my
relations with him would have been otherwise than they are.

1. [The reference is to Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there.]



In this sense, therefore, the letter and the journey are causally
One cannot go farther, and say that in this case I ought to
write the letter even if he had arrived before I did so; for it is
a part of the whole set of circumstances that I do not use a
crowbar on an open door.
The conclusion is that one should do ones Will without
lust of result. If one is working in accordance with the laws
of ones own nature, one is doing right; and no such Work
can be criticised as useless, even in cases of the character
here discussed. So long as ones Will prevails, there is no
cause for complaint.
To abandon ones Magick would shew lack of self-confidence in ones powers, and doubt as to ones inmost faith in
the Self and in Nature.1 Of course one changes ones methods
as experience indicates; but there is no need to change them
on any such ground as the above.
Further, the argument here set forth disposes of the need
to explain the modus operandi of Magick. A successful operation does not involve any theory soever, not even that of
the existence of causality itself. The whole set of phenomena
may be conceived as single.
For instance, if I see a star (as it was years ago) I need not
assume causal relations as existing between it, the earth, and
myself. The connexion exists; I can predicate nothing beyond
that. Similarly, when I do Magick, it is in vain to inquire
why I so act, or why the desired result does or does not
follow. Nor can I know how the previous and subsequent
conditions are connected. At most I can describe the consciousness which I interpret as a picture of the facts, and
make empirical generalizations of the superficial aspects of
the case.
Thus, I have my own personal impressions of the act of
telephoning; but I cannot be aware what consciousness, electricity, mechanics, sound, etc., actually are in themselves.

1. I.e., on the grounds that one cannot understand how Magick can produce the
desired effects. For if one possesses the inclination to do Magick, it is evidence of a
tendency in ones Nature. Nobody understands fully how the mind moves the
muscles; but we know that lack of confindence on this point means paralysis. If
the Sun and Moon should doubt, Theyd immediately go out, as Blake said. Also,
as I said myself, Who hath the How is careless of the Why.




And although I can appeal to experience to lay down laws
as to what conditions accompany the act, I can never be sure
that they have always been, or ever will again be, identical.
(In fact, it is certain that an event can never occur twice in
precisely the same circumstances.)1
Further, my laws must always take nearly all the more
important elements of knowledge for granted. I cannot
sayfinallyhow an electric current is generated. I cannot
be sure that some totally unsuspected force is not at work in
some entirely arbitrary way. For example, it was formerly
supposed that Hydrogen and Chlorine would unite when an
electric spark was passed through the mixture; now we
know2 that the presence of a minute quantity of aqueous
vapour (or some tertium quid3) is essential to the reaction.
We formulated before the days of Ross the laws of
malarial fever, without reference to the mosquito; we might
discover one day that the germ is only active when certain
events are transpiring in some nebula,4 or when so
apparently inert a substance as Argon is present in the air in
certain proportions.
We may therefore admit quite cheerfully that Magick is
as mysterious as mathematics, as empirical as poetry, as
uncertain as golf, and as dependent on the personal equation
as Love.
That is no reason why we should not study, practice, and
enjoy it; for it is a Science in exactly the same sense as
biology; it is no les an Art than Sculpture, and it is a Sport as
much as Mountaineering.
Indeed, there seems to be no undue presumption in urging
that no Science possesses equal possibilities of deep and
important Knowledge;5 that no Art offers such opportunities

1. If it did so, how could we call it duplex?
2. Frater Perdurabos experiments under Professor Hughes of Eastbourne college.
[This note omitted in first print edition, probably due to its obscurity. Crowley
mentions his work as a laboratory assistant under Professor Hughes in 1892 briefly
in Confessions, cap. 9 of Symonds & Grant edition.]
3. [Lat., approx third thing.]
4. The history of the Earth is included in the period of some such relation; so that
we cannot possibly be sure that we may deny: Malarial fever is a function of the
precession of the Equinoxes.
5. Magick is less liable to lead to error than any other Science, because its terms
are interchangeable, by definition, so that it is based on relativity from the start.



to the ambition of the Soul to express its Truth, in Ecstasy,
through Beauty; and that no Sport rivals its fascinations of
danger and delight, so excites, exercises, and tests its
devotees to the uttermost, or so rewards them by well-being,
pride, and the passionate pleasures of personal triumph.
Magick takes every thought and act for its apparatus; it
has the Universe for its Library and its Laboratory; all
Nature is its Subject; and its Game, free from close seasons
and protective restrictions, always abounds in infinite
variety, being all that exists.1
No man but must, will he nill he, be a Magician; his
personal problem is thiswhe ther he rank with Lydia
Pinkham or Sir William Thomson, Lord Leighton or Franz
Hals, Tartarin of Tarascon or Oscar Eckenstein.
My own intense absorption in Magick has not prevented
We run no risk of asserting absolute propositions. Furthermore we make our
measurements in terms of the object measured, thus avoding the absurdity of
defining metaphysical ideas by mutable standards, (cf. Eddington, Space, Time and
Gravitation, Prologue) of being forced to attri bute the qualities of human consciousness to inanimate things (Poincar, La mesure du temps) and of asserting that we
know anything of the universe in itself, though the nature of our senses and of our
minds necessarily determines our observations, so that the limit of our knowledge
is subjective, just as a thermometer can record nothing but its own reactions to one
particular type of Energy.
Magick recognizes frankly (1) that truth is relative, subjective, and apparent; (2)
that Truth implies Omniscience, which is unattainable by mind, being transfinite;
just as if one tried to make an exact map of England in England, that map must
contain a map of the map, and so on, ad infinitum; (3) that logical contradiction is
inherent in reason (Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, p. 136; Crowley,
Eleusis, and elsewhere); (4) that a Continuum requires a Continuum to be
commensurable with it; (5) that Empiricism is ineluctable, and therefore that
adjustment is the only possible method of action; and (6) that error may be avoided
by opposing no resistence to change, and registering observed phenomena in their
own language.
1. The elasticity of Magick makes it equal to all possible kinds of environment,
and therefore biologically perfect. Do what thou wilt implies self-adjustment, so
that failure cannot occur. Ones true Will is necessarily fitted to the whole Universe
with the utmost exactitude, because each term in the equation a + b + c = 0 must be
equal and opposite to the sum of all the other terms. No individual can ever be
aught than himself, or do aught else than his Will, which is his necessary relation
with his environment, dynamically considered. All error is no more than an
illusion proper to him to dissipate the mirage, and it is a general law that the
method of accomplishing this operation is to realize, and to acquisce in, the order
of the Universe, and to refrain from undertaking the impossible task of overcoming
the inertia of the forces which oppose, and therefore are identical with, ones self.
Error in thought is therefore failure to understand, and in action to perform, ones
own true Will.




me from making advances in scientific knowledge which
will ere long be recognized as inaugurating an Epoch, from
being the only English poet of the first rank in my generation,
and from holding the lions share of the worlds
mountaineering records; nay, in sooth, it has made me the I
AM that I AM.1

1. [Typical Crowley modesty. These last two paragraphs omitted in the first
print edition, possibly due to a printers error (in that edition the quotation was
indicated by quote marks and not indentation, and the paragraph Magick takes
every thought all that exists ended a page, and was printed without closing


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Wikipedia - Armageddon (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Arnold Payne (athlete) -- Zimbabwean athlete
Wikipedia - Asianet (TV channel) -- Malayalam language Indian general entertainment pay television channel
Wikipedia - A Small Down Payment on Bliss -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Aspire (TV network) -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Association of Real Estate Taxpayers
Wikipedia - Astro (television) -- Malaysian direct broadcast satellite pay TV service
Wikipedia - Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi Vishwavidyalaya -- University in Bhopal, India
Wikipedia - Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports -- Mountaineering institute in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Atal Bihari Vajpayee International Airport -- International airport in Jharkhand, India
Wikipedia - Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University -- State university in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Atal Bihari Vajpayee -- 10th Prime Minister of India
Wikipedia - AT&T TV -- Streaming pay TV service provider
Wikipedia - Atchara -- A pickle made from grated unripe papaya popular in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Athina Papayianni -- Greek race walker
Wikipedia - Audience (TV network) -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Augats, seyos qui credets Deu lo Payre -- Catalan poem
Wikipedia - AXN (Asian TV channel) -- Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - AXN -- Pay television, cable and satellite television channel
Wikipedia - Babak Payami -- Iranian film director
Wikipedia - Backlash (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Back Pay (1922 film) -- 1922 film by Frank Borzage
Wikipedia - Back Pay (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Back to the Yokohama Arena -- 2014 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bad Blood (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bad Blood (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Badd Blood: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Balance of payments
Wikipedia - Bambai Main Ka Ba -- Single by Dr Sagar and Manoj Bajpayee
Wikipedia - Bancontact Payconiq Company -- Belgian financial services company (e. 2018)
Wikipedia - Barbara Payton -- American actress
Wikipedia - Bash at the Brewery -- Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Battleground (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battle of Curupayty -- Battle of the Paraguayan War
Wikipedia - BBC America -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - BC Card -- Payment processing company
Wikipedia - Beach Brawl -- 1991 Universal Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - BebaPay
Wikipedia - Ben Gregory -- AFL Buffalo Bills payer
Wikipedia - BeoutQ -- Pirate pay television broadcaster serving Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Bert Payne -- American male curler
Wikipedia - Best in the World (2017) -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - BET Her -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - BET -- American pay television channel owned by ViacomCBS
Wikipedia - BharatQR -- QR code payment system in India
Wikipedia - BHIM -- Mobile payments app
Wikipedia - Bill Payne (athlete) -- American pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Billy Payne -- American businessman and sports administrator
Wikipedia - Biolab -- Science payload fitted inside the Columbus laboratory of the ISS
Wikipedia - Black Manifesto -- Maniufesto calling for slavery and segregation reparations payments
Wikipedia - Blanche Payson -- American actress
Wikipedia - Bloomberg TV Philippines -- Philippine pay television channel
Wikipedia - Bobby Payne -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Boilerplate (spaceflight) -- Spacecraft; nonfunctional craft or payload
Wikipedia - Boku mobile payments
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2013) -- 2013 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2014) -- 2014 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2015) -- 2015 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2016) -- 2016 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2017) -- 2017 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2018) -- 2018 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2019) -- 2019 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (2020) -- 2020 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory IV -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bound for Glory (wrestling pay-per-view) -- Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Bounty (reward) -- Payment or reward
Wikipedia - Bragging Rights (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bragging Rights (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bravo (American TV network) -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Brayden Payette -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Breakdown: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bre Payton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Paynter -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Britton Payne -- American male curler
Wikipedia - Brokered programming -- Model where a show's producer pays a broadcaster for air time
Wikipedia - Buccinanops paytensis -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Bukit Kepayang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Payung (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bukit Payung-Telemung Highway -- Road in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bunkhouse Stampede (1988) -- 1988 Jim Crockett Promotions pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Buzay Abbey -- former Cistercian monastery in Rouans, Pays de la Loire, formerly in Brittany
Wikipedia - Byron S. Payne -- American attorney and politician
Wikipedia - Cable Video Store -- American cable pay-per-view TV service
Wikipedia - Calle 13 (TV channel) -- Spanish pay television channel
Wikipedia - Canadarm -- A robotic arm using for maneuver and capture mission payloads on the Space Shuttle
Wikipedia - Canal+ Decale -- French pay television channel
Wikipedia - Canal+ Series -- French pay television channel
Wikipedia - Canton of Pays de Briey -- Canton of France
Wikipedia - Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away! -- Factual/reality documentary series
Wikipedia - Card security code -- Security feature on payment cards
Wikipedia - Carolyn R. Payton
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network (Scandinavian TV channel) -- Scandinavian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Southeast Asian pay television cartoon channel
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Casa (TV channel) -- Canadian French-language pay TV channel
Wikipedia - Cash App -- Mobile payment service developed by Square, Inc.
Wikipedia - Cash carrier -- Transport system used in shops to carry customers' payments to the cashier
Wikipedia - Category:Kalarippayattu films
Wikipedia - Category:Mobile payments
Wikipedia - Category:Online payments
Wikipedia - Category:Payment service providers
Wikipedia - Category:Payment systems
Wikipedia - Category:PayPal people
Wikipedia - Category:PayPal
Wikipedia - Catherine Paysan -- French writer
Wikipedia - CBS Action (Polish TV channel) -- Polish pay television channel
Wikipedia - CBS Reality -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - C Channel -- Defunct Canadian pay-TV channel
Wikipedia - CDF (TV channel) -- Chilean sports pay TV channel
Wikipedia - Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin -- British-born American astronomer
Wikipedia - Cercospora papayae -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - CGTN Documentary -- Chinese pay television channel operated by Chinese State broadcaster China Central Television broadcasting documentaries in English language
Wikipedia - Challan -- Receipt for payment, used in India and Pakistan
Wikipedia - Channel 1 (Bangladesh) -- Bangladeshi pay television channel
Wikipedia - Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals -- Professional association in the UK
Wikipedia - Chase Paymentech
Wikipedia - Check Into Cash -- Payday lending company
Wikipedia - Chequebook journalism -- The controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information
Wikipedia - Cheque -- Method of payment
Wikipedia - Chikara High Noon -- 2011 Chikara internet pay-per-view
Wikipedia - Chikarasaurus Rex: How to Hatch a Dinosaur -- 2012 Chikara internet pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Child support -- Ongoing, periodic payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child
Wikipedia - Ciera Payton -- American actress
Wikipedia - Cinemax -- American movie-centric pay television network
Wikipedia - Citizen Ruth -- 1996 film by Alexander Payne
Wikipedia - Clash of Champions (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Clash of Champions (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Clash of Champions (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Clash of Champions (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Claude E. Payne -- American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Claude Payton -- American actor
Wikipedia - Clement W. Payton -- English World War I flying ace
Wikipedia - Cleophas Paynter -- West Indian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Clif Payne -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - C. M. Payne -- American cartoonist, 1873-1964
Wikipedia - CNBC Asia -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - CNBC TV18 -- Indian pay television news channel owned by CNBC
Wikipedia - Colors Infinity -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Columbus - External Payload Facility -- Part of Columbus
Wikipedia - Comedy Central (British TV channel) -- British pay television channel
Wikipedia - Comedy Central (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Commercial Lunar Payload Services -- A NASA program contracting commercial transportation services to the Moon
Wikipedia - Commoner (academia) -- A student at certain universities in the British Isles who historically pays for their own tuition and commons
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Pays d'Oise et d'Halatte -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes des Pays d'Opale -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Haut Pays du Montreuillois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays Crecois -- Federation of municipalities in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Bitche -- Federation of municipalities in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Colombey et du Sud Toulois -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de l'Ourcq -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Montereau -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays de Saint-Eloy -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du pays d'Hericourt -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays d'Issoudun -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes du Pays du Coquelicot -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Fercher - Pays florentais -- Federation of municipalities in Centre-Val de Loire, France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Pays de Nerondes -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Communaute de communes Pays Fort Sancerrois Val de Loire -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Company scrip -- Scrip issued by a company to pay its employees
Wikipedia - Comparison of payment systems
Wikipedia - Compay Segundo -- Cuban trova guitarist, singer and composer
Wikipedia - Conditional access -- System used to prevent non-paying customers from accessing content that requires payment
Wikipedia - Consumer -- Person or group of people that are the final users or consumers of products and or services; one who pays something to consume goods and services produced
Wikipedia - Cosmote TV -- Greek pay television services
Wikipedia - Coya Asarpay -- A princess and queen consort of the Inca Empire
Wikipedia - Credit bureau -- Consumer borrowing and bill-paying habit-tracking agency
Wikipedia - Credit circle -- Firms sharing intel on customers payment habits
Wikipedia - Crime Does Not Pay (comics) -- Comic book published by Lev Gleason Publications
Wikipedia - Crime Does Not Pay (film and radio series) -- American anthology film and radio series
Wikipedia - Crime Pays (Willie Colon and Hector Lavoe album) -- 1972 compilation album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Crown Jewel (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Crown Jewel (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network Event
Wikipedia - C-SPAN -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - CTV Life Channel -- Canadian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Curve (payment card) -- Payment card
Wikipedia - Cyber Sunday (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Cyber Sunday (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Cyber Sunday (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Cynthia Payne -- British brothel owner
Wikipedia - D2h -- Indian Direct-To-Home Satellite Pay TV broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Damir Ryspayev -- Kazakh professional ice hockey defenceman
Wikipedia - Daniel Payne -- Methodist bishop and educator
Wikipedia - DataCash -- Payment processing company
Wikipedia - Daughters Who Pay -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - David Alpay -- Canadian actor, musician and producer
Wikipedia - David N. Payne
Wikipedia - David Paymer -- Actor, director
Wikipedia - David Payne (hurdler) -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - DDT Is Coming to America -- DDT Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Death Before Dishonor XI -- 2013 Ring of Honor pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Death Before Dishonor XVII -- 2019 Ring of Honor pay-per-view
Wikipedia - Debt bondage -- Person's pledge of their labor or services as security for the repayment for a debt or other obligation
Wikipedia - Debtors' prison -- Prison for people unable to repay a debt
Wikipedia - December to Dismember (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Demi Payne -- American athlete
Wikipedia - Denis Payton
Wikipedia - Destination X (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destination X (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Destruction '09 -- 2009 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - D-Generation X: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - DGUSA United: NYC -- 2011 Dragon Gater USA pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Diners Club International -- First payment card company in the world
Wikipedia - Direct Payments to Farmers (Legislative Continuity) Act 2020 -- Law relating to payments to UK farmers for 2020
Wikipedia - Discovery Asia -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Discovery en EspaM-CM-1ol -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Home & Health -- Pay television network owned by Discovery
Wikipedia - Discovery Science (European TV channel) -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discretionary Housing Payment -- UK discretionary housing-cost benefit
Wikipedia - Disney Channel (Bulgarian TV channel) -- Bulgarian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Disney Channel (Italian TV channel) -- Italian pay-television channel
Wikipedia - Disney Channel (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal -- 2002 documentary by Arnaud des Pallieres
Wikipedia - Disney XD (British and Irish TV channel) -- British pay television kids channel
Wikipedia - Disney XD (Indian TV channel) -- Indian pay children's television channel
Wikipedia - Disney XD (Latin American TV channel) -- Latin American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Disney XD -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Dividend -- Payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits
Wikipedia - Does It Pay? -- 1923 film by Charles Horan
Wikipedia - Domaine public payant
Wikipedia - Dominion 6.20 -- 2009 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Donna Payant -- American corrections officer and murder victim
Wikipedia - DoNotPay -- legal technology chatbot
Wikipedia - Don't Pay the Ferryman
Wikipedia - Double or Nothing (2019) -- 2019 All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Douglas Payne -- British actor of the silent era
Wikipedia - Draft:Hollywood (TV channel) -- Russian pay television network
Wikipedia - Draft:Maupay nga Aga Kapamilya -- Television series
Wikipedia - Draft:Star Maa Gold -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - D'Spayre
Wikipedia - E-Clear -- British payment processing company
Wikipedia - E-commerce payment system
Wikipedia - ECW One Night Stand (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - ECW One Night Stand (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Edmondson railway ticket -- System for recording the payment of railway fares
Wikipedia - Edward Payson Evans
Wikipedia - Edward Payson Van Duzee
Wikipedia - EFTPOS -- Type of electronic payment system
Wikipedia - Electronic Payment Services -- The largest electronic payment system in Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2011) -- 2011 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Elimination Chamber (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Emile Appay -- French painter
Wikipedia - E-payment
Wikipedia - Epix -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Equal Pay Act of 1963 -- United States labor law of the New Frontier program
Wikipedia - Equal Pay Day -- Symbolic day dedicated to raising awareness of the gender pay gap
Wikipedia - Equal pay for equal work
Wikipedia - Equated monthly installment -- Loan repayment variant
Wikipedia - ESPN2 -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - ESPN Africa -- African pay television channel
Wikipedia - ESPNews -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - ESPN -- American pay television sports network
Wikipedia - Esquire Network -- Former American pay television network
Wikipedia - Estevan Payan -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - EtherType -- field in Ethernet frames indicating which protocol is encapsulated in the payload
Wikipedia - Etienne Pays -- Belgian molecular biologist
Wikipedia - European Drawer Rack -- Payload rack installed in the Columbus lab of the ISS
Wikipedia - European Payments Initiative -- Pan-European payment system
Wikipedia - Evasion -- Canadian French-language pay TV channel
Wikipedia - EWay -- Payment provider
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Sports Channel -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Fahd Ananta -- Co-founder of Chime, Tab Payments
Wikipedia - Fair Pay to Play Act -- Bill to allow college athletes to profit while in school
Wikipedia - Fall Brawl -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Family wage -- Sufficient pay to support a family
Wikipedia - Faster Payment System -- real-time gross settlement payment system in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Fastlane (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Fastlane (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Fee-paying school
Wikipedia - Festival (TV channel) -- Defunct American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Feudal maintenance -- Money payment to soldiers who fought in the interest and at the command of their lord
Wikipedia - Fexco -- Irish financial services and payments company
Wikipedia - Final Battle 2009 -- 2009 Ring of Honor pay-per-view
Wikipedia - Final Battle (2016) -- 2016 Ring of Honor pay-per-view
Wikipedia - Final Battle (2018) -- 2018 Ring of Honor pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (December 2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution (January 2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Final Resolution -- Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - First Data -- American payments company
Wikipedia - Fitbit Pay
Wikipedia - Flexible spending account -- One of a number of tax-advantaged financial accounts in the US, resulting in payroll tax savings
Wikipedia - Folk theorem (game theory) -- Class of theorems about Nash equilibrium payoff profiles in repeated games
Wikipedia - Food Network -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Foreign exchange derivative -- Financial derivative whose payoff depends on the foreign exchange rates
Wikipedia - Fort Payne, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Fortunato Payao -- Filipino gymnast
Wikipedia - For You (Liam Payne and Rita Ora song) -- 2018 single by Liam Payne and Rita Ora
Wikipedia - Four new inventions -- A slogan propagandized by Chinese media, which claims that mainland China invented high-speed rail, mobile payment, e-commerce, and bike-sharing
Wikipedia - Fox Channel (Latin American TV channel) -- Latin American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Fox (Greek TV channel) -- Greek pay-television channel
Wikipedia - Fox Reality Channel -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Fox Sports (Southeast Asian TV network) -- Southeast Asian pay television network
Wikipedia - Foxtel -- Australian pay television company
Wikipedia - Frac des Pays de la Loire -- French art gallery
Wikipedia - Frances Payne Adler -- American writer, poet and academic
Wikipedia - Francis Payne (author) -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - Frederick Payne (umpire) -- South African cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Frederick R. Payne Jr. -- WWII Ace
Wikipedia - Fred Payawan -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Free preview -- Free exhibition of a pay television service for prospective customers
Wikipedia - Free-to-play -- Method of video game distribution that give players access to a significant portion of their content without paying, but often with pay microtransactions to access additional content
Wikipedia - Free transfer (transport) -- Allowing a rider to switch from one vehicle to another without paying an additional fare
Wikipedia - Fully Loaded (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Fully Loaded (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Fully Loaded: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - FX (Latin American TV channel) -- Latin American pay television channel
Wikipedia - FXX -- U.S. pay television channel
Wikipedia - Galavision -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Garmin Pay
Wikipedia - Gay-for-pay -- Heterosexual actor, pornographic star, or sex worker paid to act or perform as homosexual professionally
Wikipedia - Gemini TV -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Gender pay gap
Wikipedia - Genesis (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Genesis (2013) -- 2013 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - George R. Smith (Paymaster-General) -- US Army officer
Wikipedia - Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems -- Government of Ghana agency
Wikipedia - Giropay -- Internet payment System based in Germany
Wikipedia - Giro -- Payment transfer from one bank account to another bank account and initiated by the payer
Wikipedia - Glitz (TV channel) -- Latin American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Global Payments -- American technology company
Wikipedia - Global Wars (2016) -- 2016 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - GMA Life TV -- 24-hour Philippine pay television channel
Wikipedia - Gogi Alauddin -- Pakistani squash payer
Wikipedia - Gonzalo Payo Subiza -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Google Checkout -- 2006-2013 online payment processing service by Google
Wikipedia - Google Pay Send -- Mobile payment system developed by Google
Wikipedia - Google Pay -- Mobile payments platform developed by Google
Wikipedia - Government spending -- Government consumptions, investments, and transfer payments
Wikipedia - Graham Payn -- British singer and actor
Wikipedia - Grant (money) -- Non-repayable funds disbursed by one party to a recipient
Wikipedia - Ground Zero: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Gustaf von Paykull
Wikipedia - Hardcore Justice (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hardcore Justice (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hard Justice (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hard Justice (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hard Justice (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hard To Kill (2020) -- 2020 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hard To Kill (2021) -- Upcoming 2021 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Harry Payne Whitney -- American businessman and horse breeder
Wikipedia - Hautlieu School -- Non-fee paying secondary school in St Saviour, Jersey
Wikipedia - HBO Asia -- Southeast Asian pay television network
Wikipedia - HBO Latin America Group -- Group of pay television networks
Wikipedia - HBO Signature (Asian TV channel) -- Asian pay television network
Wikipedia - HBO -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Head of Household -- Filing status for individual United States taxpayers
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Hell in a Cell (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and network event
Wikipedia - Hell-to-Pay Austin -- 1916 silent film by Paul Powell
Wikipedia - Henry Dalzell-Payne -- General in the British Army
Wikipedia - Herbert Payne -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Heroes of Wrestling -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - HGTV -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - History of HBO -- Historical aspect of the American pay television network
Wikipedia - Holidays with Pay -- 1948 film by John E. Blakeley
Wikipedia - Holly Payne
Wikipedia - Hornepayne station -- Railway station in Hornepayne, Canada
Wikipedia - Howard Payne University -- Private university in Brownwood, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Htupayon Pagoda -- A Buddhist stupa located in Sagaing
Wikipedia - Hugues de Payens
Wikipedia - Humfry Payne -- British archaeologist
Wikipedia - Hunter Payton -- American actor
Wikipedia - I Don't Pay Movement
Wikipedia - Immediate Payment Service
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling Homecoming -- 2019 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling Lockdown -- Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling No Surrender -- Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling Redemption -- 2018 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling Sacrifice -- Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling Turning Point -- Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Impact Wrestling United We Stand -- 2019 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Income tax -- Tax imposed on individuals or entities (taxpayers) that varies with respective income or profits (taxable income).
Wikipedia - Independent school (United Kingdom) -- Fee-paying school in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Index-based insurance -- insurance method that relates payouts to an index correlated to agricultural production losses rather than to the actual losses incurred
Wikipedia - India Post Payments Bank -- Indian public sector payments bank
Wikipedia - Industrial award -- Ruling on minimum pay rates and other conditions of work in Australia
Wikipedia - Initiative Q -- Speculative payment network and digital currency
Wikipedia - Insurance -- Equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another in exchange for payment
Wikipedia - Insurrextion (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Insurrextion (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Insurrextion (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Insurrextion (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Investigation Discovery (European TV channel) -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - In Your House 10: Mind Games -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 11: Buried Alive -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 12: It's Time -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 13: Final Four -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 14: Revenge of the 'Taker -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 1 -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 2 -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 3 -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 4 -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 5 -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 6 -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 8: Beware of Dog -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House 9: International Incident -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - In Your House -- World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Istustaya and Papaya -- Goddesses of destiny
Wikipedia - It Pays to Advertise (1919 film) -- 1919 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - It Pays to Advertise (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - It Pays to Watch! -- British television series
Wikipedia - ITV Box Office -- British pay-per-view TV channel
Wikipedia - I Will Repay (film) -- 1923 film by Henry Kolker
Wikipedia - James Payn -- English novelist
Wikipedia - James Spriggs Payne -- Former President of Liberia
Wikipedia - James W. Payne -- American set decorator
Wikipedia - Jeanne d'Arc Uwimanimpaye -- Rwandan politician
Wikipedia - Jean Payne -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Jessica Payne -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Jim Payne (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Jio Payments Bank -- Indian bank
Wikipedia - Jira Payne -- American politician
Wikipedia - Joan Crowfoot Payne -- Curator, egyptologist
Wikipedia - Joe Payne -- American musician
Wikipedia - John Barton Payne -- American politician and judge
Wikipedia - John Dickens -- Father of Charles Dickens, clerk in the Royal Navy Pay Office
Wikipedia - John Payne (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - John Payne Collier -- 19th-century English Shakespearian critic
Wikipedia - John Payne (martyr)
Wikipedia - John Payne (umpire) -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - John Payntor -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Payson Williston Observatory -- Astronomical observatory
Wikipedia - John Somers Payne -- Irish sailor
Wikipedia - Jo Marie Payton -- American actress
Wikipedia - Jopay -- Filipino actor, singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Joseph-Francois de Payan -- French political figure
Wikipedia - Joseph Frank Payne
Wikipedia - Joseph Payne Brennan
Wikipedia - Joseph Payne (musician) -- British musician (1937-2008)
Wikipedia - Judeo-Golpaygani language
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Judgment Day: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Juicio Final (2000) -- Pay-per-view professional wrestling match
Wikipedia - Julie Payette -- Current Governor General of Canada, former CSA Astronaut
Wikipedia - Julius von Payer
Wikipedia - Juno and the Paycock (film) -- 1929 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - KakaoPay -- Digital wallet service in South Korea
Wikipedia - Kalaripayattu -- Indian martial art originated in Kerala
Wikipedia - Kalinga-Apayao -- Former province of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Kapamilya Channel -- Philippine pay television network
Wikipedia - Karsakpay inscription -- Turkic inscription
Wikipedia - Kattu Paya Sir Intha Kaali -- 2018 Indian Tamil-language film
Wikipedia - Katy Payne -- Expert on animals' communication
Wikipedia - K. Bapayya -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - KCMA-LP -- Low-power radio station in Payson, Arizona
Wikipedia - KEMP -- Contemporary hit radio station in Payson, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Kepayang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Khary Payton -- American voice, film and television actor
Wikipedia - Kickback (bribery) -- Form of bribery in which payment is received for services rendered
Wikipedia - Kids Central -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Kiewpayak Jitmuangnon -- Thai Muay Thai fighter
Wikipedia - King of Pro-Wrestling (2015) -- 2015 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1993) -- 1993 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1994) -- 1994 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1995) -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1996) -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1997) -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1998) -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Kornelius Sipayung -- 21st-century Indonesian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - KPAY (AM) -- Radio station in Chico, California
Wikipedia - KPAY-FM -- Radio station in Chico, California
Wikipedia - K-Plus -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - KQXR -- Radio station in Payette, Idaho
Wikipedia - Kristal-Astro -- Pay TV service in Brunei
Wikipedia - KTCE -- Radio station in Payson, Utah
Wikipedia - Kuapay
Wikipedia - KZPK -- Radio station in Paynesville-St. Cloud, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Lad, A Dog -- Book by Albert Payson Terhune
Wikipedia - La matiouette ou l'arriere-pays -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - LaM-CM-+titia Payet -- French judoka
Wikipedia - Lampay -- An uninhabited tidal island in Loch Dunvegan, off the northwest coast of the Isle of Skye in Scotland
Wikipedia - LankaClear -- Payment clearing system in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - LANKAQR -- QR code payment system in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Leads and lags -- Expediting or delaying of foreign exchange payments due to an expected change in exchange rates
Wikipedia - Legal tender -- Medium of payment allowed by law or recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial obligation
Wikipedia - Le Grand Paysage d'Alexis Droeven -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Leon Payne -- American musician
Wikipedia - Les Payne
Wikipedia - LG Pay
Wikipedia - LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire -- French high-speed railway
Wikipedia - Liam Payne -- English singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Liberapay -- French crowd-funding platform founded in 2015
Wikipedia - Lightning Network -- "Layer 2" payment protocol that operates on top of a blockchain-based cryptocurrency
Wikipedia - Lilia Cuntapay -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Lilia Podkopayeva -- Ukrainian gymnast
Wikipedia - Line Pay
Wikipedia - List of All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Alexander Payne -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of companies paying scrip dividends -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by papaya production -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ECW supercards and pay-per-view events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of FMW supercards and pay-per-view events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Have You Been Paying Attention? episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Impact Wrestling pay-per-view events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international prime ministerial trips made by Atal Bihari Vajpayee -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Wrestling Alliance pay-per-view events -- Listing of pay-per-view events from the NWA
Wikipedia - List of NJPW pay-per-view events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NWA/WCW closed-circuit events and pay-per-view events -- Listing of closed-circuit television and pay-per-view events from WCW and NWA
Wikipedia - List of online payment service providers
Wikipedia - List of papaya diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ring of Honor pay-per-view events -- List of pay-per-view events produced by Ring of Honor
Wikipedia - List of SNCF stations in Pays de la Loire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tyler Perry's House of Payne episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WWA pay-per-view events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network events -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2013) -- 2013 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Lockdown (2014) -- 2014 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Los Payasos de la Tele -- Trio of clowns on Spanish television
Wikipedia - Louis Payne -- American actor (1873-1954)
Wikipedia - Ludovic Payen -- French hurdler
Wikipedia - Luxury tax (sports) -- Surcharge put on the aggregate payroll of a sports team
Wikipedia - Lynne Lindsay-Payne -- Namibian lawn bowler
Wikipedia - Maggi Payne -- American composer and musician
Wikipedia - Maine-et-Loire -- Department of France in Pays de la Loire
Wikipedia - Makeful -- Canadian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Male prostitution -- Act or practice of men providing sexual services in return for payment
Wikipedia - Mandy Payne -- British painter
Wikipedia - Manoj Bajpayee -- Indian film actor
Wikipedia - Maqsad -- 1984 film by Kovelamudi Bapayya
Wikipedia - Marise Payne -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Marita Payne -- Canadian athlete
Wikipedia - Marta Arce Payno -- Spanish judo athlete
Wikipedia - Marvel HQ -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Mary Celine Payyappilly
Wikipedia - Mathias Payer -- Liechtensteinian computer scientist
Wikipedia - Maturity (finance) -- Date on which the final payment is due on a loan or other financial instrument
Wikipedia - Max Payne 3 -- 2012 video game
Wikipedia - Max Payne (video game)
Wikipedia - Medicare (Canada) -- Canada's publicly funded, single-payer health care system
Wikipedia - Medicare (United States) -- United States single-payer national social insurance program
Wikipedia - Megamax -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Me Khway -- Burmese poet during the reign of Bodawpaya
Wikipedia - Melanoplus payettei -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Merchant account -- Type of business bank account for accepting payments
Wikipedia - MetroCard -- Public transit payment system in the New York City area
Wikipedia - MGM HD -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Micropayment
Wikipedia - Micropterix paykullella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Microsoft Pay
Wikipedia - Mike Payne (physicist) -- British theoretical physicist
Wikipedia - Mi-Pay
Wikipedia - Mir (payment system) -- Russian payment system
Wikipedia - Mir Pay
Wikipedia - MLW Saturday Night SuperFight -- 2019 Major League Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - MNC Channel -- Indonesian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Mobile payment -- Payment services via a mobile device
Wikipedia - MobilePay
Wikipedia - Mokshopaya -- Sanskrit text on salvation for non-ascetics, later vedanticized into the Yoga Vasistha
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money in the Bank (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Money -- Object or record accepted as payment
Wikipedia - Mopay
Wikipedia - More Pay, Less Work -- 1926 film by Albert Ray
Wikipedia - Morne Plat Pays -- Mountain in Dominica in the Lesser Antilles
Wikipedia - Morris B. Payne -- American architect
Wikipedia - Mountain papaya -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - MoviePlex -- American movie-oriented pay television network
Wikipedia - MTV Base -- British pay television channel
Wikipedia - MTV (European TV channel) -- Pan-European pay TV network
Wikipedia - MTV (Indian TV channel) -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - MTV (Latin American TV channel) -- Latin American pay television channel
Wikipedia - MTV (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Asian music pay television channel
Wikipedia - MTV (Spanish TV channel) -- Spanish pay television channel
Wikipedia - Nantes -- Prefecture and commune in Pays de la Loire, France
Wikipedia - Napster (pay service)
Wikipedia - Nat Geo Kids (Brazilian TV channel) -- Brazilian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Nat Geo People -- Pay television channel
Wikipedia - National Geographic Wild (European TV channel) -- Pan-European pay television channel
Wikipedia - National Payments Corporation of India -- Umbrella organisation for operating retail payments and settlement systems in India
Wikipedia - Naughty List -- 2020 song by Liam Payne and Dixie D'Amelio
Wikipedia - Naver Pay
Wikipedia - Nebraska (film) -- 2013 film directed by Alexander Payne
Wikipedia - Necmiye Alpay -- Turkish linguist
Wikipedia - Need for Speed Payback -- 2017 racing video game
Wikipedia - Nellie M. Payne -- American entomologist and agricultural chemist
Wikipedia - Net settlement -- Payment system used for inter-bank transactions
Wikipedia - New Year's Revolution (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - New Year's Revolution (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Nexgo -- Chinese payment terminal manufacturer
Wikipedia - Ngwe Pay Lo Ma Ya -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Nick Jr. (Dutch TV channel) -- Dutch pay television network
Wikipedia - Nick Jr. (Indian TV channel) -- Indian pay television network
Wikipedia - NickMusic -- US pay-TV music television channel
Wikipedia - Nicktoons (Middle East & North Africa TV channel) -- Arab pay television channel
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Night of Champions (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Nikolay Neklepayev -- Russian athletics competitor
Wikipedia - No Down Payment -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - No free lunch theorem -- If an algorithm does well on some problems, then it pays for that on other problems
Wikipedia - No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie -- 1989 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Matter How Much You Promise to Cook or Pay the Rent You Blew It Cauze Bill Bailey Ain't Never Coming Home Again -- 2003 book by Edgardo Vega YunquM-CM-)
Wikipedia - No Mercy (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - No Mercy (UK) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation United Kingdom exclusive pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Pay, Nudity -- 2016 American comedy drama film film by Lee Wilkof
Wikipedia - No purchase, no pay -- Phrase used by pirates and privateers
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Surrender (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Notes receivable -- Claims for payment
Wikipedia - Nova Cinema (Greece) -- Greek pay television movie channel
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - No Way Out of Texas: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Now TV (Hong Kong) -- Pay-TV service in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - NWA Hard Times -- 2020 National Wrestling Alliance pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - NWA Into the Fire -- 2019 National Wrestling Alliance pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Odie Payne -- American Chicago blues drummer
Wikipedia - Odisseia -- Portuguese pay television channel
Wikipedia - Oh!K -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - OK TV (Indonesian TV channel) -- Indonesian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Oliver Paynie Pearson
Wikipedia - Olympics Triplecast -- 1992 experimental pay-per-view telecast of Olympic events in the United States
Wikipedia - OMNY -- Public transit payment system in the New York City area
Wikipedia - One America News Network -- American far-right pay television news channel
Wikipedia - One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge -- Offer to pay anyone who could demonstrate a paranormal ability
Wikipedia - One Night Stand (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - One Night Stand (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - One (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - One Vision (DTT) -- Pay television platform consortium
Wikipedia - Online banking -- Electronic payment system
Wikipedia - Online payments
Wikipedia - Online payment
Wikipedia - Ontario, Oregon micropolitan area -- Malheur and Payette County combined
Wikipedia - Opayo
Wikipedia - Operation Payback -- Series of cyberattacks conducted by Anonymous
Wikipedia - Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science -- optical communications test in 2014 between earth and ISS
Wikipedia - Orbit Communications Company -- Privately owned Pay TV network
Wikipedia - Oru Kuprasidha Payyan -- 2018 film directed by Madhupal
Wikipedia - Overdraft -- Payments from a bank account exceeding the balance
Wikipedia - Over the Edge (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Over the Edge: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Over the Limit (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Over the Limit (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Over the Limit (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Pakare Paye Arts Centre -- Arts centre in Norton Town, Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - Pamela Payton-Wright -- American actress
Wikipedia - Panpayak Sitchefboontham -- Muay Thai fighter
Wikipedia - Papaya (group) -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Papaya mosaic virus -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Papaya Suzuki -- Japanese celebrity
Wikipedia - Papaya -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Paramount Network (Spanish TV channel) -- Spanish pay television network
Wikipedia - Passage of Curupayty (1867) -- Part of the Paraguayan War
Wikipedia - Payada -- South American tradition of improvised music and poetry
Wikipedia - Paya, Inc.
Wikipedia - Payal Arora -- Indian anthropologist
Wikipedia - Paya Lebar MRT station -- MRT station in Singapore
Wikipedia - Payal Ki Jhankaar -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - Payal Malhotra -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Payal Nair -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Payal Rajput -- clarinetist
Wikipedia - Payal Rohatgi -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Payal Shah Karwa -- Indian Author
Wikipedia - Payam-e-Azadi -- British Indian Urdu, Hindi-language newspaper
Wikipedia - Payam Feili -- Iranian poet, activist and writer
Wikipedia - Payam Heydari
Wikipedia - Payanangal Mudivathillai -- 1982 film by R. Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - PayAnywhere
Wikipedia - Payao Poontarat -- Thai boxer and politician
Wikipedia - Payasi
Wikipedia - Payas -- A settlement in Turkey
Wikipedia - Pay as You Enter -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Pay as You Exit
Wikipedia - Payaya Indians
Wikipedia - Payaya people -- Indigenous people whose territory encompassed the area of present-day San Antonio, Texas, US
Wikipedia - Payback (1995 film) -- 1995 film by Anthony Hickox
Wikipedia - Payback (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Brian Helgeland
Wikipedia - Payback (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Payback (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Payback (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Payback (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Payback (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Payback (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Payback 2 -- Video game by Apex Designs
Wikipedia - Paycheck (collection)
Wikipedia - Paycheck (film) -- 2003 film directed by John Woo
Wikipedia - Paycheck (novelette)
Wikipedia - Paycheck (short story)
Wikipedia - Paycheck -- Document issued by an employer to pay an employee for services rendered
Wikipedia - Pay Chen -- Canadian television host
Wikipedia - Paychex
Wikipedia - Paycom -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Pay Day (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film directed by Sidney Drew & Lucile McVey
Wikipedia - Pay Day (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Payday (2018 film) -- 2018 Nigerian comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Payday loan -- Small, short-term unsecured loan
Wikipedia - Paydiant
Wikipedia - PayDirect
Wikipedia - Pay Dirt -- 1916 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - Pay driver -- Driver who brings funding to a professional auto racing team
Wikipedia - Payel De -- Bengali actress
Wikipedia - Payel Sarkar -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Payen Talu -- Taiwanese politician
Wikipedia - Payerne railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Payette County, Idaho -- County in Idaho, US
Wikipedia - Pay Fong High School -- High school
Wikipedia - Pay for the Printer
Wikipedia - PAYGO -- Public budgetary policy
Wikipedia - Payhembury
Wikipedia - Paying for It -- Comics by Chester Brown
Wikipedia - Paying public domain
Wikipedia - Paying the Limit -- 1924 silent film by Tom Gibson
Wikipedia - Paying the Piper (film) -- 1921 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Paying the Price of Love -- 1993 single by Bee Gees
Wikipedia - Paying the Price -- 1927 film directed by David Selman
Wikipedia - Payitaht: Abdulhamid -- 2017 Turkish historical television series
Wikipedia - Paykan Tehran Sports Club -- sports club
Wikipedia - Payless (footwear retailer) -- American discount footwear company
Wikipedia - Payload (computing)
Wikipedia - Payload fairing -- Nose cone of a rocket used to protect spacecraft during launch
Wikipedia - Payload -- Carrying capacity of a vehicle
Wikipedia - Paylocity -- American financial software company
Wikipedia - Payman Maadi -- Iranian-American actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Paymaster Corp. -- Company that manufactured and sold Paymaster check writers
Wikipedia - Paymaster-General of the United States Army -- Officer responsible for the Pay Department of the U.S. Army
Wikipedia - Paymaster General -- Ministerial position in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Paymaster of the Marines (Navy Board) -- British Royal Navy, navy board officials
Wikipedia - PayMate
Wikipedia - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard -- Set of security requirements for credit card processors
Wikipedia - Payment card industry
Wikipedia - Payment card interchange fee and merchant discount antitrust litigation -- United States class-action lawsuit filed in 2005
Wikipedia - Payment card number
Wikipedia - Payment card -- Card issued by a financial institution that can be used to make a payment
Wikipedia - Payment Deferred (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Payment gateway
Wikipedia - Payment Guaranteed -- 1921 silent film by George L. Cox
Wikipedia - Payment in lieu of taxes
Wikipedia - Payment on Demand -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Payment order
Wikipedia - Payment processor -- type of financial service provider facilitating payment transactions
Wikipedia - Payment rail -- Term for a payment platform
Wikipedia - Payment service provider
Wikipedia - Payment Services Act 2019 -- Statute of the Parliament of Singapore
Wikipedia - Payment Services Directive
Wikipedia - Payment systems
Wikipedia - Paymentwall
Wikipedia - Payment -- Trade of value from one party to another for goods, services, or legal reasons
Wikipedia - Pay Me! -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - PayMe -- mobile payment service based in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Paym -- British mobile payment system
Wikipedia - Payne Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Hildago, Texas
Wikipedia - Payne Creek (Florida) -- River in the United States of America
Wikipedia - Payne-Desha House -- Historic house in Georgetown, KY, US
Wikipedia - Payne Midyette -- American politician (b. 1898, d. 1983)
Wikipedia - Paynes Find, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Payne Stewart -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Paynesville, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Paynesville, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Payne Whitney -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Payns -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Paynter (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Payoff matrix
Wikipedia - Payola -- Undisclosed payment for promotional broadcasts, particularly of music
Wikipedia - Payoneer
Wikipedia - Payot -- sidelocks or sideburns
Wikipedia - Payovrata
Wikipedia - Payoyo cheese -- Goat cheese from Andalusia
Wikipedia - PayPaI -- Phishing scam
Wikipedia - PayPak -- Pakistani payment service
Wikipedia - PayPal 14
Wikipedia - PayPal Credit
Wikipedia - PayPal Mafia -- Term for a group of former PayPal employees and founders who have since founded and developed additional technology companies
Wikipedia - PayPal -- Online financial services company
Wikipedia - Pay-per-click
Wikipedia - Pay-per-view -- Premium television or webcast event programming that requires payment to view
Wikipedia - Payphone (song) -- 2012 single by Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa
Wikipedia - Payphone -- Coin or card-operated public telephone
Wikipedia - PayPlay.FM
Wikipedia - PayPoint
Wikipedia - Payra Power Plant -- Power plant in southern Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Payra-sur-l'Hers -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Payrav Sulaymoni
Wikipedia - Payroll (film) -- 1961 British crime thriller directed by Sidney Hayers
Wikipedia - Paysafe Group
Wikipedia - Paysandisia archon -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Paysandu Department -- Department of Uruguay
Wikipedia - Pays de Fayence -- Federation of municipalities in France
Wikipedia - Payson Center for Success High School -- Public high school in Payson, Arizona
Wikipedia - Payson J. Treat -- American Japanologist
Wikipedia - Payson Unified School District -- School district in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Payson, Utah -- City in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Pays
Wikipedia - Pay television -- Subscription-based television services
Wikipedia - Paytm -- Indian financial technologies and payment systems company
Wikipedia - Payton (given name) -- Unisex given name
Wikipedia - Payton Otterdahl -- American shot putter
Wikipedia - Pay-to-stay (imprisonment)
Wikipedia - Payun Matru -- Volcano in Argentina
Wikipedia - Pay Up (horse) -- British Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - PayU -- Fintech company that provides payment solutions to online merchants.
Wikipedia - Payvihir, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Paywall -- System that prevents Internet users from accessing webpage content without a paid subscription
Wikipedia - Pay what you want -- Pricing strategy
Wikipedia - Payworld
Wikipedia - Payyanur Taluk -- Tehsil in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Pay Your Dues -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Payzone
Wikipedia - Pediatric spaying -- Castration or neutering of a kitten or puppy
Wikipedia - Performance-related pay
Wikipedia - Personal budget -- Finance plan that allocates future personal income towards expenses, savings and debt repayment
Wikipedia - Petaw Payan -- Village in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Phonevision -- Project to create a pay television system
Wikipedia - Pierre PayssM-CM-) -- French gymnast and teacher
Wikipedia - Piwi+ -- French pay television channel
Wikipedia - PMG Clash of Legends -- 2007 professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - POLi Payments
Wikipedia - Pop Always Pays -- 1940 film directed by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - Popayan -- City in Cauca, Colombia
Wikipedia - Popmoney -- Person-to-person payments service
Wikipedia - Postage stamp -- Small piece of paper that is displayed on an item of mail as evidence of payment for postage
Wikipedia - Potboiler -- Work of dubious artistic merit, whose purpose was to pay for the creator's daily expenses
Wikipedia - Potter Payper -- British rapper
Wikipedia - Power Struggle (2015) -- 2015 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Prayudh Payutto
Wikipedia - Premier Sports -- British pay TV sports channel
Wikipedia - Prise 2 -- Canadian French-language pay TV channel
Wikipedia - Pro bono -- Professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment
Wikipedia - Proof-of-payment
Wikipedia - Prostitution -- Engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment
Wikipedia - Pseudomonas caricapapayae -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Purchase of commissions in the British Army -- The practice of paying money to be made an officer
Wikipedia - Purushartha Siddhyupaya
Wikipedia - Qiwi -- Russian electronic payment service
Wikipedia - Quiero Television -- Spanish pay digital TV service
Wikipedia - Ramakrishna Mission Shilpayatana -- Trade institute in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Real Lives (TV channel) -- Defunct British pay television channel
Wikipedia - Rebellion (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Rebellion (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Rebellion (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Rebellion (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Rebellion (2019) -- 2019 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Rebellion (2020) -- 2020 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - RecargaPay -- Brazilian mobile payment app
Wikipedia - Receipt -- Written acknowledgment that a person has received money or property in payment
Wikipedia - Red by HBO -- Southeast Asian pay television movie channel
Wikipedia - Red Dot Payment
Wikipedia - Rehoboth Ratepayers' Association -- Political party in Namibia
Wikipedia - Renting -- Agreement where a payment is made for the temporary use of a good, service or property owned by another
Wikipedia - Revolving credit -- Type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments
Wikipedia - Richard Frederick Paynter Hardman
Wikipedia - Richard Payl
Wikipedia - Richard Payne Knight
Wikipedia - Ripple (payment protocol) -- real-time gross settlement system
Wikipedia - Roadblock: End of the Line -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Road Wild -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Robert FitzPayne, 1st Baron FitzPayne -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - Roberto Payro -- Argentine writer, 1867 - 1928
Wikipedia - Robert Payne (agriculturalist) -- Former English planter and colonial agent in Ireland
Wikipedia - Robert Paynink
Wikipedia - Rock Bottom: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Roger Payne -- American biologist
Wikipedia - ROH 16th Anniversary Show -- 2018 Ring of Honor pay-per-view
Wikipedia - ROH 17th Anniversary Show -- 2019 Ring of Honor pay-per-view
Wikipedia - ROH 18th Anniversary Show -- 2020 Ring of Honor pay-per-view
Wikipedia - ROH Undeniable -- 2007 Ring of Honor pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Rolando Saquipay -- Ecuadorian racewalker
Wikipedia - Royal Army Pay Corps
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1989) -- 1989 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1990) -- 1990 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1991) -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1992) -- 1992 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1993) -- 1993 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1994) -- 1994 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1995) -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1996) -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1997) -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1998) -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2011) -- 2011 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble (2021) -- 2021 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Royal Rumble -- WWE pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Royalty payment -- Form of payment for use of artistic works or other assets
Wikipedia - RT America -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Ruby Payne-Scott -- Australian radio astronomer
Wikipedia - Rupayi Raja -- 1993 Indian film directed by B. Mallesh
Wikipedia - RuPay -- Indian card payment service
Wikipedia - Russell Payne (athlete) -- American athlete
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sacrifice (2014) -- 2014 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Saint-Germain-sur-Moine -- Part of Sevremoine in Pays de la Loire, France
Wikipedia - Salin Supaya -- Chief queen designate of Burma
Wikipedia - Sallyanne Payton -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - Samsung Pay
Wikipedia - Samuel Paynter -- American politician
Wikipedia - Saving for Education, Entrepreneurship, and Downpayment -- long-term savings and investment account policy and practice endeavor
Wikipedia - Saxbe fix -- Congressional payment scheme
Wikipedia - SBI Card -- Payment solutions provider in India
Wikipedia - Science Channel -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Sebastian Payne -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Secondary payload -- Launch of small spacecraft together with larger one
Wikipedia - Secret Ballot (film) -- 2001 film by Babak Payami
Wikipedia - Secure Mobile Payment Service
Wikipedia - Semillitas -- American pay TV network
Wikipedia - Shadow library -- Database of content that is a copy of content that is otherwise obscured or not accessible because of paywalls or other accessibility restrictions
Wikipedia - Showdown in the Sun -- 2012 Ring of Honor pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Showtime (TV network) -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Sick pay
Wikipedia - Sideways -- 2004 American comedy-drama film by Alexander Payne
Wikipedia - Siege of Paysandu -- 1864 siege in South America
Wikipedia - Sigismund Payne Best
Wikipedia - Simon Payne -- Bermudian luger
Wikipedia - Simpay
Wikipedia - Single Farm Payment -- EU farm subsidy
Wikipedia - Single-payer healthcare -- System of health care
Wikipedia - Sin's Pay Day -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Sittisak Petpayathai -- Muay Thai fighter
Wikipedia - Sky Crime -- British pay television channel
Wikipedia - Sky EspaM-CM-1a -- Spanish pay-TV provider owned by Sky
Wikipedia - Sky Italia -- Italian satellite pay-television platform
Wikipedia - Sky News Business Channel -- Former pay television business news channel
Wikipedia - Sky Replay -- British pay television channel
Wikipedia - Sky Switzerland -- Swiss pay-TV provider
Wikipedia - Sky UK -- British pay TV company
Wikipedia - Slamboree -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary 10 -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary (2020) -- 2020 Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary IX -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary VIII -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Slammiversary XI -- 2013 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Smart card -- Pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits for identification or payment functions
Wikipedia - Smithsonian Channel -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Social security in Australia -- Welfare payments provided by the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Solar tracker -- Device that orients a payload towards the sun.
Wikipedia - Sonny Payne -- American jazz drummer
Wikipedia - Sony Channel (German TV channel) -- German Pay-Television channel
Wikipedia - Sony Entertainment Television -- Indian Hindi-language pay television channel
Wikipedia - Sony Max -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Sony SAB -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Sony Six -- Indian pay television sports channel
Wikipedia - Spice Networks -- group of adult pay-per-view channels
Wikipedia - SPORT.TV1 -- Portuguese pay-TV channel
Wikipedia - Spring Stampede -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Sri Lanka Interbank Payment System -- Interbank payment system in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - SS John Barton Payne -- World War II Liberty ship
Wikipedia - Stanley G. Payne -- American historian
Wikipedia - Star Bharat -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Star Maa -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Starman (Will Payton) -- Fictional comics superhero
Wikipedia - Star Vijay Super -- Indian Tamil-language pay television channel
Wikipedia - Starz Encore -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Starz -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Statutory Maternity Pay -- Form of parental leave in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Steatoda paykulliana -- Species of arachnid
Wikipedia - Stephen Payton -- British Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Strikeforce: Payback -- Strikeforce mixed martial arts event in 2008
Wikipedia - Stripe (company) -- American payment technology company
Wikipedia - Sue Pann Khwai Thwe Bayet Hnint Pay Ywat Leik Nahtaung Sin -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay -- 2018 film directed by Sam Liu
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1988) -- 1988 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1989) -- 1989 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1990) -- 1990 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1991) -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1996) -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1997) -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1998) -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - SummerSlam (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Sun Direct -- Indian Direct-To-Home Satellite Pay TV broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Supayacetus -- Species of mammal (fossil)
Wikipedia - Supaya -- Title given to the daughters of the Chief Queen
Wikipedia - SuperBrawl -- WCW pay-per-view
Wikipedia - Supercard of Honor XIV -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by Impact Wrestling
Wikipedia - Super heavy-lift launch vehicle -- Launch vehicle capable of lifting more than 50 tonnes of payload into low earth orbit
Wikipedia - Super ShowDown (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1988) -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1989) -- 1989 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1990) -- 1990 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1991) -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1992) -- 1992 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1995) -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1996) -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1997) -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1998) -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Survivor Series -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - Swish (payment)
Wikipedia - Swiss Interbank Clearing -- Payment clearing system
Wikipedia - Sylvia Payne
Wikipedia - Sylvie Paycha -- French mathematician
Wikipedia - Taboo Tuesday (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Taboo Tuesday (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Tagpay
Wikipedia - Taxation in the United States -- Taxes are imposed in the United States at each of levels; taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees
Wikipedia - Taxpayer Identification Number -- Identifier for a taxpaying entity in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Taxpayer March on Washington
Wikipedia - Tax resistance in the United States -- Refusal to pay taxes in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Tax -- Method to impose financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer by a government or functional equivalent
Wikipedia - Taylor Force Act -- Proposed legislation to stop American economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until the PA stops paying individuals who commit acts of terrorism
Wikipedia - Telemeter (pay television) -- Subscription television service
Wikipedia - Teletoon Retro -- Canadian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Template talk:Mobile payments
Wikipedia - Template talk:Payment service providers
Wikipedia - Template talk:PayPal Mafia
Wikipedia - Term life insurance -- Life insurance that provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time
Wikipedia - Tez (software) -- digital payments application for Indians
Wikipedia - The Children Pay -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Cohasset Snuff Film -- 2012 horror film by Edward Payson
Wikipedia - The Dead Are Arising -- 2020 biography of Malcolm X by Les Payne and Tamara Payne
Wikipedia - The Descendants -- 2011 drama film directed by Alexander Payne
Wikipedia - The Devil Pays Off -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - The Devil's Pay Day -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Devil to Pay (1920 film) -- 1920 film directed by Ernest C. Warde
Wikipedia - The Devil to Pay! -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Final Payment -- 1917 film by Frank Powell
Wikipedia - The Great American Bash (1988) -- 1988 Jim Crockett Promotions pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - The Great American Bash (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - The Great American Bash (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - The Great American Bash (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - The Great American Bash (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - The Horror Show at Extreme Rules -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Thelma Payne -- American diver
Wikipedia - The Movie Channel -- American movie-oriented pay television network
Wikipedia - Theodore Payne Thurston -- American Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - The Paynes -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - The Payoff (1935 film) -- 1935 American dramatic film directed by Robert Florey
Wikipedia - The Payoff (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Arthur Dreifuss
Wikipedia - The Pay-Off -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The PayPal Wars
Wikipedia - The Pitman's Pay -- Poem by Thomas Wilson
Wikipedia - The Public Pays -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - The Rich Pay Late -- Book by Simon Raven
Wikipedia - The Scent of Green Papaya
Wikipedia - The Stork Pays Off -- 1941 film directed by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - The Tragedy of Brutus; or, The Fall of Tarquin -- Play by John Howard Payne
Wikipedia - The Wrestling Classic -- 1985 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - They Shall Pay -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Thirteenth salary -- A legal requirement to pay workers an additional salary at the end of the calendar year
Wikipedia - Thiruttu Payale -- 2006 film by Susi Ganeshan
Wikipedia - This Tuesday in Texas -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Thodoros Papayiannis -- Greek sculptor
Wikipedia - Thomas Payne (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Payne (MP for Gloucester) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Payne (soldier) -- American soldier (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Those Who Pay With Their Lives -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Thryptomene 'F.C. Payne' -- Australian native plant cultivar
Wikipedia - Tiin -- Former Mexican pay TV channel
Wikipedia - Timeline of PayPal -- Timeline of the history of PayPal Holdings, Inc.
Wikipedia - Tinapayan
Wikipedia - TLC (Asian TV channel) -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Tlnovelas -- Spanish-language pay television network
Wikipedia - TNA 1st Anniversary Show -- 2003 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TNA 2nd Anniversary Show -- 2004 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TNA: There's No Place Like Home -- Wrestling pay-per-view event produced by Impact Wrestling
Wikipedia - TNT (American TV network) -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Toa Payoh Public Library -- Public library in Singapore
Wikipedia - Toku (TV network) -- American pay television network and streaming service
Wikipedia - Tom Payne (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Tom Payne (director) -- Brazilian film director
Wikipedia - Tooncast -- Latin American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Transfer payment
Wikipedia - Travel Channel -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Treaty of Payne's Landing
Wikipedia - Trip Payne -- American crossword compiler
Wikipedia - Trisha Paytas -- American media personality, recording artist, actor, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Truck wages -- Form of payment
Wikipedia - TSYS -- Subsidiary of Global Payments
Wikipedia - Tuition payments -- A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university
Wikipedia - Tupay Loong -- Filipino politician
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2005 wrestling) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2006 wrestling) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2007 wrestling) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2008 wrestling) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2009 wrestling) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2010 wrestling) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2011 wrestling) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Turning Point (2012 wrestling) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - TVB Anywhere -- online pay-TV and shopping platform
Wikipedia - TV Chosun -- South Korean pay television network
Wikipedia - TV Land -- Pay TV channel in the USA
Wikipedia - TVN CNBC -- Polish pay television
Wikipedia - Two Weeks with Pay -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Tyler Perry's House of Payne -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - Unbreakable (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Under the Hood -- 2012 Chikara internet pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unforgiven: In Your House -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Unified Payments Interface -- Digital payment system for inter-bank transfers in India
Wikipedia - Unifi Sports -- Malaysian sports pay television network
Wikipedia - UnionPay -- Chinese financial services company
Wikipedia - Universal Air Travel Plan -- Payment Network
Wikipedia - Universal Kids -- American pay television channel focused on kids
Wikipedia - Universal TV -- Pay television channel
Wikipedia - Unpaywall Journals
Wikipedia - Unpaywall
Wikipedia - Upaya -- Buddhist term
Wikipedia - USA Network -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - U Television -- Malaysian pay television operator
Wikipedia - Vaisampayana
Wikipedia - Vaishampayana
Wikipedia - Vajpayee Arogyasri Yojana -- State health insurance
Wikipedia - Vanity press -- Publishing house in which authors pay to have their books published
Wikipedia - Varghese Payapilly Palakkappilly
Wikipedia - Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly
Wikipedia - Vending machine -- Machine which automatically dispenses products to customers after payment
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Vengeance: Night of Champions -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Venmo -- Mobile payment service owned by PayPal
Wikipedia - VersaPay
Wikipedia - Viceland (Canadian TV channel) -- Former Canadian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Vice on TV -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Victor d'Hupay
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2004) -- 2004 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Victory Road (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - ViendoMovies -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Vihiers -- Part of Lys-Haut-Layon in Pays de la Loire, France
Wikipedia - Villeneuve Abbey -- former Cistercian monastery in Rouans, Pays de la Loire, formerly in Brittany
Wikipedia - Virginia Kraft Payson -- American journalist (born 1930)
Wikipedia - Vishwanath Vaishampayan -- Indian revolutionary (b. 1910 d. 1967)
Wikipedia - Vivo TV -- Brazilian pay television provider
Wikipedia - Vocalink -- British payment systems company
Wikipedia - VuTV -- British IPTV pay TV service
Wikipedia - Vu! -- Canadian pay-per-view and video-on-demand provider
Wikipedia - WakuWaku Japan -- Japanese pay TV channel
Wikipedia - Walker Payne -- 2006 film by Matt Williams
Wikipedia - Warrant of payment
Wikipedia - WB Channel -- Indian pay television network
Wikipedia - WCW Uncensored -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WeChat Pay -- Mobile payment service in China
Wikipedia - Weighted average cost of capital -- Rate that a company is expected to pay on average to all its security holders to finance its assets; firmM-bM-^@M-^Ys cost of capital
Wikipedia - WePay
Wikipedia - WFPA (AM) -- Radio station in Fort Payne, Alabama
Wikipedia - Wham Paymaster robbery -- Armed robbery of a United States Army paymaster
Wikipedia - Why Pay More? -- 2015 studio album by The Soft Pink Truth
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Deceased Wikipedians -- Wikimedia pages paying tribute to deceased colleagues
Wikipedia - Wilfred Payton (priest) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Wilfrid Payne
Wikipedia - William Blankpayn -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Payne-Gallwey (cricketer) -- Irish cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Payne (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - William Payne (sheriff) -- American sheriff
Wikipedia - -- English payday loan provider
Wikipedia - Worldpay, Inc. -- US payment processing company
Wikipedia - Worldscale -- Unified system of establishing payment of freight rate for a given oil tanker's cargo
Wikipedia - WPAY (AM) -- Christian radio station in Rossford, Ohio
Wikipedia - WPAY (Portsmouth, Ohio) -- Former radio station in Portsmouth, Ohio
Wikipedia - Wrestle Kingdom 9 -- 2015 professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Wrestle Kingdom III -- 2009 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Wrestle Kingdom II -- 2008 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Wrestle Kingdom IV -- 2010 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 13 -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 2000 -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 21 -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 22 -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 23 -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 25 -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 29 -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 2 -- 1986 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 31 -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 32 -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 33 -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 34 -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 35 -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 36 -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania 37 -- 2021 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania III -- 1987 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania IV -- 1988 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania I -- 1985 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania IX -- 1993 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania VIII -- 1992 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania VII -- 1991 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania VI -- 1990 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania V -- 1989 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WrestleMania X8 -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XII -- 1996 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XIV -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XI -- 1995 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XIX -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania X-Seven -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XV -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania X -- 1994 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XXIV -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XXVIII -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XXVII -- 2011 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XXVI -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XX -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WrestleMania XXX -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WrestleWar -- WCW pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWA Inception -- 2002 World Wrestling All-Stars pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWA Revolution -- 2002 World Wrestling All-Stars pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWE Armageddon -- WWE pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWE Backlash -- WWE pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - WWE Bad Blood -- World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Battleground -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Breaking Point -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWE Clash of Champions -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Elimination Chamber -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Evolution -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WWE Extreme Rules -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Fastlane -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Fatal 4-Way -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWE Great Balls of Fire -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WWE Greatest Royal Rumble -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WWE Hell in a Cell -- WWE pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - WWE Judgment Day -- World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Money in the Bank -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE New Year's Revolution -- WWE pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWE Night of Champions -- WWE pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWE No Mercy -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE No Way Out -- WWE pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWE One Night Stand -- World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWE Payback -- WWE pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWE Rebellion -- World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWE Roadblock -- WWE pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWE Stomping Grounds -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - WWE Super ShowDown -- WWE pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - WWE The Bash -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs -- WWE pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - WWE Unforgiven -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWF Capital Carnage -- 1998 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWF Fully Loaded -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - WWF Invasion -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWF One Night Only -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - WWF Over the Edge -- WWF pay-per-view
Wikipedia - WWNLive Mercury Rising -- World Wrestling Network pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - XSS worm -- Malicious payload that breaches browser security
Wikipedia - Xtraview -- British pay-per-view television channel
Wikipedia - Yey! -- Filipino pay television channel
Wikipedia - Yoopa -- Canadian pay television channel aimed at kids
Wikipedia - Zapp (mobile payments)
Wikipedia - Zechariah Dhahiri -- 16th-century Yemenite Jewish paytan
Wikipedia - Zee Telugu -- Indian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Zelle (payment service) -- Digital payments network
Wikipedia - Zero-drag satellite -- Satellites where the payload follows a geodesic path through space
Wikipedia - Zing Digital -- Indian Direct-To-Home Satellite Pay TV broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Zong mobile payments
Alexander Payne ::: Born: February 10, 1961; Occupation: Film director;
   A leopard doesn't change his spots just because you bring him in from the jungle and try to housebreak him and turn him into a pet. He may learn to sheathe his claws in order to beg a few scraps off the dinner table, and you may teach him to be a beast of burden, but it doesn't pay to forget that he'll al ways be what he was born: a wild animal. -- George Lincoln Rockwell ::: Born: March 9, 1918; Died: August 25, 1967; Occupation: Political figure;
Atal Bihari Vajpayee ::: Born: December 25, 1924; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of India;
C.D. Payne ::: Born: July 5, 1949; Occupation: Writer;
Charles Payne ::: Born: November 15, 1960; Occupation: Broadcaster;
Liam Payne ::: Born: August 29, 1993; Occupation: Songwriter;
Johnny Paycheck ::: Born: May 31, 1938; Died: February 19, 2003; Occupation: Singer;
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin ::: Born: May 10, 1900; Died: December 7, 1979; Occupation: Astronomer;
Gary Payton ::: Born: July 23, 1968; Occupation: Basketball player;
Robert Payne ::: Born: December 4, 1911; Died: March 3, 1983; Occupation: Novelist;
Leanne Payne ::: Born: June 26, 1932; Occupation: Author;
Nicholas Payton ::: Born: September 26, 1973; Occupation: Trumpet player;
Goodreads author - Sarah_Payne_Stuart
Goodreads author - Krishna_Dwaipayana_Vyasa
Goodreads author - Marjorie_Pay_Hinckley
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_Payson_Prentiss
Goodreads author - Emmy_Payne
Goodreads author - Julien_Payne_Marilyn_Payne
Goodreads author - Christopher_C_Payne
Goodreads author - Roman_Payne
Goodreads author - Albert_Payson_Terhune
Goodreads author - Kate_Payne
Goodreads author - David_Payne
Goodreads author - Charles_M_Payne
Goodreads author - Angel_Payne
Goodreads author - C_D_Payne
Goodreads author - Eleanor_D_Payson
Goodreads author - Lyla_Payne
Goodreads author - Diane_Payne
Goodreads author - Charles_Payseur
Goodreads author - Roger_Payne,-20Utah-7CPayson-5D-5D,-20-5B-5BUtah-20County,-20Utah-7CUtah-20County-5D-5D,-20-5B-5BUtah-7CUtah-5D-5D
Integral World - The Evolutionary Scientists, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Evolutionary Biology, Jerry Coyne, Paycee Minaya
Integral World - The Study of Consciousness, Glimpses into the Life and Work of Great Thinkers in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Owen Flanagan, Paycee Minaya
selforum - sri aurobindo pays tribute to
dedroidify.blogspot - pay-close-attention
dedroidify.blogspot - thought-control-sell-war-or-pay
dedroidify.blogspot - money-printing-scam-at-taxpayer-expense
wiki.auroville - Payanam
Dharmapedia - Atal_Bihari_Vajpayee
Occultopedia - adam-japayis
Occultopedia - adam-yapayisy
Occultopedia - japayi-kishi's_Fabulous_Adventure
Duckman (1994 - 1997) - Duckman isn't your average suave, sophisticated private eye. In fact, he's rude, ignorant, slovenly, and hasn't had a date in years. With the help of his infinitely more capable sidekick, Cornfed, Duckman manages to solve enough cases to cover his alimony payments and cable TV bills.
The Dukes (1983 - 1983) - the Dukes, Daisy and her cousins, Coy and Vance in the first season, and then Bo and Luke in the second, were racing Boss Hogg and his right hand man Roscoe, to win the prize money, to pay the mortgage on their farm. Everyweek Uncle Jesse who was back on the farm wuld get a letter or postcard from D...
Style 84 (1984 - 1984) - A show about fashion trends,hosted by soap star Gail Rae Carlson, that aired on ONTV Subscription Television(A 70's/80's Pay Tv Service)
Gintama (2006 - 2018) - Lit. "Silver Soul"Set in Edo which has been conquered by aliens named Amanto, the plot follows life from the point of view of samurai Gintoki Sakata, who works as a freelancer alongside his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura in order to pay the monthly rent. Sorachi added the science fiction setti...
Phantom Blood / Battle Tendency (2012 - 2013) - In 1868, Dario Brando saves the life of an English nobleman, George Joestar. By taking in Dario's son Dio when the boy becomes fatherless, George hopes to repay the debt he owes to his savior. However Dio, unsatisfied with his station in life, aspires to seize the Joestar house for his own. Wielding...
Justin Time (2011 - 2016) - The TV series revolves around the adventures of Justin. In every episode, Justin encounters a problem of everyday childhood (such as sharing, teamwork, or paying attention). Then Justin and his shape-shifting sidekick Squidgy solve the problems by tackling them in adventures through time and around...
The Little Mermaid(1989) - This movie is the tale of Ariel, a young mermaid who dreams of life beyond the sea. Her emotions are stirred by the sight of a handsome man named Prince Eric. To meet him, she'll pay any price...And the evil sea witch Ursula is willing to trade goods. She gains legs and loses her voice. Now on land,...
Major Payne(1995) - Major Benson Winifred Payne is being discharged from the Marines. Payne is a killin' machine, but the wars of the world are no longer fought on the battlefield. A career Marine, he has no idea what to do as a civilian, so his commander finds him a job - commanding officer of a local school's JROTC p...
Xanadu(1980) - Sonny Malone (Michael Beck) is an artist, who is forced to go back to work when his plans to freelance don't pay off. Unhappy and stuck in a dead end job, he gets a little heavenly intervention in the form of Kira (Olivia Newton John, "Grease"). So when Sonny meets aging clarinet player Danny McGu...
Ed Wood(1994) - Hollywood visionary Tim Burton pays homage to another Hollywood visionary, albeit a less successful one, in this unusual fictionalized biography. The film follows Wood (Johnny Depp) in his quest for film greatness as he writes and directs turkey after turkey, cross-dresses, and surrounds himself wit...
Jingle All the Way(1996) - The true meaning of Christmas desperate last-minute shopping is the subject of this holiday-themed comedy. Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a mattress salesman with a bad habit of putting his work ahead of his family. His son Jamie (Jake Lloyd), who wishes Dad would pay more attention to...
Krush Groove(1985) - Russell (Blair Underwood), a manager of struggling rap artists, borrows money from villain Jay in order to make ends meet. But after his clients become successful, Russell can't pay back the loan -- much to Jay's consternation. A groovy musical about a struggling record company in a large city, this...
The Legend of Billie Jean(1985) - Average Texas teen, Billie Jean Davy, is caught up in an odd fight for justice. She is usually followed and harrased around by local boys, who, one day, decide to trash her brother's scooter for fun. The boys' father refuses to pay them back the price of the scooter. The fight for "fair is fair" tak...
Puff and the Incredible Mr. Nobody(1982) - Puff the Magic Dragon pays a visit to a little boy whose creativity has been stifled. Terry's only friend is an imaginary duck named Mr. Nobody, so when Nobody flees to the Fantaverse, Puff takes Terry to find him and teach the boy that Nobody is reall
Camp Cucamonga(1990) - A summer camp with different enthic backgrounds.Marvin Shector (John Ratzenberger) is in charge of the summer camp.A camp inspector is coming to check the camp requirements.Marvin is trying to keep things running. Counselor Roger Burke (Brian Robbins) is paying special attention to Ava (Jennifer Ani...
Gone In 60 Seconds(1974) - Insurance investigator Maindrian Pace and his team lead double-lives as unstoppable car thieves. When a South American drug lord pays Pace to steal 48 cars for him, all but one, a 1973 Ford Mustang, are in the bag. As Pace prepares to rip-off the fastback, codenamed "Eleanor", in Long Beach, he is u...
Savage Streets(1984) - Brenda (Blair) is a rough-hewn teenager from the mean streets of L.A. But beneath her cold exterior, she dotes on her deaf-mute kid sister Heather (Linnea Quigley). When a prank against a gang of drug-dealing punks goes sour, Heather and Brenda's best friend Francine pay the price. Out for revenge,...
Shogun Assassin(1980) - Shogun decapitator, lone wolf, ronin. Travels with his son, Daigoro, in search of the Shogun that is paranoid of his skills. In the attempts to kill Lone Wolf, Shogun's ninja kills his wife and leaves him to care for the boy. Lone Wolf swears that Shogun will pay for his deeds. Revenge and justice d...
Payback(1999) - Mel Gibson takes the bad guy role and turns it on its ear for this gritty & darkly funny tale of vengence, adapted from Donald Westlake's novel "The Hunter" which in turn became the basis for the 60s Lee Marvin classic, "Point Blank". "Payback" has Gibson taking on the role of Porter, a ruthless thi...
Carpool(1996) - Franklin Lazlo (Tom Arnold) is desperate. His carnival is on the skids and he hasn't got the money to make his next payroll. He tries robbery, with little result except to have the police, some professional robbers, and a meter-maid (Rhea Perlman) chasing him. On the way, he takes uptight and harrie...
100 Proof(1997) - Based in part on an actual incident, the independent drama 100 Proof records one especially bad day in the lives of Rae (Pamela Stewart) and Carla (Tara Bellando), two tough but misused women living in a small Kentucky town. Rae and Carla get by through a combination of low-paying jobs, petty theft,...
Oxford Blues(1984) - A young American hustler (when it comes to gambling) named Nick De Angelo (Rob Lowe) falls in love with an upper-crust British woman named Victoria Wingate (Amanda Pays). He pursues her to England, where he finds that he'll have to hit the books to get closer to her. The place is Oxford, and it's go...
The Cartier Affair(1984) - Criminal Curt Taylor (David Hasselhoff) falls in love with Cartier Rand (Joan Collins), the woman he works for and hopes to steal from in order to pay off fellow prisoner Phil Drexler (Telly Savalas).
Waitress!(1982) - Three women, each with different aspirations, work as waitresses to pay the bills. Along the way, they deal with odd customers and weird fellow employees.
Screwballs(1983) - Taft & Adams High School (or T&A High, for short) is your typical high school in the way that everybody is thinking about sex. The object of 5 young men's desires is named Purity Busch (Linda Speciale). Even though she got them in trouble, they lust after her anyway, and try to get her naked as payb...
Memories Of Me(1988) - A man named Abbie (Billy Crystal) was abandoned in his youth by his father Abe, who went to seek acting success in Hollywood. While on the mend from medical issues, Abbie pays a visit to his father, and the problems of the past come back. Only Abbie's girlfriend Lisa (JoBeth Williams) is able to pro...
American Gigolo(1980) - Julian makes a lucrative living as an escort to older women in the Los Angeles area. He begins a relationship with Michelle, a local politician's wife, without expecting any pay. One of his clients is murdered and Detective Sunday begins pumping him for details on his different clients, something he...
And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird(1991) - Friendly movie about two whiz kid brothers that build a robot out of scrap. Their father's spirit pays them a visit, inside the body of their robot.
Pacific Heights(1990) - A couple works hard to renovate their dream house and become landlords to pay for it. Unfortunately one of their tenants has plans of his own.
Rich and Famous(1987) - To pay off his debt as a gambler, a man drags his sister and step-brother into a life of crimeand a violent war between rival gan
The Victim(1972) - When Kate Wainwright (Elizabeth Montgomery) pays her sister Susan a visit, she finds the house deserted, and a storm eventually knocks out the electricity and strands her there... with a killer. Seems sister Susan has been murdered, and now Kate's the next target. But is the killer Susan's husband...
Naked in New York(1993) - The sponsorship of noted filmmaker Martin Scorsese helped the novice filmmakers making this film get it produced and receive mainstream distribution. In addition, it features a vast number of appearances by well-known performers, who took an interest in the project, taking union minimum pay. In the...
The Runner(1999) - A young man with an addiction to gambling (played by Ron Eldard) has managed to get himself into serious debt. In an effort to pay off the bookies, his uncle (Joe Mantegna) pulls a few strings and gets him a job working for a gangster (John Goodman) who needs a "runner" to place bets with various bo...
Black Caesar(1973) - Tommy Gibbs is a tough kid, raised in the ghetto, who aspires to be a kingpin criminal. As a young boy, his leg is broken by a bad cop on the take, during a payoff gone bad. Nursing his vengeance, he rises to power in Harlem, New York. Angry at the prejudiced society around him, both criminal and st...
Madeline: Lost in Paris(1999) - Madeline is the smallest of twelve girls in a boarding school, in an old house in Paris. When long lost Uncle Horst pays a surprise visit to Madeline, promising to move her to a new home in Vienna, her longing for a family seems to be fulfilled. Madeline becomes suspicious when her new Uncle loses h...
The Setup(1949) - An aging boxer(Robert Ryan) pays a heavy price for winning a fixed boxing match.
Don't Give Up the Ship(1959) - John Paul Steckler was the Junior Officer aboard a destroyer when WWII ended. He gets stuck with the job of sailing the ship to the states to be decommissioned. Now years latter, no one knows where the ship is. He has a choice. Find the ship, or pay for it, Now! If only Prudence, to whom he just got...
Assault In Paradise(1977) - A Native American travels around a resort town, murdering cops and rich people with a high-powered crossbow, while demanding that the town's richest residents pay him money to stop the killings.
There Goes the Neighborhood(1992) - There Goes the Neighborhood, released as Paydirt in most foreign countries, is a 1992 comedy film. The film tells a story of a dying prisoner who whispers the location of his loot to the facility's psychologist Willis Embry (Jeff Daniels) who heads to the New Jersey suburbs to find it.
Sticky Fingers(1988) - Two girls try hard to find job as musicians. One of them play the cello and the other the violin. They have very little money, even to pay the rent. One day a friend (who is a drug dealer) ask them to keep a bag for some days. When the girls discover that inside the bag there are $ 900,000 they deci...
White Heat(1949) - A psychopathic criminal with a mother complex makes a daring break from prison and leads his old gang in a chemical plant payroll heist. Shortly after the plan takes place, events take a crazy turn.
Fancy Pants(1950) - An American actor impersonating an English butler is hired by a nouveau riche woman from New Mexico to refine her husband and headstrong daughter . The complications increase when the town believes the actor to be an Earl, and President Roosevelt decides to pay a visit.
An All-Star Tribute To Johnny Cash(1999) - This 1999 TNT special features performances by artists spanning country, rock and even rap, all paying tribute to Johnny Cash.
Eight Crazy Nights(2002) - In the town of Dukesberry, New Hampshire, Davey Stone who is a 33-year-old trouble making alcoholic gets arrested for walking out on paying a restaurant bill. Instead of jail time for another addition to his long criminal record, he gets sentenced to community service helping 70-year-old basketball...
Curse Of The Crimson Altar(1968) - When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming - and his niece more demonstrably so - Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hangin...
Shark Tale(2004) - Oscar is an underachieving blue streak cleaner wrass who works his dad's job as tongue scrubber at the local Whale Wash. His arrogant boss, a pufferfish named Mr. Sykes explains that Oscar owes him 5,000 clams in payments. His friend Angie, the wash's secretary, gives him an old pearl necklace, whic...
Choke(2008) - A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death.
The Man From Elysian Fields(2001) - A failed novelist's inability to pay the bills strains relations with his wife and leads him to work at an escort service where he becomes entwined with a wealthy woman whose husband is a successful writer.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno(2008) - Roommates Zack and Miri decide to make a pornographic movie in order to pay their bills. However, during the filming of the movie Zack and Miri seem to deal with their Unresolved Sexual Tension, although the path of love does not run smooth.
It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie(2002) - Take the basic story of It's a Wonderful Life. Add Muppets. This what you get! An angel named Daniel (David Arquette) watches Earth on Christmas Eve in horror. Kermit the Frog and his friends, through a series of mishaps, misplace their theater's December rent payment to the wicked Rachel Bitterman...
The Real Blonde(1997) - Joe and Mary have been living together in Manhattan for six years. Joe is an actor, who has no agent and no thesping credits, but whose ambitions are very high. He works as a waiter at a cafe. Mary works as a make-up stylist for hot fashion photographer Blair, and she pays most of the pair's bills....
Scream 3(2000) - Ghostface pays Sidney and her friends a third visit while they visit the set of "Stab 3", the third movie based upon the Woodsboro murders.
Malibu Express(1985) - Cody Abiliene is a semi-successful private detective desperately in need of a big (and well-paying) case. When he's hired to solve the murder of Contessa Luciana's husband, he jumps at the chance. In between investigating the many women around the Contessa's estate, Abilene eventually uncovers a com...
Oxygen(1999) - A masochistic cop, who hides her predilection from her cop husband, gets involved in pursuing a kidnapper nicknamed Harry for Harry Houdini, who has kidnapped a rich woman and has buried her somewhere in Manhattan while demanding a ransom from her tycoon husband. Failure to pay the ransom within 24...
The Weather Man(2005) - A successful weatherman at a Chicago news program, David Spritz (Nicolas Cage) is well paid but garners little respect from people in the area who throw fast food at him, David suspects, because they're resentful of how easy his high-paying job is. Dave also feels overshadowed by his father, Pulitze...
Headhunter(2005) - Ambitious young go-getter Ben Caruso signs on with sexy corporate headhunter Sarah Tierney. Sarah gets Ben a new job with great pay working the graveyard shift. However, Ben soon discovers that Sarah is a witch and his coworkers are the tormented souls of Sarah's previous conquests. If Ben doesn't f...
High School Musical 3: Senior Year(2008) - The third and final part of Disney's High School Musical trilogy and the only part released to theaters. This latest sequel follows high school seniors Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, and Taylor as they are faced with the challenging prospect of being separated after graduating from high schoo...
High School Musical 2(2007) - In the second installment of the trilogy, high school student Troy Bolton stresses over getting a job, with the price of college expenses looming on his mind, as well as trying to make sure he and Gabriella Montez are able to stay together all summer. This situation attracts the attention of Sharpay...
Hotel Sorrento(1995) - A trio of sisters reunite in a coastal Victorian town after one of them has published a hugely paying autobiographical novel.
Stealing Harvard(2002) - John (Jason Lee) is a hard-working guy who only wants to marry his longtime girlfriend Elaine (Leslie Mann). Elaine and John have vowed to marry once they save $30,000 for their dream house. Things are fine until John's sister calls to remind him of his promise to pay his niece's tuition, which cost...
Rent: Filmed Live On Broadway(2008) - Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent. "Measuring their lives in love," these starving artists strive for success and acceptance while enduring the obstacles of poverty, illness and...
Blonde Venus(1932) - A cabaret singer takes up with a millionaire to pay for her gravely ill husband's operation.
Addams Family Reunion(1998) - Addams Family Reunion is a 1998 American direct-to-video supernatural children's film based on the characters from the cartoon created by cartoonist Charles Addams. Directed by Dave Payne, the film was intended to serve as a pilot for a new proposed television series produced by Saban. The film star...
Christmas Mountain(1981) - A cowboy comes to a town at Christmas time. He eats at a cafe but was unable to pay for his meal, so the owner throws him in jail. The town wants to alleviate their guilt over a Mexican family, who has pregnant woman with them, who lives on top of a mountain called Christmas mountain. They bail out...
Jack The Ripper(1976) - A serial killer whose mother was a prostitute starts killing streetwalkers as a way of paying back his mother for her abuse.
A Christmas Story 2(2012) - In 1946, seven years after the first film, a now 16-year-old Ralphie is hoping to get his dream car-a 1939 Mercury Eight for Christmas. After seeing the car at a dealership and accidentally wrecking it he teams up with Flick and Schwartz to get a job and raise up the money to pay the dealership for...
A Sesame Street Christmas Carol(2006) - In a 2006 direct-to-video special we learn all about Sesame STreet during the Christmas season and what a great place it is, expect if you're Oscar the Grouch. In a retelling of the classic Dickens tale, Oscar receives a ghost-o-gram that tells him three ghosts will pay him a visit to show him why C...
Paycheck(2003) - Based upon Philip K. Dick's original shor
Scenes From The Goldmine(1987) - A young songwriter/musician joins a rock group but pays the price for success when she becomes involved with the band's leader and he tries to steal her music.
About Schmidt (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Comedy, Drama | 3 January 2003 (USA) -- A recently retired man embarks on a journey to his estranged daughter's wedding, only to discover more about himself and life than he ever expected. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
Adventure, Fantasy | TV Series ::: Connections -- 9 episodes -- Epic drama set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings' follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. Creators: Patrick McKay, John D. Payne Stars: Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Maxim Baldry, Ian Blackburn
All the Money in the World (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 2017 (USA) -- The story of the kidnapping of 16-year-old John Paul Getty III and the desperate attempt by his devoted mother to convince his billionaire grandfather Jean Paul Getty to pay the ransom. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
A Raisin in the Sun (1961) ::: 8.0/10 -- Approved | 2h 8min | Drama | 19 June 1961 (Canada) -- A substantial insurance payment could mean either financial salvation or personal ruin for a poor black family. Director: Daniel Petrie Writers: Lorraine Hansberry (play), Lorraine Hansberry (screenplay)
Atlantics (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- Atlantique (original title) -- Atlantics Poster -- In a popular suburb of Dakar, workers on the construction site of a futuristic tower, without pay for months, decide to leave the country by the ocean for a better future. Among them is Souleiman, the lover of Ada, promised to another. Director: Mati Diop
Beautiful Boxer (2004) ::: 7.1/10 -- Unrated | 1h 58min | Action, Biography, Drama | 29 April 2004 -- Beautiful Boxer Poster -- Biopic of transgender Muay Thai boxer Parinya Charoenphol who pursued the sport to pay for her gender reassignment surgery. Director: Ekachai Uekrongtham Writers:
Birds of Passage (2018) ::: 7.5/10 -- Pjaros de verano (original title) -- Birds of Passage Poster -- During the marijuana bonanza, a violent decade that saw the origins of drug trafficking in Colombia, Rapayet and his indigenous family get involved in a war to control the business that ends up destroying their lives and their culture. Directors: Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra
Blonde Venus (1932) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 33min | Drama | 23 September 1932 (USA) -- A cabaret singer takes up with a millionaire to pay for her gravely ill husband's operation. Director: Josef von Sternberg Writers: Jules Furthman (by), S.K. Lauren (by) Stars:
Can't Buy Me Love (1987) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 August 1987 (USA) -- An outcast secretly pays the most popular girl in school one thousand dollars to pretend to be his girlfriend for a month. Director: Steve Rash Writer: Michael Swerdlick
Choke (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2008 (Australia) -- A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death. Director: Clark Gregg Writers: Clark Gregg (screenplay), Chuck Palahniuk (novel)
Citizen Ruth (1996) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Drama | 13 December 1996 (USA) -- An irresponsible, drug-addicted, recently impregnated woman finds herself in the middle of an abortion debate when both parties attempt to sway her to their respective sides. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
Daddy Long Legs (1955) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 2h 6min | Musical, Romance | 5 May 1955 (USA) -- A wealthy American has a chance encounter with a joyful young French woman, and anonymously pays for her education. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor, nicknaming him from the description given by some of her fellow orphans. Director: Jean Negulesco Writers: Phoebe Ephron (screenplay), Henry Ephron (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Documentary Now! ::: TV-14 | 23min | Comedy | TV Series (2015 ) -- Documentary Now parodies the current obsession with documentaries. Season one features six different stories and stylistic approaches paying tribute to the doc format. Creators:
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- Dragon Ball Z: Tobikkiri no Saiky tai Saiky (original title) -- Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge Poster -- After destroying Frieza on Namek, Goku returns to a peaceful life on Earth. When informed his brother has been killed by a Saiyan, Cooler is hell bent on killing Goku, and making him pay ... S Director: Mitsuo Hashimoto Writers:
Election (1999) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 7 May 1999 (USA) -- A high school teacher meets his match in an over-achieving student politician. Director: Alexander Payne Writers: Tom Perrotta (novel), Alexander Payne (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Fair Game (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 3 December 2010 (USA) -- CIA operative Valerie Plame discovers her identity is allegedly leaked by the government as payback for an op-ed article her husband wrote criticizing the Bush administration. Director: Doug Liman Writers:
Firelight (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Romance, Drama | 4 September 1998 (USA) -- In 1838, lovely governess Elisabeth agrees to bear a child of anonymous English landowner, and he will in return pay her father's debt. At birth she, as agreed, gives up the child. Seven ... S Director: William Nicholson Writer: William Nicholson Stars:
Going in Style (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Crime | 7 April 2017 (USA) -- Desperate to pay the bills and come through for their loved ones, three lifelong pals risk it all by embarking on a daring bid to knock off the very bank that absconded with their money. Director: Zach Braff Writers:
Gone in 60 Seconds (1974) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Action, Crime, Drama | 28 July 1974 (USA) -- When a South American drug lord pays Pace to steal 48 cars for him, all but one is in the bag - thereby, the police precipitate in a desperate car chase against Pace and his Eleanor across Southern California. Director: H.B. Halicki Writer:
Hobson's Choice (1954) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 19 April 1954 (Denmark) -- Henry Hobson (Charles Laughton) is a successful bootmaker, a widower and a tyrannical father of three daughters. The girls each want to leave their father by getting married, but Henry refuses because marriage traditions require him to pay out settlements. Director: David Lean Writers: Harold Brighouse (by), David Lean (screenplay) | 2 more credits
In the Soup (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama | 13 August 1992 (Germany) -- New Yorker Adolpho Rollo is your classic head-movie auteur. In his mind, he's creating deathless classics of the screen. Back in the real world, he can't pay the rent on the downtown grothole he calls home. Director: Alexandre Rockwell Writers: Sollace Mitchell (as Tim Kissell), Alexandre Rockwell Stars:
Irina Palm (2007) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama | 18 April 2007 (Belgium) -- Maggie, a 60-year-old widow, desperately needs some money to pay for a medical treatment for her ill grandson, Olly. After one attempt at trying to find a job, she finds herself roaming the... S Director: Sam Garbarski Writers: Philippe Blasband (original script), Martin Herron (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Irma la Douce (1963) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 27min | Comedy, Romance | 8 August 1963 (Canada) -- In Paris, a former policeman falls in love with a prostitute, and tries to get her out of that life by paying for all of her time. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Alexandre Breffort (play), Billy Wilder | 1 more credit
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 10 February 2017 (USA) -- After returning to the criminal underworld to repay a debt, John Wick discovers that a large bounty has been put on his life. Director: Chad Stahelski Writers: Derek Kolstad, Derek Kolstad (based on characters created by)
Kardes Payi ::: TV-PG | 1h 10min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Series (20142015) The two brothers have a plumbing company and they are trying to invent something that would make the world a better place. Stars: Ahmet Kural, Murat Cemcir, Seda Bakan  
Kill List (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Action, Crime, Horror | 2 September 2011 (UK) -- Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness. Director: Ben Wheatley Writers:
La piovra ::: TV-14 | 6h 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19841998) An epic crime saga of power, money, violence and corruption, the mafia controls everything like an Octopus but when law enforcement tries to bring them down they pay the ultimate price. Creators: Lucio Battistrada, Massimo De Rita Stars:
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) ::: 8.2/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 5 March 1999 (Canada) -- Eddy persuades his three pals to pool money for a vital poker game against a powerful local mobster, Hatchet Harry. Eddy loses, after which Harry gives him a week to pay back 500,000 pounds. Director: Guy Ritchie Writer:
March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934) ::: 7.2/10 -- Babes in Toyland (original title) -- March of the Wooden Soldiers Poster -- Opposing the evil Barnaby, Ollie Dee and Stanley Dum try and fail to pay-off Mother Peep's mortgage and mislead his attempts to marry Little Bo. Enraged, Barnaby's Bogeymen are set on Toyland. Directors: Gus Meins, Charley Rogers (as Charles Rogers) Writers:
Martin ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (19921997) -- Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his romantic relationship with girlfriend Gina, her best friend Pam and escapades with best friends Tommy and Cole. Creators:
Nebraska (2013) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 24 January 2014 (USA) -- An aging, booze-addled father makes the trip from Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son in order to claim a million-dollar Mega Sweepstakes Marketing prize. Director: Alexander Payne Writer:
Night Passage (1957) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 30min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 26 August 1957 -- Night Passage Poster A fired railroad man is re-hired and trusted to carry a ten thousand dollar payroll in secret, even though he is suspected of being connected to outlaws. Director: James Neilson Writers: Borden Chase (screenplay), Norman A. Fox (based on a story by)
Over the Hedge (2006) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 19 May 2006 (USA) -- A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched family of forest creatures into helping him repay a debt of food, by invading the new suburban sprawl that popped up while they were hibernating...and learns a lesson about family himself. Directors: Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick Writers:
Pacific Heights (1990) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Thriller | 28 September 1990 (USA) -- A couple work hard to renovate their dream house and become landlords to pay for it. Unfortunately, one of their tenants has plans of his own. Director: John Schlesinger Writer:
Payback (1999) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Crime, Drama | 5 February 1999 (USA) -- After a successful heist, Porter is left for dead. Once he recovers, he seeks vengeance and wants his share of the money. Director: Brian Helgeland Writers: Donald E. Westlake (novel) (as Richard Stark), Brian Helgeland
Pay It Forward (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Drama | 20 October 2000 (USA) -- A young boy attempts to make the world a better place after his teacher gives him that chance. Director: Mimi Leder Writers: Catherine Ryan Hyde (book), Leslie Dixon (screenplay)
Pay It Forward (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Drama | 20 October 2000 (USA) -- A young boy attempts to make the world a better place after his teacher gives him that chance.
Phoenix (1998) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama | 4 September 1998 (USA) -- A cop (Liotta) with a gambling addiction plots a theft from the bookies who are putting pressure on him to pay off or else. Director: Danny Cannon Writer: Eddie Richey
Possessor (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 2 October 2020 (USA) -- Possessor follows an agent who works for a secretive organization that uses brain-implant technology to inhabit other people's bodies - ultimately driving them to commit assassinations for high-paying clients. Director: Brandon Cronenberg Writer:
Quigley Down Under (1990) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 59min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 19 October 1990 (USA) -- Sharpshooter Matt Quigley is hired from Wyoming by an Australian rancher paying a very high price. But when Quigley arrives Down Under, all is not as it seems. Director: Simon Wincer Writer:
Ransom (1996) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 8 November 1996 (USA) -- Multi-millionaire Tom Mullen's son is kidnapped, but after initially agreeing to pay the ransom Mullen then decides to use the ransom money as a bounty. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway (2008) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 45min | Drama, Musical, Romance | TV Movie 24 September -- Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway Poster -- Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent. "Measuring their lives in love,"... S Director: Michael John Warren
Ride Like a Girl (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 13 March 2020 (USA) -- The story of Michelle Payne, the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup. Director: Rachel Griffiths Writers: Andrew Knight (screenplay), Elise McCredie (screenplay)
Romeo Is Bleeding (1993) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 4 February 1994 (USA) -- A womanizing, crooked cop on the payroll of the mafia is confronted with the reality of his double life after he is asked to kill a beautiful and ruthless Russian gangster. Director: Peter Medak Writer:
Rounders (1998) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Crime, Drama | 11 September 1998 (USA) -- A young, reformed gambler must return to playing big stakes poker to help a friend pay off loan sharks, while balancing his relationship with his girlfriend and his commitments to law school. Director: John Dahl Writers:
Run All Night (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 13 March 2015 (USA) -- Mobster and hit man Jimmy Conlon has one night to figure out where his loyalties lie: with his estranged son, Mike, whose life is in danger, or his longtime best friend, mob boss Shawn Maguire, who wants Mike to pay for the death of his own son. Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Writer:
Rush ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Drama | TV Series (2014) -- Doctor William Rush is not your average on-call professional. He's not attached to any hospital, he's highly discreet -- no matter the ailment, his clients must pay a cash-only premium, and the doctor can party with the best of them. Creator:
Sideways (2004) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 21 January 2005 (USA) -- Two men reaching middle age with not much to show but disappointment embark on a week-long road trip through California's wine country, just as one is about to take a trip down the aisle. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
Stretch (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, Crime | 14 October 2014 (USA) -- A hard-luck limo driver struggles to go straight and pay off a debt to his bookie. He takes on a job with a crazed passenger, whose sought-after ledger implicates some seriously dangerous criminals. Director: Joe Carnahan Writers:
Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969) ::: 7.5/10 -- G | 1h 32min | Comedy, Western | 26 March 1969 (USA) -- In the old west, a man becomes a Sheriff just for the pay, figuring he can decamp if things get tough. In the end, he uses ingenuity instead. Director: Burt Kennedy Writer: William Bowers
The Collector (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Action, Crime, Horror | 31 July 2009 (USA) -- Desperate to repay his debt to his ex-wife, an ex-con plots a heist at his new employer's country home, unaware that a second criminal has also targeted the property, and rigged it with a series of deadly traps. Director: Marcus Dunstan Writers:
The Descendants (2011) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Comedy, Drama | 9 December 2011 (USA) -- A land baron tries to reconnect with his two daughters after his wife is seriously injured in a boating accident. Director: Alexander Payne Writers: Alexander Payne (screenplay), Nat Faxon (screenplay) | 2 more credits
The Expendables 2 (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 17 August 2012 (USA) -- Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. Director: Simon West Writers:
The Man from Elysian Fields (2001) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Drama, Romance | 28 November 2002 (Hong Kong) -- A failed novelist's inability to pay the bills strains relations with his wife and leads him to work at an escort service where he becomes entwined with a wealthy woman whose husband is a successful writer. Director: George Hickenlooper Writer:
The Merchant of Venice (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Drama, Romance | 18 February 2005 (USA) -- In 16th century Venice, when a merchant must default on a large loan from an abused Jewish moneylender for a friend with romantic ambitions, the bitterly vengeful creditor demands a gruesome payment instead. Director: Michael Radford Writers:
The Pajama Game (1957) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Musical | 10 December 1957 -- The Pajama Game Poster An Iowa pajama factory worker falls in love with an affable superintendent who had been hired by the factory's boss to help oppose the workers' demand for a pay raise. Directors: George Abbott, Stanley Donen Writers: George Abbott (screenplay), Richard Bissell (screenplay) | 3 more credits
The Politician ::: TV-14 | 42min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- Payton Hobart, a student from Santa Barbara, has known since age seven that he's going to be President of the United States. But first he'll have to navigate the most treacherous political landscape of all: Saint Sebastian High School. Creators:
The Sarah Silverman Program. ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20072010) Sarah's immature, only thinks of herself and has no inhibition nor work. Her sister Laura pays her rent. She has a gay couple as neighbors. Laura's seeing cop Jay. Creators: Dan Harmon, Rob Schrab, Sarah Silverman Stars:
The Sense of an Ending (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Drama, Mystery | 10 March 2017 (USA) -- A man becomes haunted by his past and is presented with a mysterious legacy that causes him to re-think his current situation in life. Director: Ritesh Batra Writers: Julian Barnes (novel), Nick Payne (adaptation) | 1 more credit
The Words (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 7 September 2012 (USA) -- A writer at the peak of his literary success discovers the steep price he must pay for stealing another man's work. Directors: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal Writers: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal
U Turn (1997) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 3 October 1997 (USA) -- A man heading to Vegas to pay off his gambling debt before the Russian mafia kills him is forced to stop in an Arizona town where everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Director: Oliver Stone Writers:
Vinland Saga ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019) Episode Guide 24 episodes Vinland Saga Poster -- Thorfinn pursues a journey with his father's killer in order to take revenge and end his life in a duel as an honorable warrior and pay his father a homage. Stars:
Viridiana (1961) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Drama | 19 March 1962 (USA) -- Viridiana, a young nun about to take her final vows, pays a visit to her widowed uncle at the request of her Mother Superior. Director: Luis Buuel Writers: Julio Alejandro, Luis Buuel
Viva Las Vegas (1964) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 25min | Comedy, Musical | 20 May 1964 (USA) -- A race car driver preparing for the Grand Prix, wiles his time in Las Vegas working as a waiter to pay for his new engine. Soon, he strikes up a romance with a beautiful young woman. Director: George Sidney Writer: Sally Benson Stars:
We're No Angels (1955) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 46min | Comedy, Crime, Romance | 8 September 1955 -- We're No Angels Poster -- Three Devil's Island escapees hide out in the house of a kindly merchant and repay his kindness by helping him and his family out of several crises. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers:
What We Do in the Shadows (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Comedy, Horror | 13 February 2015 (USA) -- Viago, Deacon and Vladislav are vampires who are finding that modern life has them struggling with the mundane - like paying rent, keeping up with the chore wheel, trying to get into nightclubs and overcoming flatmate conflicts. Directors: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi Writers:
White Heat (1949) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 54min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 September 1949 (USA) -- A psychopathic criminal with a mother complex makes a daring break from prison and leads his old gang in a chemical plant payroll heist. Director: Raoul Walsh Writers: Ivan Goff (screen play), Ben Roberts (screen play) | 1 more credit
Young Guns II (1990) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Action, Western | 1 August 1990 (USA) -- In 1881, cattle baron John Chisum pays a bounty to Patrick Floyd Garrett to kill outlaw Billy the Kid. Director: Geoff Murphy Writers: John Fusco (characters), John Fusco!,_Enak's_Circus_of_Adventure's_the_price_you_have_to_pay'Spayre_(616)!'re_Gonna_Pay
A-Channel+smile -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 2 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- A-Channel+smile A-Channel+smile -- Following the everyday lives of four high school girls: the flighty Run, the reckless Tooru, the timid Yuuko, and the level-headed Nagi. -- -- Mountain of Pancakes -- Kitou-sensei injures her hand during class and has to deal with it while Tooru brings cat Tansan to school with her to meet Yutaka and Miho. Later, the girls decide to get pancakes at a café where Miho happens to be working, facing trouble when Yutaka shows up out of the blue. -- -- A Picture of a Wish -- Yuuko catches a cold so the others pay her a visit and help look after her. Later, the girls get together for the New Year's shrine visit. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Mar 21, 2012 -- 20,185 7.12
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- Red panda Retsuko continues to work at her cyclic office job, with the occasional stress-venting via death metal karaoke on the side. With the company of her newfound friends Gori and Washimi, life is more enjoyable than ever before. But some new shake-ups to her status quo threaten to add more stress to her life. At the office, new employee Anai seems like a fine addition to the company. Yet when Retsuko is placed in charge of his training, she finds that beneath his steadfast dedication, he may pose a threat to the stability of the workplace. Meanwhile, at home, Retsuko's mother pays an abrupt visit, fully intent on having her daughter finally settle down and find a man. With this in mind, she sets Retsuko up for various marriage appointments, much to her chagrin. -- -- Now, Retsuko finds all the more reasons to head to the karaoke bar and unleash her furious diatribes. However, knowing that this will not truly solve her problems, she decides to make a more spontaneous choice to avoid her issues. And so, Retsuko finds herself set upon another self-reflecting journey, coming to learn more about herself and love, with the ever cathartic support of death metal karaoke. -- -- ONA - Jun 14, 2019 -- 73,221 7.78
Ajin -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural Seinen -- Ajin Ajin -- Mysterious immortal humans known as "Ajin" first appeared 17 years ago in Africa. Upon their discovery, they were labeled as a threat to mankind, as they might use their powers for evil and were incapable of being destroyed. Since then, whenever an Ajin is found within society, they are to be arrested and taken into custody immediately. -- -- Studying hard to become a doctor, Kei Nagai is a high schooler who knows very little about Ajin, only having seen them appear in the news every now and then. Students are taught that these creatures are not considered to be human, but Kei doesn't pay much attention in class. As a result, his perilously little grasp on this subject proves to be completely irrelevant when he survives an accident that was supposed to claim his life, signaling his rebirth as an Ajin and the start of his days of torment. However, as he finds himself alone on the run from the entire world, Kei soon realizes that more of his species may be a lot closer than he thinks. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 465,425 7.47
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Romance Drama Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Akagami no Shirayuki-hime -- Although her name means "snow white," Shirayuki is a cheerful, red-haired girl living in the country of Tanbarun who works diligently as an apothecary at her herbal shop. Her life changes drastically when she is noticed by the silly prince of Tanbarun, Prince Raji, who then tries to force her to become his concubine. Unwilling to give up her freedom, Shirayuki cuts her long red hair and escapes into the forest, where she is rescued from Raji by Zen Wistalia, the second prince of a neighboring country, and his two aides. Hoping to repay her debt to the trio someday, Shirayuki sets her sights on pursuing a career as the court herbalist in Zen's country, Clarines. -- -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 485,510 7.78
Akira (Shin Anime) -- -- Sunrise -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Supernatural Seinen -- Akira (Shin Anime) Akira (Shin Anime) -- A new anime adaptation for Otomo's highly acclaimed post-apocalyptic cyberpunk manga series Akira. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 12,362 N/A -- -- Plastic Little -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Plastic Little Plastic Little -- Set on the planet Yietta, whose colonists make their living by exploiting the planet's unique liquid-gas oceans, Plastic Little begins as the Yietans are finally about to pay off their debts to the Galactic Federation. Unfortunately, there are those who would rather not let Yietta slip through their fingers... -- -- Enter Tita, 17 year old captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Together with her crew, Tita specializes in capturing Yietta's exotic life forms for intergalactic pet shops, but through plain bad luck she finds herself, instead, at the core of a sinister plot to take over Yietta! By rescuing 16 year old Elysse from the very clutches of the military, Tita puts the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril... but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! -- -- As the plotters mobilize their forces in a desperate bid to retrieve Elysse, whom they believe possesses a vital computer code, Tita must play a dangerous game of tag with an entire army of professional killers! It's Cat and Mouse on a planetwide scale, with one crucial difference: Mice don't shoot back, but Tita's does! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1994 -- 12,320 6.13
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Supernatural Drama -- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -- Jinta Yadomi is peacefully living as a recluse, spending his days away from school and playing video games at home instead. One hot summer day, his childhood friend, Meiko "Menma" Honma, appears and pesters him to grant a forgotten wish. He pays her no mind, which annoys her, but he doesn't really care. After all, Menma already died years ago. -- -- At first, Jinta thinks that he is merely hallucinating due to the summer heat, but he is later on convinced that what he sees truly is the ghost of Menma. Jinta and his group of childhood friends grew apart after her untimely death, but they are drawn together once more as they try to lay Menma's spirit to rest. Re-living their pain and guilt, will they be able to find the strength to help not only Menma move on—but themselves as well? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, NIS America, Inc. -- 1,229,900 8.40
Another -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural Thriller School -- Another Another -- In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within. -- -- Twenty-six years later, 15-year-old Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3 of Yomiyama North and soon after discovers that a strange, gloomy mood seems to hang over all the students. He also finds himself drawn to the mysterious, eyepatch-wearing student Mei Misaki; however, the rest of the class and the teachers seem to treat her like she doesn't exist. Paying no heed to warnings from everyone including Mei herself, Kouichi begins to get closer not only to her, but also to the truth behind the gruesome phenomenon plaguing class 3-3 of Yomiyama North. -- -- Another follows Kouichi, Mei, and their classmates as they are pulled into the enigma surrounding a series of inevitable, tragic events—but unraveling the horror of Yomiyama may just cost them the ultimate price. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2012 -- 1,275,253 7.53
Another: The Other - Inga -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Horror Mystery Thriller -- Another: The Other - Inga Another: The Other - Inga -- Shortly before the start of a new semester, Misaki Fujioka visits her twin sister Mei Misaki in Yomiyama City. The girls make full use of the last days of summer, roaming around a heat-weary town and visiting various places including a shopping center and shooting stall. When they prowl around her basement, Mei expresses uneasiness about her new class, which is said to be cursed. -- -- Craving more entertainment, the twins decide to pay a visit to the local amusement park. But the leisure of a sleepy summer day could soon turn woeful as Mei sees the color of death on her sister—an unmistakable omen that a tragedy is bound to strike. -- -- OVA - May 26, 2012 -- 157,474 7.31
Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Aoharu x Kikanjuu Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- Hotaru Tachibana has a strong sense of justice and just cannot help confronting those who choose to perform malicious acts. Furthermore, Hotaru is actually a girl who likes to disguise herself as a boy. After hearing rumors that her best friend was tricked by the popular host of a local club, Hotaru seeks to punish the evildoer. Upon arriving at the club, however, she is challenged to a so-called "survival game" by the host Masamune Matsuoka, where the first person hit by the bullet of a toy gun will lose. -- -- After a destructive fight which results in Hotaru's loss, Masamune forces the young "boy" to join his survival game team named Toy Gun Gun, in order to repay the cost of the damages that "he" has caused inside the club. Although she is initially unhappy with this turn of events, Hotaru quickly begins to enjoy what survival games have to offer and is determined to pay off her debt, much to the dismay of Tooru Yukimura, the other member of Toy Gun Gun. As time goes on, Hotaru begins to develop a close friendship with the rest of the team and hopes to take part in realizing their dream of winning the Top Combat Game (TCG), a tournament to decide the best survival game team in Japan. -- -- Although Hotaru tries her best, there are just two little problems: she is absolutely terrible at the game, and Toy Gun Gun doesn't allow female members on their team! -- -- 188,845 7.18
Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Aoharu x Kikanjuu Aoharu x Kikanjuu -- Hotaru Tachibana has a strong sense of justice and just cannot help confronting those who choose to perform malicious acts. Furthermore, Hotaru is actually a girl who likes to disguise herself as a boy. After hearing rumors that her best friend was tricked by the popular host of a local club, Hotaru seeks to punish the evildoer. Upon arriving at the club, however, she is challenged to a so-called "survival game" by the host Masamune Matsuoka, where the first person hit by the bullet of a toy gun will lose. -- -- After a destructive fight which results in Hotaru's loss, Masamune forces the young "boy" to join his survival game team named Toy Gun Gun, in order to repay the cost of the damages that "he" has caused inside the club. Although she is initially unhappy with this turn of events, Hotaru quickly begins to enjoy what survival games have to offer and is determined to pay off her debt, much to the dismay of Tooru Yukimura, the other member of Toy Gun Gun. As time goes on, Hotaru begins to develop a close friendship with the rest of the team and hopes to take part in realizing their dream of winning the Top Combat Game (TCG), a tournament to decide the best survival game team in Japan. -- -- Although Hotaru tries her best, there are just two little problems: she is absolutely terrible at the game, and Toy Gun Gun doesn't allow female members on their team! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 188,845 7.18
Arakawa Under the Bridge -- -- Shaft -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen -- Arakawa Under the Bridge Arakawa Under the Bridge -- Kou Ichinomiya is the son of a wealthy businessman who holds a firm belief in his elite status. As such, he is determined to avoid becoming indebted to anyone; but one day, after a run-in with some mischievous kids on Arakawa Bridge, he ends up falling into the river running underneath. Luckily for him, a passerby is there to save him—but now, he owes his life to this stranger! -- -- Angered by this, Kou insists on paying her back, but this may just be the worst deal the arrogant businessman has ever made. The stranger—a stoic, tracksuit-wearing homeless girl known only as Nino—lives in a cardboard box under the bridge and wants only one thing: to fall in love. Asking Kou to be her boyfriend, he has no choice but to accept, forcing him to move out of his comfortable home and start a new life under the bridge! -- -- 297,135 7.59
Baccano! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Historical Mystery Supernatural -- Baccano! Specials Baccano! Specials -- In 1929, Ladd Russo spared Graham Specter's life and earned his unwavering loyalty. Three years later, Graham is infuriated upon learning that Ladd was pushed off the train after the events aboard the Flying Pussyfoot. As a man of bizarre yet passionate philosophies, he plans to make an offering to Ladd by kidnapping Eve Genoard and subsequently capturing Jacuzzi Splot, who has been living in the Genoard mansion with his gang. -- -- Meanwhile, Jacuzzi and his gang take in an unfamiliar woman, Elmer C. Albatross pays a visit to the prison to meet an old friend, and Czeslaw Meyer runs into the man he hoped he would never see again. -- -- These seemingly separate storylines merge, tying up several loose ends and revealing the whole truth of the anomaly that occurred aboard the Advena Avis in 1711. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- Special - Feb 27, 2008 -- 155,505 8.14
Baccano! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Historical Mystery Supernatural -- Baccano! Specials Baccano! Specials -- In 1929, Ladd Russo spared Graham Specter's life and earned his unwavering loyalty. Three years later, Graham is infuriated upon learning that Ladd was pushed off the train after the events aboard the Flying Pussyfoot. As a man of bizarre yet passionate philosophies, he plans to make an offering to Ladd by kidnapping Eve Genoard and subsequently capturing Jacuzzi Splot, who has been living in the Genoard mansion with his gang. -- -- Meanwhile, Jacuzzi and his gang take in an unfamiliar woman, Elmer C. Albatross pays a visit to the prison to meet an old friend, and Czeslaw Meyer runs into the man he hoped he would never see again. -- -- These seemingly separate storylines merge, tying up several loose ends and revealing the whole truth of the anomaly that occurred aboard the Advena Avis in 1711. -- -- Special - Feb 27, 2008 -- 155,505 8.14
Blood-C: The Last Dark -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Blood-C: The Last Dark Blood-C: The Last Dark -- Having escaped the many horrors of her village, Saya Kisaragi vows to hunt down the monster responsible and make him pay with his life. As she tears through flesh and bone for her vendetta, she encounters SIRRUT, a group of ingenious hackers, who enlist Saya to help them defeat a common enemy—someone she knows all too well. -- -- Unfortunately, the path she follows is paved with tragedy, as once again, Saya faces betrayal at the hands of those she has come to trust. With her back against the wall, the fearsome monster slayer must fight with all her strength and skill if she is to overcome this final mission and exact vengeance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 2, 2012 -- 76,262 7.19
Blood-C: The Last Dark -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Blood-C: The Last Dark Blood-C: The Last Dark -- Having escaped the many horrors of her village, Saya Kisaragi vows to hunt down the monster responsible and make him pay with his life. As she tears through flesh and bone for her vendetta, she encounters SIRRUT, a group of ingenious hackers, who enlist Saya to help them defeat a common enemy—someone she knows all too well. -- -- Unfortunately, the path she follows is paved with tragedy, as once again, Saya faces betrayal at the hands of those she has come to trust. With her back against the wall, the fearsome monster slayer must fight with all her strength and skill if she is to overcome this final mission and exact vengeance. -- -- Movie - Jun 2, 2012 -- 76,262 7.19
Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- For this year's Nadeshiko Festival, Sakura Kinomoto's elementary school class is presenting a play. She will portray a princess who struggles to respond to the love confession of the neighboring country's prince. Sakura empathizes with her character all too well, since she herself still owes an answer to the boy who confessed his love for her four months ago. -- -- When cousins Shaoran and Meiling Li return from Hong Kong to pay a surprise visit to their friends in Japan, Sakura receives further encouragement to finally declare her feelings. However, she is repeatedly distracted by a presence reminiscent of a Clow Card as well as unexplained disappearances around town. -- -- Eventually, Sakura learns of another of Clow Reed's creations—the "Nothing"—which was formerly sealed away beneath the magician's old house. It has power equal to all 52 cards Sakura possesses, and furthermore, it wants to take those cards away from her! Objects, space, and people disappear from Tomoeda with each card that is stolen. Sakura sets out to capture the Nothing so everything will return to normal, but what must she sacrifice in the process? -- -- Movie - Jul 15, 2000 -- 97,928 8.22
Chainsaw Man -- -- MAPPA -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Shounen -- Chainsaw Man Chainsaw Man -- Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash. -- -- Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji's dead body and grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws, a revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil hunters who arrive at the scene, he is offered work at the Public Safety Bureau as one of them. Now with the means to face even the toughest of enemies, Denji will stop at nothing to achieve his simple teenage dreams. -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 67,759 N/A -- -- Naruto Narutimate Hero 3: Tsuini Gekitotsu! Jounin vs. Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Game -- Game Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Naruto Narutimate Hero 3: Tsuini Gekitotsu! Jounin vs. Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!! Naruto Narutimate Hero 3: Tsuini Gekitotsu! Jounin vs. Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!! -- A contest is made by the Fifth Hokage called Jonin vs Genin. The point is to collect crystals for points, with the higher-ranked Chunin and Jonin holding crystals worth more points. The Genin have blue crystals, while the Chunin and Jonin have red crystals. -- -- The video shows various fights between the Genin and Jonin, which each instance ending in the Jonin unknowingly losing their crystal (or discarding it). -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Dec 22, 2005 -- 67,031 6.77
Chainsaw Man -- -- MAPPA -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Shounen -- Chainsaw Man Chainsaw Man -- Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash. -- -- Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji's dead body and grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws, a revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil hunters who arrive at the scene, he is offered work at the Public Safety Bureau as one of them. Now with the means to face even the toughest of enemies, Denji will stop at nothing to achieve his simple teenage dreams. -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 67,759 N/A -- -- Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
Charlotte -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama School Super Power -- Charlotte Charlotte -- While on the surface Yuu Otosaka appears to be just another charming and intelligent teenager, he has a secret—he has the ability to slip into people's minds and fully control their body for five seconds at a time. Yuu has been using this skill for years to gain the highest grades, which allowed him to enter a prestigious high school. -- -- When the enigmatic Nao Tomori catches Yuu using his power, she coerces him and his sister Ayumi into transferring to Hoshinoumi Academy, a school for students with supernatural abilities. The student council of the school, led by Nao, is tasked with secretly tracking down adolescents who abuse their powers. Yuu is forced to join the student council and together, they face formidable challenges that bring him closer to the shocking truth that his own, seemingly incomplete ability, might be more powerful than he could have ever imagined. -- -- An original story from Jun Maeda, creator of Angel Beats and Clannad, Charlotte explores the supernatural lives of these teenagers and the price they must pay for being special. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,129,120 7.76
Chocolat no Mahou -- -- SynergySP -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Drama Magic Shoujo -- Chocolat no Mahou Chocolat no Mahou -- Chocolatier Chocolat Aikawa and her enigmatic acquaintance Cacao Theobroma run a shop named Chocolat Noir, which is famous for its specially crafted chocolates, known to miraculously grant wishes. A variety of troubled individuals find themselves in front of the shop, seeking its merchandise, but these chocolates are expensive—each customer must pay with their most precious belonging. -- -- Although Chocolat seems to be a lady who would have no problems of her own, due to her ability to grant wishes, beneath her mysterious facade is a distressed young girl who has not settled a score from her past... -- -- OVA - Mar 3, 2011 -- 6,757 6.19
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- Seven Japanese high school students enjoy international renown for their remarkable talents. One day, these friends survive a plane crash only to find themselves in the medieval fantasy world of Freyjagard, where two human races live side by side in a feudal society: the byuma, who have animal features and formidable strength, and the hyuma, who have a small chance of magical aptitude. After being rescued by the byuma Winona and her adopted elven daughter Lyrule, the group pledges to use their advanced skills and knowledge to pay back the people of Elm Village for their hospitality and find a way to return back home. -- -- Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister of Japan, acts as the leader of these young geniuses and organizes their efforts to intervene in Freyjagard and gather the information and resources necessary for achieving their goals. Believing that there is a connection between their current situation and an ancient legend about seven heroes from another world who defeated an evil dragon, Tsukasa directs the others to learn about the culture around them and search for any clues leading them back to Earth. But he also gives another instruction: to take it nice and easy, lest they ruin this world by giving it their all. -- -- 162,715 6.34
Cike Wu Liuqi -- -- - -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama Romance Martial Arts -- Cike Wu Liuqi Cike Wu Liuqi -- To the casual eye, the amnesiac bounty hunter Wu Liuqi looks quite intimidating. With his deadly telekinetic scissor techniques and his ability to seamlessly transform into anything, one would not expect his modest demeanor. In fact, Wu is quite terrible at his job. Often times the freelancer can be found botching an assassination or targeting the wrong person. While his failures could be due to his subpar skills, it usually boils down to him being a normal kid, with a heart unsuited for his line of work. -- -- Accompanied by his feathered friend Dai Bo, Wu is on a simple quest to regain his memories. Although his inconspicuous day job as a hairdresser and his after-hours occupation are simply a means for him to repay debt, his various ventures seem to intertwine with his pursuit to recover his lost past. -- -- ONA - Apr 25, 2018 -- 23,321 7.91
Cross Road -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life School -- Cross Road Cross Road -- As college entrance examinations draw near, two students living completely different lives decide to enroll in Z-Kai, a correspondence education service. Balancing their studies with their daily lives, the two diligently work towards their goal, unaware of how much they share in common. Will their hard work pay off and bring about the success they desire? -- -- Special - Feb 25, 2014 -- 58,373 7.39
Dai Mahou Touge -- -- Diomedéa -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Supernatural -- Dai Mahou Touge Dai Mahou Touge -- Punie is next in line to become queen of Magical Land. However, she must spend a year on Earth before she can inherit the throne, so she transfers into a school in Japan. She's usually a sweet and gentle girl... that is unless someone does something to displease her, then she'll drop the act. She won't hesitate to whip out her magic stick and cheerfully rain bloody destruction down on the hapless fool, or barring that, simply use wrestling moves she calls "Submission" to punish them. Accompanied by her animal mascot Paya-tan, who makes regular attempts on her life (still bitter about being defeated and then forcibly recruited from Waku Waku Mascot Village), and forced to fend off random attacks by various people from her Kingdom who all have different reasons for wanting her dead, she must complete this year of training on Earth without fail. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Mar 20, 2006 -- 27,540 6.97
Dai Mahou Touge -- -- Diomedéa -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Supernatural -- Dai Mahou Touge Dai Mahou Touge -- Punie is next in line to become queen of Magical Land. However, she must spend a year on Earth before she can inherit the throne, so she transfers into a school in Japan. She's usually a sweet and gentle girl... that is unless someone does something to displease her, then she'll drop the act. She won't hesitate to whip out her magic stick and cheerfully rain bloody destruction down on the hapless fool, or barring that, simply use wrestling moves she calls "Submission" to punish them. Accompanied by her animal mascot Paya-tan, who makes regular attempts on her life (still bitter about being defeated and then forcibly recruited from Waku Waku Mascot Village), and forced to fend off random attacks by various people from her Kingdom who all have different reasons for wanting her dead, she must complete this year of training on Earth without fail. -- OVA - Mar 20, 2006 -- 27,540 6.97
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- 193,848 7.04
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 193,848 7.04
Detective Conan Movie 10: Requiem of the Detectives -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 10: Requiem of the Detectives Detective Conan Movie 10: Requiem of the Detectives -- After receiving a strange invitation, Kogorou Mouri pays a visit to the Miracle Land theme park along with his daughter Ran, Conan Edogawa, and the Detective Boys. Once there, Kogorou and Conan are tasked with finishing an unsolved case by a mysterious stranger. Realizing that the invitations were actually an elaborate trap, the two have just 12 hours to solve the case or face grave danger. -- -- With the help of familiar faces like Heiji Hattori, Kaitou Kid, and even Saguru Hakuba, the group of detectives must unravel the web of clues surrounding the case in order to find the culprit and bring them to justice before it's too late. -- -- Movie - Apr 15, 2006 -- 43,950 8.07
Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure -- The luscious hills of Koumi Island are one of many reasons tourists pay its shores a visit—a reason that comes second only to its scenic coral reefs and the legend of Anne Bonnie and Mary Read. The museum that houses the cutlass and pistol of the daring pirate duo does wonders for the small island's tourism. -- -- On a trip to the island, the famous Kogorou Mouri is joined by his daughter Ran, her best friend Sonoko Suzuki, the Detective Boys, and Conan Edogawa. Following a mix up at the hotel regarding their rooms, the group encounters treasure hunters and becomes acquainted with the island's treasure fever. Sent on a hunt of their very own, the Detective Boys scour the isle; while in far harsher waters, Conan discovers a murder. The police, following a clue from a recent robbery, arrive soon after, and Koumi is plunged into chaos. -- -- What follows is a mad dash by not only the treasure hunters but also the inhabitants of Koumi to secure Anne and Mary's long lost booty. All the while, however, Conan, Kogorou, and the police search for the one thing far greater than riches—justice. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 34,810 7.47
Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Slice of Life Magic School -- Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu -- Set in a world of cruelty and heartbreak, Fairy Ranmaru: Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu follows five young men who work at the mysterious "Bar F" and who offer to heal the hearts of their clients, wiping away their tears and causing smiles to bloom like flowers. They take no payment... aside from stealing their clients' hearts. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 8,330 5.36
Fukigen na Mononokean -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Fukigen na Mononokean -- The start of Hanae Ashiya's high school career has not been easy—he has spent all of the first week in the infirmary, and his inexplicable condition is only getting worse. The cause of his torment is the mysterious fuzzy creature that has attached itself to him ever since he stumbled upon it the day before school began. -- -- As his health continues to decline and the creature grows in size, Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai. Desperate and with nothing left to lose, he calls the number and is led to the Mononokean, a tea room which suddenly appears next to the infirmary. A morose-sounding man, Haruitsuki Abeno, reluctantly helps Hanae but demands payment afterward. Much to Hanae's dismay, he cannot afford the fee and must become an employee at the Mononokean to work off his debt. And to make things worse, his new boss is actually one of his classmates. If Hanae ever hopes to settle his debt, he must work together with Abeno to guide a variety of dangerous, strange, and interesting youkai back to the Underworld. -- -- 104,054 7.42
Fukigen na Mononokean -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Fukigen na Mononokean -- The start of Hanae Ashiya's high school career has not been easy—he has spent all of the first week in the infirmary, and his inexplicable condition is only getting worse. The cause of his torment is the mysterious fuzzy creature that has attached itself to him ever since he stumbled upon it the day before school began. -- -- As his health continues to decline and the creature grows in size, Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai. Desperate and with nothing left to lose, he calls the number and is led to the Mononokean, a tea room which suddenly appears next to the infirmary. A morose-sounding man, Haruitsuki Abeno, reluctantly helps Hanae but demands payment afterward. Much to Hanae's dismay, he cannot afford the fee and must become an employee at the Mononokean to work off his debt. And to make things worse, his new boss is actually one of his classmates. If Hanae ever hopes to settle his debt, he must work together with Abeno to guide a variety of dangerous, strange, and interesting youkai back to the Underworld. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 104,054 7.42
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- -- Bones -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood -- "In order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost." -- -- Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. They pay a terrible price for their transgression—Edward loses his left leg, Alphonse his physical body. It is only by the desperate sacrifice of Edward's right arm that he is able to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. Devastated and alone, it is the hope that they would both eventually return to their original bodies that gives Edward the inspiration to obtain metal limbs called "automail" and become a state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist. -- -- Three years of searching later, the brothers seek the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical relic that allows an alchemist to overcome the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Even with military allies Colonel Roy Mustang, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes on their side, the brothers find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone, but their country's murky history as well. In between finding a serial killer and racing against time, Edward and Alphonse must ask themselves if what they are doing will make them human again... or take away their humanity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 2,372,958 9.18
Ghost Hunt -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Horror Supernatural Shoujo -- Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt -- While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17-year-old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building. -- -- The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured. -- -- Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2006 -- 198,156 7.80
Ghost Hunt -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Horror Supernatural Shoujo -- Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt -- While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17-year-old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building. -- -- The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured. -- -- Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting. -- -- TV - Oct 4, 2006 -- 198,156 7.80
Gin no Guardian -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Fantasy -- Gin no Guardian Gin no Guardian -- High school student and gamer Suigin Riku attends the prestigious Shinryou Private Academy, a school for the elite and the children of the wealthy. But rich or wealthy are not words that describe Suigin; in fact, he is dirt poor and must work many part time jobs to pay for his tuition. During one such job, he dives into a pool to save his pet cat, fully aware that he cannot swim. Luckily, he is saved by Rei Riku, the beautiful and popular daughter of a game developer, and he falls in love with her. -- -- He is also drawn to another girl: a new friend he meets in Dungeon Century, his favorite online RPG. But when the game is scheduled to shut down, he knows his adventures with her will soon end. However, the day after the game is shut down, he finds out that Rei and the online girl are one and the same. Soon after, Rei gives Suigin a new game meant to replace Dungeon Century—a tomb raiding game called Grave Buster. But when Rei is suddenly kidnapped, Suigin is pulled inside Grave Buster to save her. -- -- Gin no Guardian follows Suigin as he plays through Grave Buster to save Rei, while uncovering the secrets hidden within the game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 90,940 6.24
Gin no Guardian II -- -- Blade, Emon -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Fantasy -- Gin no Guardian II Gin no Guardian II -- At Shinryou Private Academy—an expensive school for wealthy students—one would never expect to find the poverty-stricken Suigin Riku. When he is not working on one of his many part-time jobs to pay his tuition, he can often be found playing the RPG game Dungeon Century, where he has cultivated a relationship with an online friend. However, when Dungeon Century shuts down, he finds out that his crush, the kind-hearted Rei Riku, and his online friend are the same person. -- -- But in the aftermath of this revelation, Rei gets kidnapped and taken into Grave Buster, which is a new online game from the creators of Dungeon Century, forcing Suigin to enter the harsh new world of a pay-to-win game in order to save her. Gin no Guardian 2nd Season continues Suigin's quest to rescue Rei, while attempting to solve the mysteries of this strange game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 46,176 6.58
Grey: Digital Target -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Shounen -- Grey: Digital Target Grey: Digital Target -- Grey is a laconic trooper in a rough, futuristic military system which rewards success in battle with high pay and promotions, but only three precent of troopers live long enough for the final goal - citizenship and the chance for a life above the misery of most of the populace. Grey has managed to keep coming back alive, even earning the nickname Grey Death. But is the society he's fought for worth it? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 13, 1986 -- 2,140 6.15
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Action School -- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation -- Following the Heath Oslo incident, the existence of the US-Japanese anti-terror organization CIRS has become a matter of public knowledge. CIRS has been rebuilt from the ground up, and its most covert functions spun off to a new agency: SORD (Social Ops, Research & Development). -- -- The goal of SORD is to train a new generation of operatives to defend the country against future threats. To that end, the organization has established a series of schools up and down the country. Mihama Academy, more-or-less left to rot after its abrupt closure, has been given new purpose as one such 'specialist training school'. -- -- This new incarnation of Mihama Academy is home to a diverse group of students, who every day work to polish their unusual skills – sometimes on the job. Mihama now entrusts the misfit girls who attend it with guns and live ammunition. -- -- Paying their own safety no heed, these students are again and again plunged into dangerous extrajudicial missions - all for the good of the realm. -- -- "We've been provided with a place in the world. That alone isn't enough - there wouldn't be any meaning in living, if that was all we had... It's not enough just to be made use of by others. I live by my own strength, and I fight to survive. That's the only way those of us who actually make it through can find forgiveness..." -- -- No matter how much life grinds them down, what future awaits these girls, who've themselves chosen the path of the gun? -- -- (Source: Kickstarter) -- Movie - Mar 15, 2019 -- 60,507 6.97
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen -- Owing to an increasing debt, Kaiji Itou ends up resuming his old lifestyle. One day, while walking on the street, he stumbles upon Yuuji Endou, who is hunting Kaiji due to the money he owes to the Teiai Group. Unaware of this, Kaiji eagerly follows Endou, hoping for a chance to participate in another gamble, but soon finds out the loan shark's real intentions when he is kidnapped. -- -- Given that Kaiji is unable to pay off his huge debt, the Teiai Group instead sends him to work in an underground labor camp. He is told that he will have to live in this hell for 15 years, alongside other debtors, until he can earn his freedom. His only hope to put an early end to this nightmare is by saving enough money to be able to go back to the surface for a single day. Once he is there, he plans to obtain the remaining money needed to settle his account by making a high-stakes wager. However, as many temptations threaten his scarce income, Kaiji may have to resort to gambling sooner than he had expected. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 145,107 8.25
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor -- Kaiji Itou is a good-for-nothing loiterer who spends his days drinking beer and stealing hubcaps—that is, until he ends up being tricked by his former co-worker. Unable to suddenly repay his friend's huge debt all by himself, Kaiji is offered a shady deal to participate in an illegal underground gamble on a cruise ship. This turns out to be nothing more than the beginning of his new life of hell—thrown headlong into a life-threatening roller coaster of mind games, cheating, and deceit. -- -- Based on the first entry of the famous gambling manga series by Nobuyuki Fukumoto, Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor follows our unlucky protagonist as he is forced to fight not only other people, but also the mysteries of their psyches. Kaiji finds out the hard way that the worst sides of human nature surface when people's backs are against the wall, and that the most fearsome dangers of all are greed, paranoia, and the human survival instinct itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 257,125 8.28
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Hai to Gensou no Grimgar -- Fear, survival, instinct. Thrown into a foreign land with nothing but hazy memories and the knowledge of their name, they can feel only these three emotions resonating deep within their souls. A group of strangers is given no other choice than to accept the only paying job in this game-like world—the role of a soldier in the Reserve Army—and eliminate anything that threatens the peace in their new world, Grimgar. -- -- When all of the stronger candidates join together, those left behind must create a party together to survive: Manato, a charismatic leader and priest; Haruhiro, a nervous thief; Yume, a cheerful hunter; Shihoru, a shy mage; Mogzo, a kind warrior; and Ranta, a rowdy dark knight. Despite its resemblance to one, this is no game—there are no redos or respawns; it is kill or be killed. -- -- It is now up to this ragtag group of unlikely fighters to survive together in a world where life and death are separated only by a fine line. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 564,145 7.68
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery -- Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -- Although the city of Fukuoka might look relatively peaceful at first glance, in actuality it houses a thriving mixture of dangerous individuals such as killers, detectives, and professional revenge seekers right beneath its surface. Among their number is Zenji Banba, a laidback and observant detective who is investigating the work of other hitmen companies in the area. However, Banba might not be the only one with a bone to pick with these organizations, as Xianming Lin, a crossdressing male hitman in the employ of one such company begins getting fed up with his lack of jobs and pay. -- -- One day, after Lin's current target commits suicide before the hitman could reach him, his company refuses to pay him even half the amount they were originally supposed to for the assassination. Frustrated, Lin requests another mission and is offered the job of taking out Banba, whom his organization believes has been interfering with their business. However, when Banba arrives at his home and finds the hitman inside, Lin surprisingly doesn't even attempt to kill him. Instead, he offers the detective another option: to join him and form a team. With the offer on the table, exactly how will Banba respond, and just what plans does Lin have in store for the underground world of Fukuoka? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 123,884 7.40
Hand Maid May -- -- Production Reed, TNK -- 10 eps -- Original -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi -- Hand Maid May Hand Maid May -- Saotome Kazuya is a computer whiz. One day his friend Nanbara, threatens him with a computer virus. Trying to stop the virus, Kazuya ends up making a special order. May is a cyberdoll that arrives at his door a few minutes later and she is 1/6th the size of a normal person, which makes for many awkward situations. Not to mention the fact Kazuya can't even afford to keep May. Cyberdyne is not satisfied with Kazuya's non-payments and will do anything to retrieve CBD May. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 25,901 6.73
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- Second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 98,137 N/A -- -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card -- For this year's Nadeshiko Festival, Sakura Kinomoto's elementary school class is presenting a play. She will portray a princess who struggles to respond to the love confession of the neighboring country's prince. Sakura empathizes with her character all too well, since she herself still owes an answer to the boy who confessed his love for her four months ago. -- -- When cousins Shaoran and Meiling Li return from Hong Kong to pay a surprise visit to their friends in Japan, Sakura receives further encouragement to finally declare her feelings. However, she is repeatedly distracted by a presence reminiscent of a Clow Card as well as unexplained disappearances around town. -- -- Eventually, Sakura learns of another of Clow Reed's creations—the "Nothing"—which was formerly sealed away beneath the magician's old house. It has power equal to all 52 cards Sakura possesses, and furthermore, it wants to take those cards away from her! Objects, space, and people disappear from Tomoeda with each card that is stolen. Sakura sets out to capture the Nothing so everything will return to normal, but what must she sacrifice in the process? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana -- Movie - Jul 15, 2000 -- 97,928 8.22
Hataraku Maou-sama! -- -- White Fox -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! Hataraku Maou-sama! -- Striking fear into the hearts of mortals, the Demon Lord Satan begins to conquer the land of Ente Isla with his vast demon armies. However, while embarking on this brutal quest to take over the continent, his efforts are foiled by the hero Emilia, forcing Satan to make his swift retreat through a dimensional portal only to land in the human world. Along with his loyal general Alsiel, the demon finds himself stranded in modern-day Tokyo and vows to return and complete his subjugation of Ente Isla—that is, if they can find a way back! -- -- Powerless in a world without magic, Satan assumes the guise of a human named Sadao Maou and begins working at MgRonald's—a local fast-food restaurant—to make ends meet. He soon realizes that his goal of conquering Ente Isla is just not enough as he grows determined to climb the corporate ladder and become the ruler of Earth, one satisfied customer at a time! -- -- Whether it's part-time work, household chores, or simply trying to pay the rent on time, Hataraku Maou-sama! presents a hilarious view of the most mundane aspects of everyday life, all through the eyes of a hapless demon lord. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,131,488 7.81
Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Hayate no Gotoku! -- According to Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," and truer words cannot describe the unfortunate life of the hard-working Hayate Ayasaki. Abandoned by his parents after accumulating a debt of over one hundred fifty million yen, he is sold off to the yakuza, initiating his swift getaway from a future he does not want. On that fateful night, he runs into Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl whom he decides to try and kidnap to pay for his family's massive debt. -- -- Unfortunately, due to his kind-hearted nature and a string of misunderstandings, Nagi believes Hayate to be confessing his love to her. After saving her from real kidnappers, Hayate is hired as Nagi's personal butler, upon which she is revealed to be a member of one of the wealthiest families in Japan. -- -- Highly skilled but cursed with the world's worst luck, Hayate gets straight to work serving his employer all the while trying to deal with the many misfortunes that befall him. From taking care of a mansion to fending off dangerous foes, and even unintentionally wooing the hearts of the women around him, Hayate is in over his head in the butler comedy Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 1, 2007 -- 197,130 7.57
Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Hayate no Gotoku! -- According to Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," and truer words cannot describe the unfortunate life of the hard-working Hayate Ayasaki. Abandoned by his parents after accumulating a debt of over one hundred fifty million yen, he is sold off to the yakuza, initiating his swift getaway from a future he does not want. On that fateful night, he runs into Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl whom he decides to try and kidnap to pay for his family's massive debt. -- -- Unfortunately, due to his kind-hearted nature and a string of misunderstandings, Nagi believes Hayate to be confessing his love to her. After saving her from real kidnappers, Hayate is hired as Nagi's personal butler, upon which she is revealed to be a member of one of the wealthiest families in Japan. -- -- Highly skilled but cursed with the world's worst luck, Hayate gets straight to work serving his employer all the while trying to deal with the many misfortunes that befall him. From taking care of a mansion to fending off dangerous foes, and even unintentionally wooing the hearts of the women around him, Hayate is in over his head in the butler comedy Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- TV - Apr 1, 2007 -- 197,130 7.57
Himegoto -- -- Asahi Production -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi School -- Himegoto Himegoto -- The main protagonist of Himegoto, Arikawa Hime, is in serious trouble. He’s being pursued by loan sharks for the debt his parents left him with. That is, until the Shimoshina High School student council steps in to bail him out. These "kind" girls help Hime by paying off his debt and accepting him into the student council… as a beautiful girl, that is! -- -- Hime just happened to be wearing a French maid outfit when the council came across him, and now they won’t have him any other way. In return for paying off his debt, Hime must dress as a girl and be the council’s pet dog for the rest of his high school years. -- -- Still, things could be worse. After all, Hime is now surrounded by beautiful girls who constantly dote on him, expose him, and do naughty things to him. Thankfully, Hime has at least one person trying to get him out of this predicament: his little brother, who also happens to cross-dress. And then, of course, there’s the head of the disciplinary committee, who is… another cross-dressing boy!? This is getting ridiculous! -- TV - Jul 7, 2014 -- 99,353 5.93
Hoshiai no Sora -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Sports Drama School -- Hoshiai no Sora Hoshiai no Sora -- Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results in matches. In desperate need of members, Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit capable players, but he fails to scout anyone. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat in his classroom, instantly capturing Toma's attention. With his interest piqued, Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the boys' team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki—only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his participation and cover other club expenses. -- -- As Maki joins the team, his incredible form and quick learning allow him to immediately outshine the rest of the team. Although this gives rise to conflict among the boys, Maki challenges and pushes his fellow team members to not only keep up with his seemingly natural talent, but also drive them to devote themselves to the game they once neglected. -- -- This story focuses on the potential of the boys' soft tennis club and their discovery of their own capability, while also enduring personal hardships and dealing with the darker side of growing up in middle school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 119,187 7.54
Hotarubi no Mori e -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hotarubi no Mori e Hotarubi no Mori e -- Intrigued by the tale of a mountain god, six-year-old Hotaru Takegawa loses her way in the ancient forest while visiting her uncle. Exhausted and desperate for help, Hotaru is thrilled to find a masked forest spirit named Gin. She learns the hard way that she should not touch the boy, or he would disappear. In spite of this, Gin leads Hotaru out of the forest and warns her never to return when she promises to come again with a gift. -- -- Paying no heed to his cautionary words, and despite being separated by both distance and planes of existence, Hotaru and Gin become close friends as she visits him every summer. However, their relationship and resolve are put to the test, when romantic feelings conflict with the one and only rule. -- -- Based on Yuki Midorikawa's manga of the same name, Hotarubi no Mori e is a tale of friendship and compromise of two people who should never have crossed paths, as their lives become hopelessly intertwined. -- -- Movie - Sep 17, 2011 -- 598,874 8.36
Hybrid Child -- -- Studio Deen -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Ai -- Hybrid Child Hybrid Child -- The skilled craftsman Kuroda created artificial humans called Hybrid Child—creatures who are neither machines nor dolls, but rather a reflection of the love shown to them. While they can feel human emotions and have their own consciousness, they are not real humans and require love to grow. -- -- Kotarou Izumi is the young heir to the noble Izumi family, so it is frowned upon when he brings an abandoned Hybrid Child he found in the garbage into their household. His family even attempts to throw away Hazuki—Kotarou's name for the Hybrid Child—multiple times when he is not paying attention. But through overcoming these obstacles, their love and the bond connecting them grow stronger. However, ten years pass before a horrifying realization dawns on them: a Hybrid Child might not have an endless life span. -- -- Hybrid Child is a collection of three short love stories, depicting the relationship between the artificial humans and their owners. -- -- OVA - Oct 29, 2014 -- 63,832 7.65
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs -- -- TNK -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- I My Me! Strawberry Eggs I My Me! Strawberry Eggs -- Amawa Hibiki is a young man just out of college, with an education to be an athletics teacher. He's been having a hard time finding a job since he graduated, so all his money has gone towards living expenses. When his landlady demands his first payment to live in her living establishment upfront, he heads to the local middle school to get hired as a teacher. However, the principal refuses to hire him without hesitation. She will not hire men as teachers and makes it clear that she hates all men, saying they put no love into their passions and work. Amawa does not give up and with the help of his landlady, he crossdresses as a woman without a second thought, and gets hired, so he can earn money and also prove the principal wrong. Now, he has to keep his real gender a secret, and avoid strange situations, including the affections of his students (from both genders). -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 33,729 6.80
Isuca -- -- Arms -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Isuca Isuca -- Poor Shinichirou Asano has the worst of luck. His parents abandoned him and ran off to Europe. If that isn't bad enough on its own, they barely left him any money to take care of himself. In order to pay rent and keep a roof over his head, he has to work. Unfortunately, he was just fired from his last job and as a high school student, he doesn't have many other prospects. -- -- One evening, he's attacked by a centipede monster on his way home. Shinichirou is saved by a mysterious girl with a bow and arrow, who he later discovers is Sakuya Shimazu, a beautiful student who attends his school. But when he later helps an injured girl, he discovers two things. First, the injured girl isn't human at all but rather a nekomata, a two-tailed demon cat. And second, Sakuya comes from a family of exorcists, who've protected humanity from rogue monsters and spirits for generations. Because Shinichirou was responsible for releasing the nekomata, Sakuya enlists his help in recapturing the demon, but that's just the beginning of Shinichirou's relationship with Sakuya. It turns out the Shimazu family needs a housekeeper and it just so happens that Shinichirou excels at cooking and likes to clean! It may not be his dream job, but if it pays the rent and puts food on the table... -- 125,107 6.02
Isuca -- -- Arms -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Isuca Isuca -- Poor Shinichirou Asano has the worst of luck. His parents abandoned him and ran off to Europe. If that isn't bad enough on its own, they barely left him any money to take care of himself. In order to pay rent and keep a roof over his head, he has to work. Unfortunately, he was just fired from his last job and as a high school student, he doesn't have many other prospects. -- -- One evening, he's attacked by a centipede monster on his way home. Shinichirou is saved by a mysterious girl with a bow and arrow, who he later discovers is Sakuya Shimazu, a beautiful student who attends his school. But when he later helps an injured girl, he discovers two things. First, the injured girl isn't human at all but rather a nekomata, a two-tailed demon cat. And second, Sakuya comes from a family of exorcists, who've protected humanity from rogue monsters and spirits for generations. Because Shinichirou was responsible for releasing the nekomata, Sakuya enlists his help in recapturing the demon, but that's just the beginning of Shinichirou's relationship with Sakuya. It turns out the Shimazu family needs a housekeeper and it just so happens that Shinichirou excels at cooking and likes to clean! It may not be his dream job, but if it pays the rent and puts food on the table... -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 125,107 6.02
Jashin-chan Dropkick': Chitose-hen -- -- Nomad -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Comedy Supernatural -- Jashin-chan Dropkick': Chitose-hen Jashin-chan Dropkick': Chitose-hen -- The episode will be funded through Chitose's Hometown tax program, a system that allows taxpayers who live in urban areas to contribute to taxes that apply to rural residents. Taxpayers who contribute over 2,000 yen are then awarded in credit to reduce their income tax and residence tax. The Hometown tax program will also be the episode's focus. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Special - Apr 30, 2020 -- 7,098 7.10
Jigoku Shoujo -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Jigoku Shoujo -- Have you heard of Hell Correspondence? Those with a powerful grudge may only access this mysterious website at midnight, allowing them to enter anyone's name and have that person be ferried straight to hell. Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, will not judge whether or not the chosen target deserves punishment; she will merely exact revenge on them for you. Not much is known about this young girl other than that she swiftly carries out her tasks with the help of three straw dolls. There is just one catch, however—as payment for carrying out such a request, the user must condemn themselves to an afterlife in hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 5, 2005 -- 293,601 7.64
Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- -- Studio Deen -- 6 eps -- Original -- Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- If you have a grudge against someone, you can access the Hell Correspondence website at the stroke of midnight, type in your grudge's name, and the Hell Girl, Ai Enma, will appear to grant your wish. However, the price for ridding yourself of such a burden is a steep one: in return for condemning the soul of your tormentor to Hell, your soul will also face eternal damnation. In her long vigil as the Hell Girl, Ai has met many willing to pay such a cost. -- -- In Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi, Ai and her enigmatic companions continue to carry out their work, ferrying soul after suffering soul into the depths of Hell. However, as of late, a mysterious girl has been following them. This strange child, unable to even remember her own identity, questions Ai about her duty as the Hell Girl. Who is this girl, and what connection does she have to Ai? -- -- 46,390 6.56
Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- -- Studio Deen -- 6 eps -- Original -- Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi -- If you have a grudge against someone, you can access the Hell Correspondence website at the stroke of midnight, type in your grudge's name, and the Hell Girl, Ai Enma, will appear to grant your wish. However, the price for ridding yourself of such a burden is a steep one: in return for condemning the soul of your tormentor to Hell, your soul will also face eternal damnation. In her long vigil as the Hell Girl, Ai has met many willing to pay such a cost. -- -- In Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi, Ai and her enigmatic companions continue to carry out their work, ferrying soul after suffering soul into the depths of Hell. However, as of late, a mysterious girl has been following them. This strange child, unable to even remember her own identity, questions Ai about her duty as the Hell Girl. Who is this girl, and what connection does she have to Ai? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 46,390 6.56
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- -- David Production -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- In 1868, Dario Brando saves the life of an English nobleman, George Joestar. By taking in Dario's son Dio when the boy becomes fatherless, George hopes to repay the debt he owes to his savior. However Dio, unsatisfied with his station in life, aspires to seize the Joestar house for his own. Wielding an Aztec stone mask with supernatural properties, he sets out to destroy George and his son, Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar, and triggers a chain of events that will continue to echo through the years to come. -- -- Half a century later, in New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar discovers the legacy his grandfather left for him. When an archeological dig unearths the truth behind the stone mask, he realizes that he is the only one who can defeat the Pillar Men, mystical beings of immeasurable power who inadvertently began everything. -- -- Adapted from the first two arcs of Hirohiko Araki's outlandish manga series, JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken follows the many thrilling expeditions of JoJo and his descendants. Whether it's facing off with the evil Dio, or combatting the sinister Pillar Men, there's always plenty of bizarre adventures in store. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media, Warner Bros. Pictures -- 1,054,934 8.01
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kaichou wa Maid-sama! -- Being the first female student council president isn't easy, especially when your school just transitioned from an all boys high school to a co-ed one. Aptly nicknamed "Demon President" by the boys for her strict disciplinary style, Misaki Ayuzawa is not afraid to use her mastery of Aikido techniques to cast judgment onto the hordes of misbehaving boys and defend the girls at Seika High School. -- -- Yet even the perfect Ayuzawa has an embarrassing secret—she works part-time as a maid at a maid café to help her struggling family pay the bills. She has managed to keep her job hidden from her fellow students and maintained her flawless image as a stellar student until one day, Takumi Usui, the most popular boy in school, walks into the maid café. He could destroy her reputation with her secret... or he could twist the student council president around his little finger and use her secret as an opportunity to get closer to her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 931,301 8.05
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Novel -- Demons Supernatural Drama Romance -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- Abandoned as a child by her mother, Aoi Tsubaki has always had the ability to see "ayakashi"—spirits from the Hidden Realm. Shirou Tsubaki, her grandfather who shared the same ability, took her under his wing and taught her how to live with the ayakashi in peace. When her grandfather abruptly passes away, the independent Aoi must continue her college career, armed with only her knowledge in cooking as a means of protection against the human-eating spirits. In hopes that the ayakashi will not turn to her or other unknowing humans as a tasty meal, she takes it upon herself to feed the hungry creatures that cross her path. -- -- After giving a mysterious ayakashi her lunch, Aoi is transported to the Hidden Realm, where the ayakashi reveals himself to be an ogre-god known as Oodanna, the "Master Innkeeper." There, she learns that she was used as collateral for her grandfather's debt of one hundred million yen, and that she must pay the price for her grandfather's careless decision by marrying Oodanna. Aoi valiantly refuses and decides to settle things on her own terms: she will pay off the debt herself by opening an eatery at Oodanna's inn. -- -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi follows the journey of Aoi as she proceeds to change and touch the lives of the ayakashi through the one weapon she has against them—her delicious cooking. -- -- 108,159 7.50
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Novel -- Demons Supernatural Drama Romance -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- Abandoned as a child by her mother, Aoi Tsubaki has always had the ability to see "ayakashi"—spirits from the Hidden Realm. Shirou Tsubaki, her grandfather who shared the same ability, took her under his wing and taught her how to live with the ayakashi in peace. When her grandfather abruptly passes away, the independent Aoi must continue her college career, armed with only her knowledge in cooking as a means of protection against the human-eating spirits. In hopes that the ayakashi will not turn to her or other unknowing humans as a tasty meal, she takes it upon herself to feed the hungry creatures that cross her path. -- -- After giving a mysterious ayakashi her lunch, Aoi is transported to the Hidden Realm, where the ayakashi reveals himself to be an ogre-god known as Oodanna, the "Master Innkeeper." There, she learns that she was used as collateral for her grandfather's debt of one hundred million yen, and that she must pay the price for her grandfather's careless decision by marrying Oodanna. Aoi valiantly refuses and decides to settle things on her own terms: she will pay off the debt herself by opening an eatery at Oodanna's inn. -- -- Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi follows the journey of Aoi as she proceeds to change and touch the lives of the ayakashi through the one weapon she has against them—her delicious cooking. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 108,159 7.50
Kishin Douji Zenki -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Ecchi Fantasy Horror Magic Shounen -- Kishin Douji Zenki Kishin Douji Zenki -- In ancient times, a great battle was waged between a master mage, Enno Ozuno, and an evil demon goddess, Karuma. Unfortunately, Enno didn't have the strength to defeat her alone and was forced to call upon Zenki, a powerful protector demon. After Karuma was defeated, Enno sealed Zenki away in a pillar located inside his temple. -- -- 1,200 years after this epic battle, Enno's descendant, Chiaki, spends her days showing tourists around her hometown of Shikigami-cho and doing exorcisms to pay the bills. One day, two thieves enter the town in hopes of opening a seal in the Ozuno temple and releasing the hidden treasure from within. However, what actually pops out is a dark entity that attaches itself to the henchmen, transforming them into demonic beings. After this transformation, they begin a rampage through the temple, terrorizing poor Chiaki. -- -- It is now up to this young progeny to unleash her family's powers to summon Zenki and save Shikigami-cho from these demons, as well as the evil entities sure to follow in their footsteps. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 11,177 6.97
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy -- Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon -- As Kobayashi sets off for another day at work, she opens her apartment door only to be met by an unusually frightening sight—the head of a dragon, staring at her from across the balcony. The dragon immediately transforms into a cute, busty, and energetic young girl dressed in a maid outfit, introducing herself as Tooru. -- -- It turns out that the stoic programmer had come across the dragon the previous night on a drunken excursion to the mountains, and since the mythical beast had nowhere else to go, she had offered the creature a place to stay in her home. Thus, Tooru had arrived to cash in on the offer, ready to repay her savior's kindness by working as her personal maidservant. Though deeply regretful of her words and hesitant to follow through on her promise, a mix of guilt and Tooru's incredible dragon abilities convinces Kobayashi to take the girl in. -- -- Despite being extremely efficient at her job, the maid's unorthodox methods of housekeeping often end up horrifying Kobayashi and at times bring more trouble than help. Furthermore, the circumstances behind the dragon's arrival on Earth seem to be much more complicated than at first glance, as Tooru bears some heavy emotions and painful memories. To top it all off, Tooru's presence ends up attracting several other mythical beings to her new home, bringing in a host of eccentric personalities. Although Kobayashi makes her best effort to handle the crazy situation that she has found herself in, nothing has prepared her for this new life with a dragon maid. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 826,046 8.01
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Parody Supernatural -- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! -- After dying a laughable and pathetic death on his way back from buying a game, high school student and recluse Kazuma Satou finds himself sitting before a beautiful but obnoxious goddess named Aqua. She provides the NEET with two options: continue on to heaven or reincarnate in every gamer's dream—a real fantasy world! Choosing to start a new life, Kazuma is quickly tasked with defeating a Demon King who is terrorizing villages. But before he goes, he can choose one item of any kind to aid him in his quest, and the future hero selects Aqua. But Kazuma has made a grave mistake—Aqua is completely useless! -- -- Unfortunately, their troubles don't end here; it turns out that living in such a world is far different from how it plays out in a game. Instead of going on a thrilling adventure, the duo must first work to pay for their living expenses. Indeed, their misfortunes have only just begun! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 1,372,961 8.15
Kyuuketsuki -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Vampire -- Kyuuketsuki Kyuuketsuki -- The vampire. A legendary creature that lives in the shadows and preys on humanity. -- -- Onohara Mikage is an unfortunate girl who sold herself to a clan of vampires to pay off her parents' debt. What has the clan head, Claude, prepared for her? Will she be able to pay herself off and obtain her freedom? -- OVA - Mar 11, 2011 -- 6,975 5.92
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic -- Dispersed around the world, there are several bizarre labyrinths hiding incredible treasures within them. These mysterious places, known as "Dungeons," are said to be the work of Magi, a class of rare magicians, who also help people build their empires by guiding them to a dungeon. Djinns, supernatural beings that rule over the labyrinths, grant successful conquerors access to their immense power and choose them as potential king candidates to rule the world. -- -- Having spent life in isolation, Aladdin, a kind and young magician, is eager to explore the world upon finally leaving his home behind. He begins his journey only accompanied by his mentor Ugo—a djinn that Aladdin can summon with his flute. However, Aladdin soon becomes friends with the courageous Alibaba Saluja after causing the destruction of a local merchant's supply cart. In order to pay for the damages, Alibaba suggests that they attempt to conquer the nearest dungeon, taking the first step in an epic adventure that will decide the fate of the world itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 807,447 8.06
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Original -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica -- Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki are regular middle school girls with regular lives, but all that changes when they encounter Kyuubey, a cat-like magical familiar, and Homura Akemi, the new transfer student. -- -- Kyuubey offers them a proposition: he will grant any one of their wishes and in exchange, they will each become a magical girl, gaining enough power to fulfill their dreams. However, Homura Akemi, a magical girl herself, urges them not to accept the offer, stating that everything is not what it seems. -- -- A story of hope, despair, and friendship, Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica deals with the difficulties of being a magical girl and the price one has to pay to make a dream come true. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,003,175 8.37
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- 51,199 6.71
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,199 6.71
Meiou Project Zeorymer -- -- AIC, Artmic -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha -- Meiou Project Zeorymer Meiou Project Zeorymer -- A young man named Akitsu Masato is captured by a secret govt. project known as "Last Guardian". He is told that his life as a normal student was all a lie, and that his real destiny is to be the pilot of a great robot called "Zeorymer of the Heavens". The truth of this is hammered in when Masato sees his parents accept payment for raising him. The Last Guardian is preparing for the resurrection of "Hau Dragon", an organization bent on world conquest. 15 years ago, Hau Dragon built 8 great robots. Each of the mecha represents a force of nature. However, before any of the robots could be used, their creater Kihara Masaki destroyed the robots except for the leader: Zeorymer. He took Zeorymer and an embryo to the government. The embryo became the boy Masato. Now, Hau Dragon has rebuilt the other 7 mecha and wants the 8th. It will be up to Masato and Himuro to pilot Zeorymer and fight against the Hau Dragon, but neither Masato or Himuro are all that they seem. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Nov 26, 1988 -- 4,650 6.17
Mitsu x Mitsu Drops -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo -- Mitsu x Mitsu Drops Mitsu x Mitsu Drops -- Students at the Houjou academy are perfectly normal—except for those who take the Kuge course. This special course is reserved only for elite and rich students and their "honeys." Hagino Yuzuru enrolls in the course through Kai Renge, and she quickly regrets it. -- -- To become a honey, a student must get someone already in the Kuge course to sponsor her. Kai becomes Hagino's sponsor, getting her into the course and paying the price to cover it. But in return, Hagino must submit to him as her master, catering to his every whim. -- -- Hagino may have gotten herself into something she can't handle. But if she pulls out now, she gets expelled from the school. Can she make things work with Kai, or will she call it quits before he does something she'll regret? -- OVA - Apr 28, 2006 -- 23,329 5.97
Musekinin Kanchou Tylor -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Military Sci-Fi Space Comedy Parody -- Musekinin Kanchou Tylor Musekinin Kanchou Tylor -- Justy Ueki Tylor is an average 20-year-old man: lazy, greedy, and a passionate womanizer. He plans to land an easy job with the United Planets Space Force that pays decently and is also far away from the rigorous combat raging throughout the galaxy. -- -- However, Tylor's dreams of living a simple life are brought to a sudden halt when he stumbles into a dangerous hostage situation. Through one strange mishap after another, Tylor miraculously manages to save the hostages and is awarded command of the decrepit space-cruiser Soyokaze! -- -- Now Tylor finds himself in charge of sending mad mercenaries, proud pilots, skeptical colleagues, and harsh commanders through the infinite expanse of the universe, all the while avoiding the looming threat of the Holy Raalgon Empire. What misadventures await the irresponsible Captain Tylor? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 39,113 7.87
Nekomonogatari: Kuro -- -- Shaft -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Nekomonogatari: Kuro Nekomonogatari: Kuro -- After surviving a vampire attack, Koyomi Araragi notices that his friend and savior, Tsubasa Hanekawa, has been acting strange. When he happens to cross paths with her on his way to a bookstore and sees she has a bandage on her face, he knows something must definitely be wrong. Araragi wants to help her, but Hanekawa assures him that her wound is just something she received at home and that he should not concern himself with it. But when a white cat with no tail is hit and killed by a car, the pair bury the creature and the real trouble begins. -- -- When Araragi later pays a visit to his friend Meme Oshino and recounts the day's events, he is informed what they have buried is actually an apparition, one perfect for Hanekawa in her current state. Tasked with finding his friend to confirm her safety, he discovers that she has attacked her parents, possessed by the "Sawari Neko." Now, it is up to Araragi to help Hanekawa as she once helped him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 437,431 7.97
Ochikobore Fruit Tart -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Music Slice of Life -- Ochikobore Fruit Tart Ochikobore Fruit Tart -- Fourth dormitory of the Rat Production (commonly known as Nezumi-sou)—the place where dropout idol girls live: the former child actor Sekino Roko, musician Nukui Hayu, and model Maehara Nina. Sakura Ino, who always dreamed of becoming an idol, moves in. At the same time, the decision is made to demolish the dormitory. Due to the project launched by the manager Kajino Hoho, "Ochikobore Fruit Tart," occupants of the dormitory form a new idol group called "Fruit Tart" and start their activities in order to repay a one hundred million yen debt. -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 25,700 6.76
Okane ga Nai -- -- Lilix -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Yaoi -- Okane ga Nai Okane ga Nai -- Yukiya Ayase is a gentle, kind hearted, and innocent university student. The only relative he has left, his cousin Tetsuo, betrays Ayase by selling him to the highest bidder in an auction with hopes of making an enormous profit to be able to pay off his debts. Somuku Kanou, a bad-tempered (though very rich) loan shark, comes to Ayase's rescue and buys Ayase for an impressive 1.2 billion. Kanou apparently knows Ayase from something that happened between them in the past, but Ayase cannot remember who Kanou is nor does he understand why he "saved" him. In a desperate effort to keep Ayase close to him, Kanou demands the debt be repaid in full and suggests the perfect way to do it: by selling his body to Kanou for 500,000 each time. Ayase is horrified in the beginning, but something soon begins to grow between them that can't be bought for any price. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Feb 9, 2007 -- 40,769 6.24
One Piece: Episode of East Blue - Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece: Episode of East Blue - Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibouken One Piece: Episode of East Blue - Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibouken -- The words that Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, uttered just before his death excited the masses and the world has entered a Great Pirate Era! There is a group of young pirates who are about to set sail on the Grand Line. Monkey D. Luffy, a rubber man. Roronoa Zoro aka “Pirate Hunter.” Usopp, a sniper. Sanji, a seafaring cook. And “Cat Burglar” Nami. They, the Straw Hats, all place a foot upon a barrel and make their vows before their next journey across the great ocean. Luffy shouts “In order to be the King of the Pirates!” A decade ago in the Windmill Village... A little boy Luffy was enthralled with a pirate boss Red-Haired Shanks. But a group of mountain bandits shows up and makes fun of the pirates. “Why didn't you fight them?!” Luffy yells out angrily but Shanks says that it's nothing worth getting mad over. At that time, Luffy snatches the Gum-Gum Fruit from a treasure box and eats it and as a result, his entire body becomes rubber and he loses the ability to swim for the rest of his life! A few days later, Luffy is surrounded by the mountain bandits again and Shanks comes to help. “No matter what the reason, anyone who hurts my friends has to pay!!” Shanks and his pirate crew are incredibly strong and they beat down the mountain bandits. Higuma, the head of the mountain bandits, runs away kidnapping Luffy and heads for the sea. However, they encounter a local Sea Monster there and are attacked. Luffy is in a desperate situation... But again, Shanks saves the day. He outstares the Sea Monster and chases it away but in exchange, he loses his left arm... When Shanks leaves the village, he leaves his straw hat with Luffy. “Come bring it back to me someday! Once you've become a great pirate!” 10 years later, Luffy has grown up strong and he sets out for an adventure on a small boat. He again encounters the local Sea Monster for that fateful day. However, Luffy takes it down with a single blow of Gum-Gum Pistol. Luffy’s journey to become the King of the Pirates now begins! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Aug 26, 2017 -- 24,025 7.90
One Piece: Episode of East Blue - Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece: Episode of East Blue - Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibouken One Piece: Episode of East Blue - Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibouken -- The words that Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, uttered just before his death excited the masses and the world has entered a Great Pirate Era! There is a group of young pirates who are about to set sail on the Grand Line. Monkey D. Luffy, a rubber man. Roronoa Zoro aka “Pirate Hunter.” Usopp, a sniper. Sanji, a seafaring cook. And “Cat Burglar” Nami. They, the Straw Hats, all place a foot upon a barrel and make their vows before their next journey across the great ocean. Luffy shouts “In order to be the King of the Pirates!” A decade ago in the Windmill Village... A little boy Luffy was enthralled with a pirate boss Red-Haired Shanks. But a group of mountain bandits shows up and makes fun of the pirates. “Why didn't you fight them?!” Luffy yells out angrily but Shanks says that it's nothing worth getting mad over. At that time, Luffy snatches the Gum-Gum Fruit from a treasure box and eats it and as a result, his entire body becomes rubber and he loses the ability to swim for the rest of his life! A few days later, Luffy is surrounded by the mountain bandits again and Shanks comes to help. “No matter what the reason, anyone who hurts my friends has to pay!!” Shanks and his pirate crew are incredibly strong and they beat down the mountain bandits. Higuma, the head of the mountain bandits, runs away kidnapping Luffy and heads for the sea. However, they encounter a local Sea Monster there and are attacked. Luffy is in a desperate situation... But again, Shanks saves the day. He outstares the Sea Monster and chases it away but in exchange, he loses his left arm... When Shanks leaves the village, he leaves his straw hat with Luffy. “Come bring it back to me someday! Once you've become a great pirate!” 10 years later, Luffy has grown up strong and he sets out for an adventure on a small boat. He again encounters the local Sea Monster for that fateful day. However, Luffy takes it down with a single blow of Gum-Gum Pistol. Luffy’s journey to become the King of the Pirates now begins! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Special - Aug 26, 2017 -- 24,025 7.90
One Piece: Romance Dawn Story -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Comedy Super Power Shounen -- One Piece: Romance Dawn Story One Piece: Romance Dawn Story -- The Straw Hat Pirates, searching for the great passage "Grand Line", are in trouble when their food runs out! Luffy, searching for food on his own, finds a ship belonging to the pirate, Gary, and takes it over!! He lands at a nearby town... -- -- Luffy was attacked by a young girl, Silk, who mistook him for a member of the other pirate gang. As the two eat a meal, they tell their stories. Meanwhile, Gary and his band are burning with anger at Luffy, demanding payment from the town's defenseless citizens...!! -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Nov 24, 2008 -- 39,720 7.38
Ouran Koukou Host Club -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Romance School Shoujo -- Ouran Koukou Host Club Ouran Koukou Host Club -- Haruhi Fujioka is a bright scholarship candidate with no rank or title to speak of—a rare species at Ouran Academy, an elite school for students of high pedigree. When she opens the door to Music Room #3 hoping to find a quiet place to study, Haruhi unexpectedly stumbles upon the Host Club. Led by the princely Tamaki Suou, the club—whose other members include the "Shadow King" Kyouya Ootori; the mischievous Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru; the childlike Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also known as "Honey"; and his strong protector Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka—is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls in the academy. -- -- In a frantic attempt to remove herself from the hosts, Haruhi ends up breaking a vase worth eight million yen and is forced into becoming the eccentric group's general errand boy to repay her enormous debt. However, thanks to her convincingly masculine appearance, her naturally genial disposition toward girls, and fascinating commoner status, she is soon promoted to full-time male host. And before long, Haruhi is plunged into a glitzy whirlwind of elaborate cosplays, rich food, and exciting shenanigans that only the immensely wealthy Host Club can pull off. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 867,552 8.19
Plastic Little -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Plastic Little Plastic Little -- Set on the planet Yietta, whose colonists make their living by exploiting the planet's unique liquid-gas oceans, Plastic Little begins as the Yietans are finally about to pay off their debts to the Galactic Federation. Unfortunately, there are those who would rather not let Yietta slip through their fingers... -- -- Enter Tita, 17 year old captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Together with her crew, Tita specializes in capturing Yietta's exotic life forms for intergalactic pet shops, but through plain bad luck she finds herself, instead, at the core of a sinister plot to take over Yietta! By rescuing 16 year old Elysse from the very clutches of the military, Tita puts the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril... but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! -- -- As the plotters mobilize their forces in a desperate bid to retrieve Elysse, whom they believe possesses a vital computer code, Tita must play a dangerous game of tag with an entire army of professional killers! It's Cat and Mouse on a planetwide scale, with one crucial difference: Mice don't shoot back, but Tita's does! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1994 -- 12,320 6.13
Quanzhi Fashi -- -- Shanghai Foch Film Culture Investment -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Fantasy Magic School -- Quanzhi Fashi Quanzhi Fashi -- The aloof high schooler Mo Fan has found himself in a universe similar yet distinctly different from his own mundane one; it's a place where magic has replaced the essence of science. Here, the most capable students are taught to master the wonders of spellworking to fend off large devastating beasts that lurk in the forests surrounding the city. -- -- Like his previous life, Mo Fan remains the son of a poor laborer and the older step-brother to a crippled sister. Despite these disadvantages, he dreams of attending a magic school to become a magician—a highly respected and lucrative trade—in order to repay his father for his hard work. -- -- Mo Fan is accepted into a renowned magic institution. However, rumors spread about his poverty and lack of magical ability, labeling him as the laughing stock of the school. Nonetheless, Mo Fan manages to harness not only the powerful fire element, but also the rare lightning element! Now armed with dual abilities, what dangerous encounters will the versatile mage face? -- -- ONA - Sep 2, 2016 -- 88,810 7.27
RobiHachi -- -- Studio Comet -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi Space -- RobiHachi RobiHachi -- Ever since they encountered aliens on the moon, humanity's technology has developed by leaps and bounds. Half a century later, even though most have it easy, Robby Yaji and Hacchi Kita cannot seem to catch a break in this advanced society. Robby—a man perpetually struck by misfortune—owes large sums of money to debt collectors due to his poor investments in shady get-rich-quick schemes, and Hacchi finds it difficult to get over the boredom of his mundane life. -- -- The two end up on an adventure of a lifetime when loan shark boss Yang sends Hacchi to collect the money Robby owes. Rather than pay up, Robby blasts off into space and heads to Isekandar, a planet that supposedly brings happiness to anyone who visits. Seeing a chance for some much needed excitement, Hacchi tags along with Robby on this journey filled with alien encounters, giant robot battles, and all sorts of troublemaking—all the while avoiding Yang and his cronies who are desperately combing the universe to find them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 27,380 6.50
Saint Seiya -- -- Toei Animation -- 114 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya Saint Seiya -- In ancient times, a group of young men devoted their lives to protecting Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War. These men were capable of fighting without weapons—a swing of their fist alone was powerful enough to rip the very sky apart and shatter the earth beneath them. These brave heroes became known as Saints, as they could summon up the power of the Cosmos from within themselves. -- -- Now, in present day, a new generation of Saints is about to come forth. The young and spirited Seiya is fighting a tough battle for the Sacred Armor of Pegasus, and he isn't about to let anyone get in the way of him and his prize. Six years of hard work and training pay off with his victory and new title as one of Athena's Saints. -- -- But Seiya's endeavor doesn't end there. In fact, plenty of perils and dangerous enemies face him and the rest of the Saints throughout the series. What new quests await the heroes of the epic Saint Seiya saga? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, DiC Entertainment, Flatiron Film Company -- TV - Oct 11, 1986 -- 149,298 7.76
Saint Seiya -- -- Toei Animation -- 114 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya Saint Seiya -- In ancient times, a group of young men devoted their lives to protecting Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War. These men were capable of fighting without weapons—a swing of their fist alone was powerful enough to rip the very sky apart and shatter the earth beneath them. These brave heroes became known as Saints, as they could summon up the power of the Cosmos from within themselves. -- -- Now, in present day, a new generation of Saints is about to come forth. The young and spirited Seiya is fighting a tough battle for the Sacred Armor of Pegasus, and he isn't about to let anyone get in the way of him and his prize. Six years of hard work and training pay off with his victory and new title as one of Athena's Saints. -- -- But Seiya's endeavor doesn't end there. In fact, plenty of perils and dangerous enemies face him and the rest of the Saints throughout the series. What new quests await the heroes of the epic Saint Seiya saga? -- TV - Oct 11, 1986 -- 149,298 7.76
Shadow Skill: Eigi -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Fantasy Magic Martial Arts Super Power Drama Shounen -- Shadow Skill: Eigi Shadow Skill: Eigi -- In the land of Kuruda, warriors with magical powers and incredible fighting skills battle for the ultimate prize: the title of Sevaar, the strongest warrior in the land. Elle Ragu, nicknamed Shadow Skill, is the newest Sevaar to emerge, but that doesn't make her life any easier. Teaching her "little brother," Gau, how to be a warrior, fending off assassins from other kingdoms and thwarting enemy invasions is hard enough, but her biggest challenge will be paying off her drinking debts. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Manga Entertainment -- 11,852 7.11
Shinryaku! Ika Musume -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Slice of Life -- Shinryaku! Ika Musume Shinryaku! Ika Musume -- Humans have been polluting the ocean for a long time, carelessly pouring their garbage and desecrating the waters that many creatures call home. The denizens of the sea have suffered at their poisoning hands. Finally, one certain squid has had enough and vows to punish the humans' selfish actions. -- -- Possessing all the fearsome abilities of a squid such as powerful hair-tentacles, the ability to spit ink, and even use bioluminescence at will, Ika Musume takes it upon herself to rise from the depths of the ocean and exact revenge upon humanity! She surfaces at a certain Lemon Beach House, a restaurant managed by the sisters Eiko and Chizuru Aizawa. Thinking them to be an easy first step toward world domination, she immediately declares war against them, only to find out that she is, quite literally, a fish out of water! To make things worse, she destroys a part of a wall of the beach house in an attempt to flaunt her squiddy superiority and is consequently forced into becoming a waitress to pay the repair costs. Beached for the time being after tasting a thorough defeat at the hands of the Aizawa sisters, Ika Musume is forced to put her plans for world domination on hold. -- -- Despite these setbacks, Ika Musume soon finds herself right at home in her unexpected position as Lemon Beach House's newest employee. Wacky and hilarious, Shinryaku! Ika Musume follows her brand new life on the surface as she makes precious memories and meet lots of new people. With her newfound acquaintances, Ika Musume is looking to take the world by storm, one squid ink spaghetti at a time! -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2010 -- 162,731 7.45
Shisha no Teikoku -- -- Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Historical Psychological -- Shisha no Teikoku Shisha no Teikoku -- By the 19th century, humanity has cultivated technology enabling the reanimation of corpses. Unable to experience individual thoughts or emotions, the corpses are programmed by humans to act as laborers in various occupations. -- -- This newfound technology, however, comes with a catch. Science may be able to restore the corpses' ability to move, yet it cannot return what every corpse loses at death: the soul. But Doctor Victor Frankenstein, who vanished shortly after his revolutionary work on corpse reanimation, is said to have revived the only corpse in possession of a soul. -- -- In pursuit of this scientific knowledge, London medical student John Watson hopes to fulfill his promise to his late partner, Friday. After being scouted by a government agency, Watson is on a hunt to obtain Frankenstein's notes, which he believes hold the key to the secrets of the soul. During his search, Watson uncovers the harsh realities of the developing corpse technology and the price he must pay to advance his research. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 2, 2015 -- 66,504 6.91
Slayers Excellent -- -- J.C.Staff -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Slayers Excellent Slayers Excellent -- In these earlier adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent, learn how the two rivals first met. In their first adventure, the two rivals meet and run into a vampire during a rescue mission. Next, Lina is hired to be the bodyguard of a rich man's daughter, Sirene. Lina is at first very enthusiastic about it at first, as she is being paid very well, but Sirene keeps spending all of Lina's first half of pay. (She gets the other half later) She puts together a fake kidnapping to teach Sirene a lesson, but when she really gets kidnapped, she must team up with Naga to save her. In the final episode, Lina and Naga find themselves on seperate sides in a fashion war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Oct 25, 1998 -- 18,080 7.33
Slayers Excellent -- -- J.C.Staff -- 3 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Slayers Excellent Slayers Excellent -- In these earlier adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent, learn how the two rivals first met. In their first adventure, the two rivals meet and run into a vampire during a rescue mission. Next, Lina is hired to be the bodyguard of a rich man's daughter, Sirene. Lina is at first very enthusiastic about it at first, as she is being paid very well, but Sirene keeps spending all of Lina's first half of pay. (She gets the other half later) She puts together a fake kidnapping to teach Sirene a lesson, but when she really gets kidnapped, she must team up with Naga to save her. In the final episode, Lina and Naga find themselves on seperate sides in a fashion war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Oct 25, 1998 -- 18,080 7.33
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- Hotori Arashiyama loves mysteries, but there's one she just can't solve: why does the solution to one problem inevitably seem to lead to another? Like how when Hotori has to start working at the Seaside Maid Cafe after school to pay off a debt and her friend Toshiko fortunately knows exactly how a Maid Cafe should be run. Which is fortunate since Hotori has no clue. Except that, unfortunately, Toshiko has no interest in working at the cafe—until she discovers that Hotori's childhood friend Hiroyuki is a regular. Which SEEMS fortunate. Except that Hotori doesn't know that, while Toshiko likes Hiroyuki, Hiroyuki secretly likes Hotori, while Hotori secretly has a crush on... No, no more spoilers! -- -- But if that's not enough drama, there's work, angst with a certain math teacher, table tennis between her classmates, her younger brother versus the school's bad girl... And yet, even though everything seems like it's going to crash at any moment, somehow Hotori's life keeps going hilariously forward. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 51,364 7.44
Taimanin Yukikaze -- -- Magic Bus -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Demons Hentai Supernatural -- Taimanin Yukikaze Taimanin Yukikaze -- Yukikaze, a student at a ninja training academy, learns new demon-fighting techniques. One day, she and her friend Akiyama Rinko decide to infiltrate an evil organization in hopes of finding Yukikaze's mother; however, to do so, there is a great price they have to pay... -- OVA - Nov 29, 2013 -- 9,212 6.50
Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- Tenchi runs off into the woods to spend some time alone after his friends have another argument. While lost in thought, he hears a voice coming from a camellia tree. Tenshi approaches it and vanishes through a portal. -- -- Six months later, Tenchi still has not returned home. Though most have given up the idea of ever finding him, his friends refuse to lose hope and have split up into two teams. Aeka and Ryoukou remain on Earth to investigate while Washuu, Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi comb the rest of the galaxy in search. -- -- Their efforts eventually pay off when Tenchi's energy is picked up on their radar. However, the happy reunion will have to wait as the girls gear up for their biggest challenge yet—Tenchi seems to have completely forgotten them and is living happily with another woman. Instead of solving their problems, finding Tenchi has left them with even more questions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Apr 24, 1999 -- 14,102 7.21
Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sci-Fi Drama Romance Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Haruka Naru Omoi -- Tenchi runs off into the woods to spend some time alone after his friends have another argument. While lost in thought, he hears a voice coming from a camellia tree. Tenshi approaches it and vanishes through a portal. -- -- Six months later, Tenchi still has not returned home. Though most have given up the idea of ever finding him, his friends refuse to lose hope and have split up into two teams. Aeka and Ryoukou remain on Earth to investigate while Washuu, Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi comb the rest of the galaxy in search. -- -- Their efforts eventually pay off when Tenchi's energy is picked up on their radar. However, the happy reunion will have to wait as the girls gear up for their biggest challenge yet—Tenchi seems to have completely forgotten them and is living happily with another woman. Instead of solving their problems, finding Tenchi has left them with even more questions. -- -- Movie - Apr 24, 1999 -- 14,102 7.21
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- -- 8bit -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- Second half of Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 125,503 N/A -- -- Isuca -- -- Arms -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Isuca Isuca -- Poor Shinichirou Asano has the worst of luck. His parents abandoned him and ran off to Europe. If that isn't bad enough on its own, they barely left him any money to take care of himself. In order to pay rent and keep a roof over his head, he has to work. Unfortunately, he was just fired from his last job and as a high school student, he doesn't have many other prospects. -- -- One evening, he's attacked by a centipede monster on his way home. Shinichirou is saved by a mysterious girl with a bow and arrow, who he later discovers is Sakuya Shimazu, a beautiful student who attends his school. But when he later helps an injured girl, he discovers two things. First, the injured girl isn't human at all but rather a nekomata, a two-tailed demon cat. And second, Sakuya comes from a family of exorcists, who've protected humanity from rogue monsters and spirits for generations. Because Shinichirou was responsible for releasing the nekomata, Sakuya enlists his help in recapturing the demon, but that's just the beginning of Shinichirou's relationship with Sakuya. It turns out the Shimazu family needs a housekeeper and it just so happens that Shinichirou excels at cooking and likes to clean! It may not be his dream job, but if it pays the rent and puts food on the table... -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 125,107 6.02
The Sky Crawlers -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Military -- The Sky Crawlers The Sky Crawlers -- In an alternate timeline, the world has seemingly achieved peace. Bereft of international conflicts, wars are now waged between private corporations in place of peaceful nations. Yuuichi Kannami, a recent transfer in Area 262, simply does his job as a contracted fighter pilot. However, the more time he spends at his new base, the more mysteries come to light. -- -- The Sky Crawlers exhibits this reality through the eyes of Kannami as he endeavors to understand the "Kildren," humans genetically altered to be teenagers forever with faster reflexes, and his predecessor, the ace pilot known as "Teacher." However, what troubles Kannami the most is how all this connects to the base commander, Suito Kusanagi. Area 262 has the answers, but the truth comes with a price the young pilot may not be ready to pay. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 2, 2008 -- 48,129 7.30
Tonari no Seki-kun -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 21 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen -- Tonari no Seki-kun Tonari no Seki-kun -- All Rumi Yokoi wants to do is focus during school, but she is constantly distracted by Toshinari Seki, her neighboring classmate. Paying attention during class is the least of Seki's worries, as he obsesses over intricate setups created using an assortment of items, from an elaborate domino course on his desk to a treacherous war played out with shogi pieces. Yokoi desperately attempts to focus in class, only to be repeatedly sucked into his intriguing eccentricities; however, they always seem to end up with her getting in trouble with their teacher. Fortunately, lessons will never be dull with Seki's antics around! -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2014 -- 180,007 7.57
Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Aratanaru Tabidachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Aratanaru Tabidachi Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Aratanaru Tabidachi -- It is the year 2201. The Yamato has returned from the devastating battle with Emperor Zordar and the Comet Empire. Sanada, Aihara, and Shima are released from the hospital, and go to pay their respects to the fallen crew members at Okita's memorial. They meet Tokugawa's son Tasuke, who says that he will be joining the crew once he graduates from cadet school. The next day at his graduation, he ends up capsizing a boat full of new cadets because they are all too busy staring at the Yamato to watch where they are going. -- -- After some problems during launch due to the new engine crew hitting the wrong switches and stalling the ship, the Yamato departs on what should be a simple training mission. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Special - Jul 31, 1979 -- 3,012 6.69
Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Kanketsu-hen -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Kanketsu-hen Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Kanketsu-hen -- The year is 2203, not long after the Bolar Federation was defeated by Desslok's Galman-Gamilon Empire. A subspace dimensional dislocation has caused a distant Red Galaxy to be relocated in a collision course with the Milky Way. Stars and planets collide, making a wreck of the Galman-Gamilon homeworld. The Star Force is dispatched to investigate. They reach Galmania to find Desslok's palace in ruins. -- -- As they pay their respects, tossing white roses down to the surface of the planet, a huge red planet crashes into Galmania, forcing to StarForce to escape with an immediate and uncalculated warp. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 19, 1983 -- 3,236 6.90
Usagi Drop -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Josei -- Usagi Drop Usagi Drop -- Daikichi Kawachi is a 30-year-old bachelor working a respectable job but otherwise wandering aimlessly through life. When his grandfather suddenly passes away, he returns to the family home to pay his respects. Upon arriving at the house, he meets a mysterious young girl named Rin who, to Daikichi’s astonishment, is his grandfather's illegitimate daughter! -- -- The shy and unapproachable girl is deemed an embarrassment to the family, and finds herself ostracized by her father's relatives, all of them refusing to take care of her in the wake of his death. Daikichi, angered by their coldness towards Rin, announces that he will take her in—despite the fact that he is a young, single man with no prior childcare experience. -- -- Usagi Drop is the story of Daikichi's journey through fatherhood as he raises Rin with his gentle and affectionate nature, as well as an exploration of the warmth and interdependence that are at the heart of a happy, close-knit family. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 402,371 8.42
White Album -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Music Romance -- White Album White Album -- Can a relationship between a regular college student and an idol singer survive? That is the question that White Album tries to answer. Touya Fujii is a normal college student with normal worries—namely balancing his classes and his job he works to pay for school. He is also concerned about the amount of time he has to spend with Yuki Morikawa, or rather, the lack of it. -- -- Being an up and coming idol singer, Yuki has concerns of her own. Even though she's not yet as popular as experienced veteran Rina Ogata, Yuki is turning heads and landing interviews on television. This should be a good thing, but not everyone is happy about the attention she receives from the media and from Rina. The idol industry is surprisingly cutthroat, and rival singers have their eyes on Yuki. -- -- While it may seem exciting to watch your girlfriend on television, how does Touya really feel about all this? Between the challenges associated with Yuki's career and other people that Touya meets at his university, their relationship may not last… -- 97,888 6.54
xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama -- xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- Summer break has arrived, but while his other classmates are out having fun, Kimihiro Watanuki continues to work as compensation for the eccentric Yuuko in her shop. With the spirits and supernatural phenomena that bother him lessening, he pays his dues by cleaning, cooking, and doing whatever else the apparently lazy Yuuko needs. -- -- Watanuki, however, gets involved in a new predicament when Yuuko receives a mysterious invitation to a mansion whose owner seeks Yuuko's wish-granting ability. When he, Yuuko, and his classmate Shizuka Doumeki make their way to the peculiar residence, they meet others who were summoned by the same strange invitation. All of them are collectors of various unique items, drawn there by the chance to expand their collections. But as the collectors begin to disappear one by one, Watanuki and his companions must solve the mystery and put the case to rest, or find themselves in risk of danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 57,008 7.96
xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama -- xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- Summer break has arrived, but while his other classmates are out having fun, Kimihiro Watanuki continues to work as compensation for the eccentric Yuuko in her shop. With the spirits and supernatural phenomena that bother him lessening, he pays his dues by cleaning, cooking, and doing whatever else the apparently lazy Yuuko needs. -- -- Watanuki, however, gets involved in a new predicament when Yuuko receives a mysterious invitation to a mansion whose owner seeks Yuuko's wish-granting ability. When he, Yuuko, and his classmate Shizuka Doumeki make their way to the peculiar residence, they meet others who were summoned by the same strange invitation. All of them are collectors of various unique items, drawn there by the chance to expand their collections. But as the collectors begin to disappear one by one, Watanuki and his companions must solve the mystery and put the case to rest, or find themselves in risk of danger. -- -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 57,008 7.96
xxxHOLiC Shunmuki -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama -- xxxHOLiC Shunmuki xxxHOLiC Shunmuki -- For the appropriate price, your dearest wish can be granted at the shop of the peculiar Yuuko. Kimihiro Watanuki wishes to be rid of his ability to see spirits, and so as payment, he works for Yuuko doing whatever she needs him to do, from cleaning to errands to even helping out Yuuko's other clients. In xxxHOLiC Shunmuki, Watanuki and his friend and rival Shizuka Doumeki enjoy a meal with their friend Kohane Tsuyuri and her grandmother, reminiscing about how they have changed since meeting each other. -- -- Later on, Watanuki has a dream in which he is visited by Doumeki's grandfather Haruka, who needs him to find some things in the family temple storeroom. Accompanied by Doumeki, he finds that this task is more akin to a treasure hunt, with each item leading them to another, and another, guiding them to an unexpected yet inevitable ending. -- -- OVA - Feb 17, 2009 -- 60,014 8.07
Yami no Matsuei -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Horror Magic Shoujo Shounen Ai Vampire -- Yami no Matsuei Yami no Matsuei -- Even after death, life is full of paperwork and criminals. Tsuzuki Asato is a 26 year old, happy-go-lucky, and dorky shinigami (god of death) whose job is to makes sure that those who are dead remain dead and stay in their proper realms. Even though he's had this job for over 70 years, he is in the worst division with horrible pay. He also has a knack for not keeping partners (since shinigami work in pairs), but now he seems to have one that will stick around; stubborn, smart-mouthed, serious and defensive 16 year old, Kurosaki Hisoka. With each case they investigate, they come closer to the conspiracies of the serial killer Dr. Muraki Kazutaka. Tsuzuki's relationship with Hisoka is growing stronger and closer...but there is a dark past to how Tsuzuki died that will not give him peace. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- TV - Oct 2, 2000 -- 48,623 7.06
Yuru Yuri -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shoujo Ai -- Yuru Yuri Yuru Yuri -- After a year in grade school without her childhood friends, first year student Akari Akaza is finally reunited with second years Yui Funami and Kyouko Toshinou at their all-girls' middle school. During the duo's first year, Yui and Kyouko formed the "Amusement Club" which occupies the now nonexistent Tea Club's room. Shortly after Akari joins, one of her fellow classmates, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, pays the trio a visit under the impression that they are the Tea Club; it is only once the three girls explain that the Tea Club has been disbanded that they can convince Chinatsu to join the Amusement Club—a group with no purpose other than to provide entertainment for its members. -- -- Based on the slice-of-life manga by Namori, Yuru Yuri is an eccentric comedy about a group of girls who spend their spare time drinking tea and fawning over each other, all while completely failing to even notice the supposed main character Akari amongst them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Jul 5, 2011 -- 286,033 7.59
Yuru Yuri -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shoujo Ai -- Yuru Yuri Yuru Yuri -- After a year in grade school without her childhood friends, first year student Akari Akaza is finally reunited with second years Yui Funami and Kyouko Toshinou at their all-girls' middle school. During the duo's first year, Yui and Kyouko formed the "Amusement Club" which occupies the now nonexistent Tea Club's room. Shortly after Akari joins, one of her fellow classmates, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, pays the trio a visit under the impression that they are the Tea Club; it is only once the three girls explain that the Tea Club has been disbanded that they can convince Chinatsu to join the Amusement Club—a group with no purpose other than to provide entertainment for its members. -- -- Based on the slice-of-life manga by Namori, Yuru Yuri is an eccentric comedy about a group of girls who spend their spare time drinking tea and fawning over each other, all while completely failing to even notice the supposed main character Akari amongst them. -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2011 -- 286,033 7.59
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- Three girls have been chosen by the great Shinju-sama to be heroes and fight against the destructive beings known as Vertexes—enemies that threaten the harmony and safety of the world. -- -- Unsure of when they would be called to duty, Sumi Washio, Sonoko Nogi, and Gin Minowa spent their time idly. However, with the sudden appearance of a Vertex, they realize they have no idea how to fight together as magical girls when they are nearly bested. They manage to defeat their enemy by sheer determination, but in the aftermath of the battle, the three decide to fix their teamwork issues and improve their combat capabilities. -- -- But as more enemies appear—and requiring even more power to defeat their nemeses—the girls may find themselves irreversibly changed by the use of their magic. What price will they have to pay to ensure victory, and is it one worth paying if humanity will be saved? -- -- 33,727 7.65
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou -- Three girls have been chosen by the great Shinju-sama to be heroes and fight against the destructive beings known as Vertexes—enemies that threaten the harmony and safety of the world. -- -- Unsure of when they would be called to duty, Sumi Washio, Sonoko Nogi, and Gin Minowa spent their time idly. However, with the sudden appearance of a Vertex, they realize they have no idea how to fight together as magical girls when they are nearly bested. They manage to defeat their enemy by sheer determination, but in the aftermath of the battle, the three decide to fix their teamwork issues and improve their combat capabilities. -- -- But as more enemies appear—and requiring even more power to defeat their nemeses—the girls may find themselves irreversibly changed by the use of their magic. What price will they have to pay to ensure victory, and is it one worth paying if humanity will be saved? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 33,727 7.65
Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror Supernatural -- Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan -- The "pleasant horror gag comedy" centers around the life of Tatami-chan, a sardonic ghost from Iwate Prefecture who is now living in Tokyo among other spirits, supernatural entities, and humans. In addition to dealing with otherworldly matters, the unemployed Tatami-chan also has to deal with job-hunting as well as paying for gas, water, and electricity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Apr 10, 2020 -- 4,046 5.21
Zetsuen no Tempest -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Zetsuen no Tempest Zetsuen no Tempest -- Yoshino Takigawa, an ordinary teenager, is secretly dating his best friend Mahiro's younger sister. But when his girlfriend Aika mysteriously dies, Mahiro disappears, vowing to find the one responsible and make them pay for murdering his beloved sister. Yoshino continues his life as usual and has not heard from Mahiro in a month—until he is confronted by a strange girl who holds him at gunpoint, and his best friend arrives in the nick of time to save him. -- -- Yoshino learns that Mahiro has enlisted the help of a witch named Hakaze Kusaribe to find Aika's killer and of the existence of an entity known as the "Tree of Exodus." The witch's brother selfishly desires to make use of its power, in spite of the impending peril to the world. However, Hakaze is banished to a deserted island, and it is now up to Yoshino and Mahiro to help her save the world, while inching ever closer to the truth behind Aika's death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 494,569 7.98
Zombie-Loan -- -- Xebec -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Zombie-Loan Zombie-Loan -- Do you know when you are going to die? Michiru Kita does, as she has the ability to see a "ring of death" on the necks of those around her—and the darker the ring, the closer one is to death. -- -- One day, she notices that two boys in her class, Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, have completely black rings. Seeking to warn them of their impending demise, she stumbles onto their secret: they are already dead, but are kept alive due to a contract with Zombie-Loan, a mysterious loan office. Of course, nothing comes without a price, as the boys must hunt down and kill zombies in order to pay off their debt. And once they learn about Michiru's "Shinigami Eyes," they drag her into their crazy world. -- -- 125,956 6.88
Zombie-Loan -- -- Xebec -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Zombie-Loan Zombie-Loan -- Do you know when you are going to die? Michiru Kita does, as she has the ability to see a "ring of death" on the necks of those around her—and the darker the ring, the closer one is to death. -- -- One day, she notices that two boys in her class, Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, have completely black rings. Seeking to warn them of their impending demise, she stumbles onto their secret: they are already dead, but are kept alive due to a contract with Zombie-Loan, a mysterious loan office. Of course, nothing comes without a price, as the boys must hunt down and kill zombies in order to pay off their debt. And once they learn about Michiru's "Shinigami Eyes," they drag her into their crazy world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 125,956 6.88"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_Berlin'Oise,acrylique+gel_polym'est_serui_en_ces_derniers_temps,_pour_remettre_sus_la_vraye_Religion_en_diuers_pays_de_la_chrestient"Majo_et_paysans_des_environs_de_Jerez"_(19942388301).jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_01.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_02.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_03.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_04.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_05.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_06.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_07.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_08.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_09.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_10.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_11.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_12.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_13.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_14.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_in_Berlin_15.jpg"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_Berlin"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_Berlin"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_Berlin"Make+Amazon+Pay!"+Demonstration+Berlin"Make+Amazon+Pay!"+Demonstration+Berlin"Make_Amazon_Pay!"_Demonstration_Berlin"Make+Amazon+Pay!"+Demonstration+Berlin
1983 Popayn earthquake
2013 Swiss executive pay initiative
2014 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2014 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
2015 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2015 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
2016 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2016 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
2017 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2017 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
2018 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2018 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
201920 Coupe de France Preliminary Rounds, Pays de la Loire
2019 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2019 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
202021 Coupe de France Preliminary Rounds, Pays de la Loire
2020 Open du Pays d'Aix Doubles
2020 Open du Pays d'Aix Singles
600 @ Toa Payoh
A. A. PayneJohn Christo Sr. House
Aaron Payas
Aaron Paye
Aaron Payne
Abbott Payson Usher
Abdoulaye Paye Camara
Ab Pay-ye Arghuan
Accounts payable
Achanum Bappayum
Acpayam, Elaz
Acpayam sheep
Adam Capay
Adam Payerl
Adam Payne
Adam Payne (cyclist)
Adreian Payne
Advance payment
African payal
Agglomeration community of Pays d'Aubagne et de l'toile
Agreement Between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Italian Reparation Payments
AIG bonus payments controversy
Aim Pay-TV Corp.
Aire de mise en valeur de l'architecture et du paysage
Airtel Payments Bank
A la carte pay television
Alain Payet
Alaipayuthey (TV series)
Alapayevsky District
Alberto Jarabo Pay
Albert Payson Terhune
Aleksei Sapayev
Aleksey Voropayev
Alexander Payne
Alexander Topay
Alfred Payne
Alice Payne
Alicia Payne
Alina Payne
Ali Payami
Allison Payne
All-pay auction
All-payer rate setting
All Work and No Pay
Almat Kebispayev
Alpay elebi
Alpay zalan
Alpay (singer)
Alternative payments
AM-69 Georges Payre
Amazon Pay
Ambulatory Payment Classification
American Dream Downpayment Assistance Act
American Payroll Association
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
Ampay tapaculo
An Act to eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees
Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga
Ana Rosa Payn
Andr Nzapayek
Andrew Payne
Andrew Payne (judoka)
Andrew Payze
Andrzej Pays
Andy Payne
An Evening with Freda Payne: Live in Concert
A New Way to Pay Old Debts
Animpayamo, California
Annie Payson Call
Anselme Payen
Anthony Payne
Antoine Payen
Appayya Dikshita
Appayya (film)
Appayya Swamigalu
Apple Pay
Arkady Topayev
Arnold Payne
Arnold Payne (disambiguation)
Arthur Gay Payne
Arthur Payne
Artyom Voropayev
Asia featuring John Payne
Asie Payton
A Small Down Payment on Bliss
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Institute of Engineering and Technology
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports
Atal Bihari Vajpayee International Airport
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Stadium
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya
Athina Papayianni
Augats, seys qui credets Du lo Payre
Au pays de Gandhi
Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard
Australian Fair Pay Commission
Australian Pay and Classification Scales
Australian Payments Network
Authorized push payment fraud
Automated Payment Transaction tax
Ayopaya Municipality
Ayopaya Province
Baba Payam ud Din Reshi
Back Pay (1930 film)
Balance of payments
Balance of payments accounts of Japan (196090)
Balance of payments of Australia
Balloon payment mortgage
Band of Gold (Freda Payne song)
Bank payment obligation
Basil Payne
Battle of Curupayty
Battle of Paye
Ben Iden Payne
Benjamin F. Payton
Benjamin Payler
Benjamin Tupay Loong
Ben Sampayo
Bharat Bill Payment System
Bharati Vaishampayan
Bhopay Wal
Biarritz Pays Basque Airport
Bill Payne
Billy Payne
BishanToa Payoh Group Representation Constituency
Bloody Payroll
Bob Payne
Bonus payment
Bound for Glory (wrestling pay-per-view)
Boyd E. Payton
Brian Griffin's House of Payne
Brian Payne
Brian Paynter
Brian Payton
British Colonial Taxpayers and All Workers Union
Bruce Payne
Bruce Ryburn Payne
Bryan Payton
Bukit Payong
Bundled payment
Buy here, pay here
Cachipay, Cundinamarca
Cahier d'un retour au pays natal
California Taxpayers Association
Cameron Artis-Payne
Cameron Payne
Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!
Can't Pay? Won't Pay!
Canadian Payroll Association
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Canadian transfer payments
Candie Payne
Capayn, Catamarca
Capayn Department
Capay, California
Carl Anthony Payne II
Carolyn R. Payton
Carrington and Payne's Reports
Catherine Paysan
Catherine Payton Phillips
C. D. Payne
Cecil (Bill) Payn
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
Cecil Payne Stadium
Cecil Rollo Payton Andrews
Cline Hervieux-Payette
Certified Payment-Card Industry Security Auditor
Certified Payment-Card Industry Security Manager
C. F. Payne
Chacras de Paysand
Chantal Payer
Chapayev and Void
Chapayev-class cruiser
Chapayev (game)
Chapayevka, Azerbaijan
Chapayevo Microdistrict
Charles Payne
Charles Payne (clergyman)
Charles Payne (television personality)
Charles Payot
Charles Payraudeau
Charles Payson
Charles Payton
Charles T. Payne
Charlie Paye
Charlie Paynter
Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals
Chase Paymentech
Chasnud-e Payan
Cherche fianc tous frais pays
CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh)
Chipaya language
Cholet-Pays de Loire
Chris Payne
Chris Payne (soccer)
Christopher Payne
Chroniques du pays des mres
Ciera Payton
City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters
City of Payneham
Claude-Franois de Payan
Claude Payton
Clearing House Interbank Payments System
Clement Payne
Clement Payne Movement
Clement W. Payton
Clube Esportivo Paysandu
Club Paysand Bella Vista
Cold weather payment
Columbus External Payload Facility
Commercial Lunar Payload Services
Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics
Committee to End Pay Toilets in America
Communaut d'agglomration du Pays Basque
Communaut d'agglomration du Pays de Fontainebleau
Communaut d'agglomration du Pays de Meaux
Communaut d'agglomration du Pays de Saint-Malo
Communaut d'agglomration du Pays de Saint-Omer
Communaut d'agglomration du Pays Voironnais
Communaut de communes C.I.A.T.E. du Pays Creuse-Thaurion-Gartempe
Communaut de communes Cur du Pays Fort
Communaut de communes des Pays d'Oise et d'Halatte
Communaut de communes des Pays d'Opale
Communaut de communes du Haut Pays Marchois
Communaut de communes du Pays Crois
Communaut de communes du pays d'Hricourt
Communaut de communes du Pays d'Issoudun
Communaut de communes du Pays de Bire
Communaut de communes du Pays de Bitche
Communaut de communes du Pays de Boussac
Communaut de communes du Pays de Chtenois
Communaut de communes du Pays de Colombey et du Sud Toulois
Communaut de communes du Pays de Coulommiers
Communaut de communes du Pays de Jeanne
Communaut de communes du Pays de l'Ourcq
Communaut de communes du Pays de la Faence de Desvres
Communaut de communes du Pays de la Gole et du Multien
Communaut de communes du Pays de Montereau
Communaut de communes du Pays de Saint-loy
Communaut de communes du Pays de Seine
Communaut de communes du Pays du Coquelicot
Communaut de communes du Pays Dunois
Communaut de communes du Pays Fertois
Communaut de communes du Pays Hamois
Communaut de communes du Pays Neslois
Communaut de communes du Pays Neufchtelois
Communaut de communes du Pays Sostranien
Communaut de communes Fercher Pays florentais
Communaut de communes Lisieux Pays d'Auge
Communaut de communes Pays de Nrondes
Communaut de communes Vierzon Pays des cinq Rivires
Comparison of payment systems
Compay Segundo
Contactless payment
Continuous payment authority
Continuous-repayment mortgage
Controlled payment number
Co-pay card
Counter-cyclical payment
COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
Creme de papaya
Crime Does Not Pay
Crime Does Not Pay (comics)
Crime Does Not Pay (film and radio series)
Crime Pays
Crime Pays (Willie Coln and Hctor Lavoe album)
Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payments System
CTV (pay television)
Current account (balance of payments)
Curve (payment card)
Custom House (global payments)
Cynthia Payne
Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car
Daniel Alexander Payne Murray
Daniel Payne
Daron Payne
Dasht Shomal-e Golpayegan
David Alpay
David Bruce-Payne
David Kopay
David L. Payne
David N. Payne
David Payet
David Paymer
David Payne
David Payne (hurdler)
David Paynter
David Payton
Days payable outstanding
Deficiency payments
Delivery versus payment
Depayin massacre
Dimitri Payet
Dipayal Silgadhi
Direct Payments
Discretionary Housing Payment
Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal
District Council of Payneham
Dividend payout ratio
Don't Pay the Ferryman
Donald G. Payne
Donald M. Payne
Donald Payne
Donald Payne (British Army soldier)
Donald Payne Jr.
Don Payne (writer)
Dorothy Payne Whitney
Double Trouble (George Jones and Johnny Paycheck album)
Down payment
Draft:Charles Payne (dance executive)
Draft:Stc Pay
Earnest payment
E-commerce credit card payment system
E-commerce payment system
Eddie N. Payne
Edgar Alwin Payne
Edward Payson Chapin
Edward Payson Evans
Edward Payson Ripley
Edward Payson Roe
Edward Payson Weston
Edward Saxton Payson
EELV Secondary Payload Adapter
Eilean Glas, Scalpay
E. J. Pay
El Baado, Capayn
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
Electronic Payment Services
Electronic Payments Network
Elfrid Payton
Eliseo Payn
Elizabeth Payne
Elsie Payne
Emergent Payments
mile Appay
Emilie Batrice Epaye
Emili Salut Pay
E. Payne Palmer House
Equalization payments
Equalization payments in Canada
Equal Pay Act
Equal Pay Act 1970
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Equal pay for equal work
Equitable Life (Payments) Act 2010
Eric Paytherus Nares
Estella Payton
Ethel L. Payne
tienne Payot
Eugene Beauharnais Payne
Eugene Payne
Eurocard (payment card)
Europay International
European Payment Order
European Payments Union
Experimental Geodetic Payload
Facilitating payment
Factora de Ficcin (pay television)
Factor payments
Fair Pay to Play Act
Faramarz Payvar
Faster Payments Service
F.C. Payam Mashhad
Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990
Felicito Payumo
First Vajpayee ministry
Fisher & Paykel
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Flora Payne Whitney
Fort Payne, Alabama
Fort Payne Depot Museum
Fort Payne Formation
For You (Liam Payne and Rita Ora song)
FosterPayne House
Franois Payard
Francois Payette
Frankland-Payne-Gallwey baronets
Frank Payne
Freda Payne
Freda Payne Sings the (Unauthorized) I Hate Barney Songbook: A Parody
Frederick G. Payne
Frederick Payne (umpire)
Frederick R. Payne Jr.
Frederick William Payn
Fred Payne
Fukuoka PayPay Dome
Funeral payment
Fuzzy pay-off method for real option valuation
Gangster Payday
Gare de Bercy-Bourgogne-Pays d'Auvergne
Gary Payton
Gary Payton (astronaut)
Gary Payton II
Gawad sa Kapayapaan
Gender pay gap
Gender pay gap in Australia
Gender pay gap in Russia
Gender pay gap in sports
General Schedule (US civil service pay scale)
Gens du pays
George David Payne
George Henry Payne
George Jones Sings the Great Songs of Leon Payne
George Payne
George Payne (actor)
George Payne Cossar
George Payne Rainsford James
George Paynter
German Taxpayers Federation
Get Low (Zedd and Liam Payne song)
Gilbert Gapay
Global Payments
Google Pay
Google Pay Send
G. Payne
Graduated payment mortgage loan
Gray's Papaya
Green papaya salad
Green payments
Gregorio Aglipay
Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega
Gustafson v. Payless Drug Stores NW, Inc.
Gustaf von Paykull
Gwyneth Horder-Payton
Hajjiabad-e Payabi
Hamdi Apaydn
Hand pay
Hard Work: Life in Low-pay Britain
Harold Payne
Harold Payson
Harry D. Payne
Harry Payne
Harry Payne Whitney
Harry Vearle Payne
Hashem Bathaie Golpayegani
Have a Good Funeral, My Friend... Sartana Will Pay
Have You Been Paying Attention?
Hazard Pay
Hazard pay
Health Insurance Premium Payment Program
Heartland Payment Systems
Hell to Pay
Hell to Pay (2011 film)
Hell to Pay (Giangreco book)
Hell to Pay (The Jeff Healey Band album)
Helmerich & Payne
Henry Clay Payne
Henry Nevil Payne
Henry Payne
Henry Payne (artist)
Henry Payne (engineer)
Henry Payson Dowst
Herbert Payne
Hilary Paynter
Holidays with Pay Act 1938
Holidays with Pay (Agriculture) Convention, 1952
Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936
Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised), 1970
Holidays with Pay (Sea) Convention, 1936
Holly Payne
Holy Week in Popayn
Home in Toa Payoh
Hornepayne Municipal Airport
Hornepayne Water Aerodrome
Hosted payload
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
Howard Payne
Howard Payne (athlete)
HowardPayne Junior College
Howard Payne University
Howard Pays
Howie Payne
How to Pay for the War
HSC Cecilia Payne
Htupayon Pagoda
Huamanripayco (Canchis)
Huamanripayoc (Arequipa)
Hug Payr
Hugues de Payens
Humfry Payne
Ian Payne
IDS Pay Report
If You Give a Dance, You Gotta Pay the Band
Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
Ilka Tanya Payn
Ilyas Shurpayev
Imeni Chapayeva
Immediate Payment Service
Incentive payments
Income-based repayment
Income-contingent repayment
Independent Payment Advisory Board
India Post Payments Bank
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Instant payment
Instant payment notification
Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army
International Paystar
International Standard Payload Rack
IP Payload Compression Protocol
IRIB Radio Payam
IRIS Paykan (2003)
IRIS Paykan (P224)
Isaac Payne
It Pays to Advertise
It Pays to Be Ignorant
I Will Repay (film)
Jack Payne
Jadav Payeng
Jafarabad, Kuhpayeh
Jameh Mosque of Golpayegan
James Arthur Payne
James Payn
James Payne
James Paynter
James R. Payton Jr.
James Spriggs Payne
Jandhyala Papayya Sastry
Javier Payeras
Jean-Claude Paye
Jeanne d'Arc Uwimanimpaye
Jefrey Payeras
Jessie Payne Margoliouth
Je Tsongkapay Ling
Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje
Jim Payne
Jio Payments Bank
Joan Whitney Payson
John Barton Payne
John Hill Paylor
John Howard Payne
Johnny Paycheck
John Otunba Payne
John Payak
John Paye
John Payn
John Payne
John Payne (actor)
John Payne (bishop of Meath)
John Payne Collier
John Payne (martyr)
John Paynter
John Paynter (RAF officer)
John Payntor
John Payton
John Payzant
John Somers Payne
Jo Marie Payton
Jordan Payton
Jorge Pay
Jos Payares
Joseph Cimpaye
Joseph-Franois de Payan
Joseph Kaipayil
Joseph Payne
Joseph Payne (musician)
Josh Payne
Judeo-Golpaygani language
Jules Payot
Julie Payette
Julie Payne
Julie Payne (actress, born 1940)
Julie Payne (actress, born 1946)
Julius von Payer
Juno and the Paycock
Juno and the Paycock (film)
K'allapayuq Urqu
Kalaripayattu in popular culture
Kalaripayattu stick-fighting
Kalateh-ye Payeh
KallangPaya Lebar Expressway
Kampong Rampayoh
Kanippayyur Shankaran Namboodiripad
Karde Pay
Karsandas Pay & Use
Katapayadi system
Katy Payne
K. Bapayya
Keith Payne
Kendall Payne
Kenny Payne
Keri-anne Payne
Kevin Payne
Khary Payton
Kherington Payne
Khit-San Sarpay
Khunik-e Pay Godar
Khyzyr Appayev
King Ncapayi
King Payne
Kirill Kopayev
Kollangudi Karuppayee
Konstantin Vyrupayev
Kuhpayeh-e Gharbi Rural District
Kuhpayeh-e Sharqi Rural District
Kuhpayeh Rural District
Kuhpayeh Sara
Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park
L'Alsace-Le Pays
La Bretagne ouvrire, paysanne et maritime
Latitia Payet
La matiouette ou l'arrire-pays
Late Payment Directive
Lawrence Papay
Lawrence Payton
Laws and regulations for electronic payment in Mauritius
Le Chemin, Paysage Meudon
Legislative district of Apayao
Legislative district of Kalinga-Apayao
Le Grand Paysage d'Alexis Droeven
Leonidas Warren Payne Jr.
Le Paysan de Paris
Le Pays (Burkina Faso)
Le Pays de la Sagouine
Le Pays Rel
Le Plat Pays
Les Belles Histoires des pays d'en haut
Leslie Payne
Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill
Lewis E. Payson
Lewis F. Payne Jr.
Lewis Payne
LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire
Liam Payne
Lilia Cuntapay
Lilia Podkopayeva
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
List of All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view events
List of awards and nominations received by Alexander Payne
List of barangays in Apayao
List of chteaux in the Pays-de-la-Loire
List of countries by papaya production
List of ECW supercards and pay-per-view events
List of FMW supercards and pay-per-view events
List of Impact Wrestling pay-per-view events
List of NJPW pay-per-view events
List of NWA/WCW closed-circuit events and pay-per-view events
List of online payment service providers
List of papaya diseases
List of Ring of Honor pay-per-view events
List of Trisha Paytas performances
List of Tyler Perry's House of Payne episodes
List of WWA pay-per-view events
List of WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network events
Lith Payam
Live Forever (Liam Payne song)
Live Now, Pay Later
Loan deficiency payments
Los Payasos de la Tele
Loss payee clause
Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani
Love Now, Pay Later
LP1 (Liam Payne album)
Maciej Payszko
Maciej Payski
Mag Payn
Make It Funky The Big Payback: 19711975
Making off without payment
Making Work Pay tax credit
Malampaya gas field
Malampaya Sound
Malaysian Electronic Payment System
Mandy Payne
Manipay Ladies' College
Manoj Bajpayee
Maria Papayanni
Marise Payne
Marita Payne
Marketing loan repayment provisions
Market loss payments
Market transition payments
Mark Payne
Mark Payne (make-up artist)
Mark Payton
Marriage la faon du pays
Marta Arce Payno
MAS Electronic Payment System
Mathias Payer
Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Max Payne 3
Max Payne (film)
Max Payne (video game)
Maxx Payne
Mazraeh-ye Morad Ali Pay Moradi
Meandrusa payeni
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
Medicare Prompt Pay Correction Act
Memphis Depay
Merit pay
Metinee Kingpayom
Michael H. Payne
Michael Paymar
Michael Payne
Michael Paynter
Michael Payton
Michael "Clip" Payne
Michelle Payne
Mick Paynter
Micropterix paykullella
Microsoft Pay
Mifal HaPayis
Mike Payne (physicist)
Military payment certificate
Milk Income Loss Contract Payments
Mil Pay Mil
Milton J. Payne
Ministry of Pay and Prices
Mir (payment system)
Misleydis Compay
Mobile payment
Mobile payments in India
Mochokiella paynei
Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani
Mohammad-Reza Golpaygani
Mong Hpayak
Mong Hpayak District
Mong Hpayak Township
Mon Pays
Mon Pays (disambiguation)
Mon Pays (Faudel song)
More Pay, Less Work
Morris B. Payne
Mountain papaya
Mr. Payback: An Interactive Movie
Mugdha Vaishampayan
Multi-Payload Processing Facility
Murder of Sarah Payne
Muse du Pays Chtillonnais
Muse du Pays de Hanau
Mustering-out Payment Act
Napster (pay service)
Narbi Payeh Chaharqash
National Debt Repayment Movement
National Payments Corporation of India
National Taxpayers Union
Nature et Paysages
Navy Pay Office (Royal Navy)
Neal Maupay
Need for Speed Payback
Nellie M. Payne
New Payments Platform
Newtownabbey Ratepayers' Association
Nicholas Payton
Nicola Payne
Nicolas Payen
Nicolas Roland Payen
Nikolay Neklepayev
Nissanka Latha Mandapaya
No Budget, No Pay Act
No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013
No Down Payment
Nol Paymal Lerebours
No Jab, No Pay
No Matter How Much You Promise to Cook or Pay the Rent You Blew It Cauze Bill Bailey Ain't Never Coming Home Again
Nonfarm payrolls
No purchase, no pay
No Stranger to Danger (Payolas album)
No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
Nuestra Seora del Rosario y San Benito de Palermo, Paysand
Nuevo Paysand
Canada! mon pays, mes amours
Office of Ratepayer Advocates
Office of the Taxpayer Advocate
Oidium caricae-papayae
Oink (payment service)
Oleg Kopayev
Oleksandr Apaychev
Olga Rapay-Markish
Oliver Hazard Payne
Oliver Payne and Nick Relph
Oliver Payne Pearson
Ollie Payne
Omid Payrow Shabani
Online Banking ePayments
Open Payment Initiative
Operation Payback
Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science
Orchestre national des Pays de la Loire
Oswaldo Pay
Otto Arnold von Paykull
OVO (payment service)
Oyster card (pay as you go) on National Rail
Pain of paying
Pakare Paye Arts Centre
Panpayak Sitchefboontham
Papaya Bull
Papaya Coconut
Papaya (group)
Papaya lethal yellowing virus
Papaya, Love Goddess of the Cannibals
Papaya ringspot virus
Papaya Suzuki
Papaye Peasant Movement
Pappayude Swantham Appoos
Parassala Pachan Payyannur Paramu
Parpay-ye Pain
Partial payment
Pay 'n Pak
Pay 'n Save
Paya Besar
Payable on Death
Payable on Death Live
Payable-through account
Paya, Boyac
Paya, Darin
Paya (food)
Payagua language
Paya, Inc.
Payak Nakornluang
Paya language
Payal Assembly Constituency
Payal Dev
Paya Lebar Air Base
Paya Lebar Single Member Constituency
Payal, India
Payal Malhotra
Payame Noor University
Payam Feili
Payaml, Adyaman
Payammal Shatrughna Temple
Payam Mokhaberat Shiraz F.C.
Payanam (2011 film)
Payanam (disambiguation)
Payanangal Mudivathillai
Pay and display
Pay and Display (TV series)
Payang Town
Payan Rafat
Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War
Payao Poontarat
Payap University
Payar Island
Paya Sazeh FSC
Payas Belediyespor 2011 (men's volleyball)
Payaso (1986 film)
Payasos Sin Fronteras
Pay As U Go
Pay as You Earn (PAYE)
Pay-as-you-earn tax
Pay as You Exit
Pay as you go
Pay-as-you-go pension plan
Pay as you throw
Payatas dumpsite
Payatas landslide
Pay at the pump
Payaya people
Payback (1995 film)
Payback (1999 film)
Payback 2
Payback (2013)
Payback (2014)
Payback (2015)
Payback (2016)
Payback (2020)
Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth
Payback period
Payback Time
Payback (TV series)
Payback (video game)
Pay bands
Pay-by-phone parking
Pay-by-plate parking
Pay Cards!
Paycheck Fairness Act
Paycheck (film)
Paycheck (novelette)
Paycheck Protection Program
Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act
Paycocke's House and Garden
Pay Commission
Pay Day
Pay Day (1922 film)
Payday (1972 film)
Payday 2
Payday (2018 film)
Pay Day (board game)
PayDay (confection)
Payday loan
Payday loans in the United Kingdom
Payday: The Heist
Paydushko horo
Pay-e Borj
Payee Lake
Payel De
Payel Sarkar
Payena acuminata
Payena leerii
Payena longipedicellata
Payena microphylla
Payen Arbalte
Payena selangorica
Payen Pa.101
Payen PA-22
Payen Pa.47
Payen Pa 49
Payerne Air Base
Payerne District
Payerne Priory
Payer Peak
Payervand-e Tekyeh
Payetakht-e Golzar
Payetakht-e Talkor
Payette, Idaho
Payette National Forest
Pay-e Zebr
Pay for It
Pay for performance
Pay for performance (healthcare)
Pay for the Printer
Pay grade
Paying for It
Paying Guest
Paying Guests
Paying It Forward
Paying public domain
Paying the Price of Love
Payippadu Vallam Kali
Pay It
Payitaht: Abdlhamid
Pay it forward
Pay it forward (disambiguation)
Pay It Forward (film)
Pay It Forward (novel)
Paykan F.C.
Paykan Tehran Sports Club
Paykan Tehran VC
Paykar Khan Igirmi Durt
Pay-Khoy Ridge
Paykullia maculata
Pay Less
Payless Cashways
Payless (footwear retailer)
Pay Less Super Markets
Payload Assist Module
Payload (computing)
Payload fairing
Payload fraction
Payload Operations and Integration Center
Payload specialist
Paylor baronets
Payman Maadi
Paymaster General
Paymaster of Pensions
Paymaster of the Forces
Pay Me!
Pay Me My Money Down
Payment and settlement systems in India
Payment bond
Payment card
Payment card industry
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
Payment card interchange fee and merchant discount antitrust litigation
Payment card number
Payment for ecosystem services
Payment gateway
Payment in kind
Payment in lieu of taxes
Payment limitations (agriculture)
Payment on Demand
Payment order
Payment processor
Payment protection insurance
Payments as a service
Payments Associations
Payments bank
Payments Canada
Payments Council
Payment service provider
Payment Services Act 2019
Payment Services Directive
Payment system
Payment terminal
Pay Money to My Pain
Payne's Creek
Payne's Creek National Park
Payne's grey
PayneAldrich Tariff Act
Payne Arena
Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism
Payne baronets
Payne Brothers
Payne Creek
Payne effect
Payne Field
Payne Fisher
Payne Fund Studies
Payne, Georgia
Payneham, South Australia
Payneham South, South Australia
Payne House
Payne House (Greensboro, Alabama)
Payne I.C.1
Payne Jennings Jr.
Payne Knight Twister
Payne Lake
Payne Lake (Quebec)
Payne Lindsey
Payne Midyette
Payne (name)
Payne, Ohio
Payne, Oklahoma
Payne Ratner
Paynes Creek, California
Paynes Find, Western Australia
Paynes Point, Illinois
Payne Springs, Texas
Payne Stewart
Paynesville, Indiana
Paynesville, Liberia
Paynesville, Minnesota
Paynesville, Missouri
Payne v Cave
Payneville, Kentucky
Payne v. Tennessee
Payne Whitney
Payne Whitney Gymnasium
Payne Whitney House
Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic
Pay No Mind (Snoozer)
Payn Tiptoft
Payo de Ojeda
Payoff, Inc.
Pay Off Your Mortgage in Two Years
Payola (Desaparecidos album)
Payola (disambiguation)
Payola (Northern Irish band)
Payom Sinawat
Pay or Die
Pay Ostan
Pay Our Military Act
Payoyo cheese
Pay Pack & Follow
PayPal 14
PayPal Credit
PayPal Mafia
Pay-per-call advertising
Pay per play
Pay per sale
Payphone (song)
Payraudeautia nubila
Payrav Sulaymoni
Payroll giving
Payroll Room
Payroll service bureau
Payroll tax
Paysach Krohn
Paysafe Group
Paysage Bords de Seine
Paysage color aux oiseaux aquatiques
Paysage d'Hiver
Paysandisia archon
Paysand Airport
Paysand Department
Paysand (disambiguation)
Paysand F.C.
Paysandu Sport Club
Pay scale
Pays d'Aix FC
Pays d'Aix Universit Club
Pays d'Auge
Pays d'lection
Pays d'en Haut
Pays-d'Enhaut District
Pays d'tats
Pays de Bitche
Pays de Bray
Pays de Buch
Pays de Caux
Pays de France
Pays de Herve
Pays de la Loire
Pays de la Me
Pays des Olonnes Basket
Pays (France)
Pays interdit
Pays Noir
Payson Airport
Payson, Arizona
Payson Center for International Development
Paysonia auriculata
Paysonia lescurii
Paysonia lyrata
Paysonia perforata
Paysonia stonensis
Payson, Illinois
Payson J. Treat
Payson National Forest
Payson Park
Payson Sherman
Payson, Utah
Pays Plat First Nation
Pays Plat Water Aerodrome
Paytakaran (city)
Pay Takht-e Varzard
Pay Taq
Pay Tavah
Pay television
Pay the Devil
Pay the Devil (Ooo, Baby, Ooo)
Pay the Girl
Pay the Girl (album)
Pay the Piper
Pay the Rent
Pay to Cum
Pay to fly
Pay toilet
Payton d'Oro
Payton Jordan
Payton Pritchard
Payton Smith
Payton v. New York
Pay to play
Pay to surf
Payung dance
Payn Matr
Payut Ngaokrachang
Pay what you can
Pay what you want
Pay Without Performance
Payyanad, Manjeri
Payyan dynasty
Payyannur Pavithra ring
Payyanur College
Payyanur Taluk
Payyavula Keshav
Pay-ye Qaleh
Pay-ye Tal
Payzac, Ardche
Payzac, Dordogne
Pediatric spaying
Performance-related pay
PerryPayne Building
Petaw Payan
Philip A. Payton Jr.
Phillips Payson Jr.
Phillips v. Payne
Phoenix pay system
Phoma caricae-papayae
Pick 'n Pay
Pick'n Pay Fast One
Pick n Pay Stores
Pierre-Adrien Dalpayrat
Pierre Payss
Pingping (payment)
Pip Paine (Pay the 5000 You Owe)
Plexippus paykulli
Polaroid (Jonas Blue, Liam Payne and Lennon Stella song)
POLi Payments
Polluter pays principle
Poonsapaya Navawongs na Ayudhya
Popayn Oldfield mouse
Popayn Province
Port of Payra
Potentially dangerous taxpayer
Potter Payper
Prayudh Payutto
Premiership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Prem Ratan Dhan Payo
Prepayment meter
Prepayment of loan
Pseudaclytia popayanum
Publish What You Pay
Qaleh-ye Payan
QR code payment
Quilapayn (album)
Quilapayn Chante Neruda
Quinn Paynter
"Sunshine" Sonny Payne
Rachel Cosgrove Payes
Rachel Payne
Rahe Bipayan
Ralph Frankland-Payne-Gallwey
Ralph Payne, 1st Baron Lavington
Ralph Paynel
Ramn Sampayo Ortiz
Rancho Caada de Capay
Ratepayers' Association
Realex Payments
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas
Rehoboth Ratepayers' Association
Ren Le Pays
Renewable Energy Payments
Rent Repayment Order
Repayment plan
Reserva Provincial La Payunia
Reverse payment patent settlement
Rhyme Pays
Richard Payl
Richard Payne
Richard Payne Knight
Richard Selwyn Payne
Ripple (payment protocol)
Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut District
Robert B. Payne
Roberto Payn
Roberto Payr
Robert Payne
Robert Payne (author)
Robert Payne (Huntingdonshire MP)
Robert Payne (natural philosopher)
Robert Payne Smith
Robert Paynswick
Robert Paynter
Roger Payne
Rolph Payet
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Popayn
Ron Payne
Rosemary Payne
Rouge du Pays
Royal Army Pay Corps
Royal Australian Army Pay Corps
Royalty payment
RTP payload formats
Ruby K. Payne
Ruby Payne-Scott
Rufus Payne
Rupayi Raja
Rural Municipality of Paynton No. 470
Rural Payments Agency
Russell Payne
Russell Payne (soccer)
Sagetdao Petpayathai
Salah Payahs
Salin Supaya
Salut toi, pays de nos aeux
Samantha Payne
Samart Payakaroon
San Juan de Payara
San Pedro, Capayn
Sapaywis, California
Sarah Payne
Sarah Payne (actress)
Sarah Payne (prison governor)
Sara Payne
Sarpay Beikman
Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Awards
Saudi Payments Network
Say on pay
Scalpay, Inner Hebrides
Scalpay, Outer Hebrides
Scherrie Payne
Seafarers' Annual Leave with Pay Convention, 1976
Sean Payne
Sebastian Payne
Secondary payload
Second Vajpayee ministry
Secure Mobile Payment Service
Seh Payeh-e Ziarat-e Gonbad
Senator Payne
Senator Paynter (disambiguation)
Serdar Apaydn
Sereno E. Payne
SGR Repeal and Medicare Provider Payment Modernization Act of 2014
Shahrak-e Chah Payab Chah Shatt
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
Shenbagavalli Amman Temple, Payanam
Short Payment Descriptor
Shurcheh, Golpayegan
Siege of Paysand
Sigismund Payne Best
Simpay (company)
Sin's Pay Day
Single Euro Payments Area
Single Farm Payment
Single-payer healthcare
Six Degrees of Separation from Lilia Cuntapay
Sixth Central Pay Commission
Small Payload Quick Return
Soldier of Fortune: Payback
Soldiers' Pay
Soviet cruiser Vasily Chapayev
Spare Change Payments
Spay, Germany
Special Occupational Taxpayers
Specie Payment Resumption Act
Split payment
Spriggs Payne Airport
Standing Commission on Pay Comparability
Stanislaus Paysama
Stanley G. Payne
Starman (Will Payton)
Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010
Statutory sick pay
Stefan Payne
Stellar (payment network)
Step 2 payments
Stephen Payn
Stephen Payne
Stephen Payne (lobbyist)
Stephen Payne (naval architect)
Stephen Payne (soccer)
Stephen Payton
Steve Payne
Stewart Payne
Strike pay
Substantially equal periodic payments
Suea Sung Fah II: Payak Payong
Sue C. Payton
Sue Pann Khwai Thwe Bayet Hnint Pay Ywat Leik Nahtaung Sin
Suicide of Payal Tadvi
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
Supay Q'asa
Swedish Taxpayers' Association
Sylvia Payne
Symphony No. 3 (Elgar/Payne)
Systemically important payment systems
Take-or-pay contract
Talampaya National Park
Tapayuna language
Taqanpay-e Patakeh
Tarapaya Canton
Tax credit overpayment
Taxi Payant
Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Taxpayer Choice Act
Taxpayer First Act
Taxpayer Identification Number
Taxpayer March on Washington
Taxpayer receipt
Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
TaxPayers' Alliance
Taxpayers' money
Taxpayers for Common Sense
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act
TER Pays de la Loire
The Big Payoff
The Children Pay
The Chinese Paymaster
The Clearing House Payments Company
The Devil Pays Off
The Devil to Pay
The Devil to Pay!
The Devil to Pay (Ellery Queen novel)
The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
The Devil to Pay (opera)
The Half-Pay Officers
The King of England Will Not Pay
Theodore Payne Foundation
The Payback
The Payne Family Native American Center
The Paynes
The Payoff
The Payoff (1978 film)
The Pitman's Pay
The Price to Pay
The Public Pays
The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback!
The Scent of Green Papaya
The Skills Dat Pay da Bills
The Taxpayer (Luxembourg)
The Yellow Payges
Third Vajpayee ministry
Thomas de Sampayo
Thomas H. Paynter
Thomas Payment
Thomas Payne
Thomas Payne (disambiguation)
Thomas Payne (soldier)
Those Who Pay With Their Lives
Thrifty PayLess
Thryptomene 'F.C. Payne'
Tikdar-e Pay Sang
Tim Payne
Tiquipaya, Santa Cruz
Toa Payoh
Toa Payoh Bus Interchange
Toa Payoh Group Representation Constituency
Toa Payoh Public Library
Toa Payoh ritual murders
Toa Payoh Single Member Constituency
Tomb of Payava
Tom Payne (actor)
Toni Payne
Tony Payne
Tony Payne (athlete)
Tony Payton
Topher Payne
To rob Peter to pay Paul
Transaction payments as a service
Transfer payment
Travis Payze
Treaty of Payne's Landing
Trip Payne
Trisha Paytas
Tuition payments
Tupay Loong
Tupay Tuqtu
TVyNovelas Award for Best Program of Pay Television
Twilight Payment
Tyler Perry's House of Payne
Tynyshpayev Regional Museum of Local History
Tyro Payments
UK Payments Administration
Unified Payments Interface
Universitario Popayn
Upaya Institute and Zen Center
Upayas (diplomacy)
UruChipaya languages
USS Papaya (AN-49)
USS Paysandu
Vaccine Damage Payment Act 1979
Vadym Sapay
Vajpayee Arogyasri Yojana
Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly
Varpay-e Olya
Varpay-e Sofla
Vasily Chapayev
Victor d'Hupay
Victor Payne
Viktor Papayev
Vin de pays
Vinveli Payana Kurippugal
Vishwanath Vaishampayan
Vishwa Vikhyatharaya Payyanmar
Volumetric production payment
V Pay
V. Suppaya Naicker
Wage payment systems
Walling v. Helmerich & Payne, Inc.
Walter Payton
Walter Payton College Prep
Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award
Wamanripayuq (disambiguation)
Wamanripayuq (Hunuco)
Warrant of payment
Wham Paymaster robbery
Who's Nailin' Paylin?
Who Breaks... Pays
Wilbur B. Payne
Wilfred Payton (priest)
William Farquhar Payson
William H. F. Payne
William Oscar Payne
William Payne
William Payne-Gallwey
William Payne Jackson
William Paynel
William Payne (pantomimist)
William Payne (sheriff)
Wilson, Sompayrac & Urquhart
Winter Fuel Payment
Winter Pays for Summer
Wireless payment
Worldpay Group
Worldpay, Inc.
World Spay Day
WPAY (Portsmouth, Ohio)
WWE Payback
Xipaya language
Yekaterina Podkopayeva
You'll Pay for This
You Will Have to Pay
Zachary Payne
Zelle (payment service)
Ziyaretpayaml, Adyaman
Zong (payments provider)

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last updated: 2022-02-04 09:36:20
329202 site hits